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Telekinesis versus Vehicles



In the Champions campaign that I'm currently running one of my players who is a powerful mentalist ended the session by using his Telekensis power (Psychokinesis as described on page 295 of Book I) in an attempt to stop the escape of the super villain team in their jet aircraft. The power seems simple enough in what weight it can lift etc but I'm unsure how an aircrafts thrust might affect this. Given that the power has line-of-sight might an opposed strength roll be appropriate?


In this particular instance his Telekinesis strength is 86 (after adding in his Absorbtion power) and the aircraft he is trying to stop in mid-air weighs 50 tonnes with a strength of 55, size 9 and a maximum speed of sevral thousand miles per hour)


Many thanks.

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Re: Telekinesis versus Vehicles


First, unless he's paid for the Line Of Sight (+1/2) Advantage, Telekinesis isn't a LOS power; it has a range (and Range Modifier) per the normal rules. So that may affect things.


Beyond that, the rules for stopping moving objects with STR (6E2 26) are what you'd use to resolve this situation. Though with 86 STR involved I expect this character has a pretty good shot at stopping that jet. ;)

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