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Welcoming Women Who Game


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Re: Welcoming Women Who Game


This is something that REALLY bothers me. I used to work in a video store, and I can't tell you how many times a parent or grandparent would be in renting their 8-14 year old kid Halo or Call of Duty or somesuch. And, as was required of me by both store policy and state law, I'd ask the adult "are you aware that this is a Mature-rated game, intended for those 18 years or older?" And more often then not, the reply was "Well, it's just shooting and stuff. There's no sex in it."


This, to me, is a TOTALLY BACKWARD way of thinking. Look at it this way: Every single person, at some point in their life, will have to come to terms with their view on sex and sexuality. Even if it is to live a celibate life and not be sexually involved at all, they still have to make that decision. By contrast, VERY FEW people, especially in modern America, will have to really come to grips with the potential of taking a human life. And yet everyone seems far, FAR more comfortable with giving us endless ways to explore how to introduce another living human being to his spleen then helping us decide how we really feel about breasts.


Yeah, I was being a little flip, but the basic point is that we focus so much of our "entertainment" energy on violence, and yet so little of it on sex, compared to the roles they play in our actual lives.


On a side note, if you haven't seen the documentary "This Film Not Yet Rated," see it. It's a real eye opener. Someone in the movie raises an excellent point, which I shall paraphrase:


You take a James Bond movie, and Jimmy blows away two hundred guys in ten minutes, yet there's no blood or even visible wounds. Compare to a movie like The Godfather, where they kill just over a dozen people, but do so in horrific, brutal fashion. The former instance of violence is cleaned and sanitized and firmly in the realm of fantasy, while the latter showcases the horrific consequences of violence. The more mature mind is the one capable of realizing that the former is an unrealistic, "fantasized" portrayal of violence, so it's the FORMER sequence that should receive the more mature rating.


As the father of a teenage daughter, I would like to reply this. My daughter enjoys violent action movies, but I have complete confidence that she is not going to go out and blow away a shopping mall. She knows that what she sees in action movies is fantasy stuff that you "should not try at home". Indeed research shows that all but the youngest kids are aware of this. You can show a six year old child an action and at the end ask them if it was real. The majority of six year old children will correctly identify it as pretend stuff. If you follow up the question with "how do you know it was pretend", the average six year old can cite specific things from the movie that were different from how they are in real life - such as the absence of blood and such.


However, while I am not worried about my daughter blowing away a shopping mall, I am worried about her having sex. The difference, of course, being that I know that she will never go on a killing spree and I know that one day she will have sex (assuming she hasn't already). I just don't want that day to be too soon. From a biological stance, my little girl is a woman but from societal position she is still a child. She needs to get through school and hopefully find herself a career before she starts making babies.


Since I am already fighting biology in keeping my daughter away from sex, I do not want to be fighting mass entertainment industry as well. Both sex and violence sell, but it is a lot cheaper to insert a sex scene into a piece of entertainment than a chase scene. So if we as a society become less "prudish" about sex, I am worried that we will soon be drowning in it (even more than we are now) simply for economic reasons. This will make the job of parents wishing to keep their kids focused on their studies even harder than it is already.

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Re: Welcoming Women Who Game


Most other women gamers that I have met IRL and online just want to game. They don't want to be flirted with OOC and find the drooling geek guy(s) just tiresome. Also the condescending 'helpful' guy that tries to play your character for you (because a woman can't possibly know the rules). I do find that most women are more willing and do like games that feature relationships with the NPC's. Those games just engage us better than games that are just about combat. Unfortunatly most guys either can't or won't run those games or when they do they skip the relationship parts and skip to the boring sex part.


I'm sorry they've had those experiences in gaming groups. Interestingly, most of the groups I've played in have had a fair degree of emphasis on RPing romantic relationships and friendships, and the males were generally competent. With only one of the groups having a female player, I have limited direct experience to draw upon, but I can say that the player in question was treated quite respectfully and the only flirting which took place was in character. I'd have a hard time running/playing a game where there weren't PC-PC or PC-NPC relationships. I'd also have a hard time running a game where nobody had a sex drive or a sex life.

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Re: Welcoming Women Who Game


Also the condescending 'helpful' guy that tries to play your character for you (because a woman can't possibly know the rules).


I can relate to this; it happened to me from the other direction. I've had women at the table try to tell me how to run my character.


I imagine it's not welcome no matter who's doing it.


Lucius Alexander


It's not the palindromedary's character, it's not Steve Long's character, it's not the Supreme Court's character...

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Re: Welcoming Women Who Game I've been tinkering with fembot write ups for years now. I've said I would not do a male version becaue I thought a female should do that. But I've come to the conclusion that no one is going to, so I might as well. But I am going to ask: What have I left out? What have I included that does not belong, or is not necessary? Thank you.


Mandroid Model 125/50

Val Char Cost Roll Notes

15 STR 5 12- Lift 200.0kg; 3d6 [1]

13 DEX 6 12- OCV: 4/DCV: 5

13 CON 3 12-

18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13-/16-

0 EGO 0 9- ECV: 3 - 3

15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6

4 OCV 5

5 DCV 10

3 OMCV 0

3 DMCV 0

3 SPD 10 Phases: 4, 8, 12

6 PD 3 Total: 6 PD (1 rPD)

6 ED 3 Total: 6 ED (1 rED)

5 REC 1

20 END 0

10 BODY 0

20 STUN 0

Total Characteristic Cost: 56


Movement: Running: 9m/12m/18m/24m Leaping: 4m/8m Swimming: 4m/8m Cost


Powers END

3 I am sturdy and durable: Resistant Protection (1 PD/1 ED) 0

1 I come when called: Running +3m (9m/12m total) (3 Active Points); Conditional Power When called (-1) 1 1 You have my attention: +3 PER with Normal Hearing (3 Active Points); Perceivable (-½), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout use of Constant Power (½ DCV; -½) 0

1 I am a tireless worker: Life Support (Sleeping: Character only has to sleep 8 hours per week) 0

1 I can hold my breath: Life Support (Extended Breathing: 1 END per Turn) 0

5 I am sterilized for your protection: Life Support (Immunity: All terrestrial diseases) 0

2 Self repair: Regeneration (1 BODY per Week) 0

2 It's detachable: Stretching 1m, x3 body dimension, 3 Recoverable Continuing Charges lasting 1 Hour each (+¾) (14 Active Points); Very Limited Body Part (-1), OAF (-1), Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Only to Activate, -¾), Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (INT Drain; -½), Cannot Do Damage (-½), no Noncombat Stretching (-¼), No Velocity Damage (-¼), Always Direct (-¼), Conditional Power Power does not work if more than 3 meters from owner (-¼), Conditional Power Activates only on owner's verbal command or manual operation (-¼) [3 rc]



Maneuver OCV DCV Notes

4 Martial Block +2 +2 Block, Abort

4 Martial Disarm -1 +1 Disarm; 25 STR to Disarm

3 Martial Grab -1 -1 Grab Two Limbs, 25 STR for holding on

3 Martial Throw +0 +1 3d6 +v/10, Target Falls



2 I follow instructions: Eidetic Memory (5 Active Points); Limited Power To remember orders (-1)

3 Dormancy Mode: Simulate Death

4 Seductive by design: +2/+2d6 Striking Appearance (vs. [Human females])



2 Good with kids: Gambling (Children's Games) 13-

3 Handy and helpful: Mechanics 13-

3 Handy and helpful: Electronics 13- 3

Never an embarrasment: High Society 12-

3 I can be anything you want me to be: Acting 12-

2 I can bend over backwards for you: Contortionist 10-

3 Did you hear about....: Conversation 12-

2 I am trained in basic first aid: Paramedics 10-

3 I love you: Charm 12-

3 Read Mistress AKA Analyze Desires: Analyze: Skill to "size up" a woman's preferences (general, long term desires) and moods (what she feels like right now) 13- 0


Automatons do not get "Everyman" Skills for free

4 1) Language: One common language with literacy (idiomatic)

1 2) Concealment 8-

1 3) Climbing 8-

1 4) Stealth 8-

1 5) Computer Programming 8-


3 Scholar

2 1) Getting to know you: KS: Owner (3 Active Points) 13-

1 2) How would you like to try...: KS: Currently popular entertainments, diversions, or hobbies (2 Active Points) 11-

2 3) What would you like to talk about?: KS: General (i.e. programmed to carry on at least a shallow conversation on common topics) (3 Active Points) 13-


3 Jack of All Trades

2 1) PS: Childcare (INT) (3 Active Points) 13-

2 2) PS: Cook (INT) (3 Active Points) 13-

2 3) PS: Dance (DEX) (3 Active Points) 12-

2 4) PS: Housekeeping (INT) (3 Active Points) 13-

2 5) PS: Massage (STR) (3 Active Points) 12-

2 6) PS: Personal Servant (INT) (3 Active Points) 13-

2 7) PS: Sing (PRE) (3 Active Points) 12-


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 99 Total Cost: 155


175+ Matching Complications

125 Base Points

15 Dependence: Takes 3d6 Damage + Incompetence: -1 to Skill Rolls + Weakness: -3 to Characteristic Rolls, “I exist to serve” Dependence on Owner / Programmed self-destruction. For each day forcibly separated from owner and/or prevented from actively rendering service, mandroid takes 3d6 damage, and suffers incompetence and weakness as per Dependence. (This keeps anyone from stealing your mandroid) , 1 Day

30 Susceptibility: Self-destruct failsafe: triggerred by any of: Owner's command, Manufacturer's signal, successful Mind Control or Telepathy past "surface thoughts" or any other attempt to tamper with, disassemble, or reverse-engineer either software or hardware without Manufacturer's passcodes 3d6 damage per Segment (Uncommon)

5 Psychological Complication: Avoids the company of women, except owner (Uncommon; Moderate)


Total Complications Points: 155


Background/History: From the Owner's Manual Your mandroid has certain requirements that must be met to prevent cessation of function and voiding of the warranty. Constant exposure to an Earthlike oxygenated atmosphere: Do not store your mandroid in enclosed space without ventilation. Do not block air intake for periods greater than 5 minutes. Your mandroid is capable of operating in water but should not remain completely submerged longer than 5 minutes, less if the mandroid is being very active. DO NOT EXPOSE TO HARD VACUUM. Unless special ordered or provided appropriate equipment, a mandroid's tolerances for pressue and temperature are approximately those of an average Earthborn Human. Sustenance: A well balanced diet is optimal for long term high performance. Neglecting to feed your mandroid for three days in a row will void the warranty, as will failure to provide a constant, ready supply of potable water. A mandroid will also need facilities for the disposal of organic waste products. Attention and Guidance: Once a mandroid imprints on an owner, the imprinting is irreversable. Your imprinted mandroid exists to serve you. Long periods without contact or instructions are problematic. If your mandroid cannot perceive that it is serving a useful (defined as serving or pleasing you in some way) function, the unit will cease to function at all, eventually shut down, and begin to deteriorate.


Personality/Motivation: Programmable.


Quote: "Yes Dear."


Powers/Tactics: Standard Features: Heavy duty construction: A standard mandroid can lift (but not carry) 200 kg and is tough enough to withstand moderately rough use. Self repair: a damaged mandroid can usually repair itself over time. Sleep mode: only required for 1 hr in 24 Dormancy mode: a safety feature to prevent damage, the mandroid may become dormant in an emegency. Self destruct: A security feature ensuring a mandroid may not be stolen or compromised. And of course, your mandroid is designed and programmed to be a perfect companion.


Campaign Use: Mandroid Model 125/50 is built on 125 points plus 50 points of Complications, suitable for a standard heroic game. 20 points are left unspent for optional customization and/or skills not yet programmed. Available for sale (175 pt follower for 35 pts) or lease (Summon 175 pt Mandroid 35 pts, (+1 advantage for slavishly devoted 70 pts,) delivery to reasonable locations only (-½ limit “must inhabit locale”) allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery (-5 limit extra time)


Appearance: How do you want yours to look? Mandroid character sheet by Lucius Alexander Copyright Palindromedary Enterprises

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Re: Welcoming Women Who Game


The Mandroid should have heightened hearing perception and broader Eidetic Memory, for purposes of precisely remembering everything his owner says to him, even if it's barely audible. Knowing how his mistress wants him to respond is another skill, though perhaps conversation and KS: Owner is sufficient to cover this.

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Re: Welcoming Women Who Game


What features would a Mandroid intended for a homosexual male have?


Edit: Or a fembot for a lesbian for that matter?


Aside from being conversant in various sub-cultural topics, I can't really think of anything too different from the listed writeup. I'd note that KS/PS related to sexual technique(and performance thereof) was omitted.

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Re: Welcoming Women Who Game


However, while I am not worried about my daughter blowing away a shopping mall, I am worried about her having sex. The difference, of course, being that I know that she will never go on a killing spree and I know that one day she will have sex (assuming she hasn't already). I just don't want that day to be too soon. From a biological stance, my little girl is a woman but from societal position she is still a child. She needs to get through school and hopefully find herself a career before she starts making babies.


Since I am already fighting biology in keeping my daughter away from sex, I do not want to be fighting mass entertainment industry as well. Both sex and violence sell, but it is a lot cheaper to insert a sex scene into a piece of entertainment than a chase scene. So if we as a society become less "prudish" about sex, I am worried that we will soon be drowning in it (even more than we are now) simply for economic reasons. This will make the job of parents wishing to keep their kids focused on their studies even harder than it is already.

Have you ever considered teaching her the unreasilms of sex-scenes in films? I mean you say she can take fake and real violence appart. Are you certain she can't do the same with played sex and realm sex?

Or could it be the lack of information that makes her more gulible to believe "everything she sees in the movies"? (Everybody knows "wounds = blood")


The Mandroid should have heightened hearing perception and broader Eidetic Memory' date=' for purposes of precisely remembering everything his owner says to him, even if it's barely audible. Knowing how his mistress wants him to respond is another skill, though perhaps conversation and KS: Owner is sufficient to cover this.[/quote']

How about "Analyze Owner"?

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Re: Welcoming Women Who Game


Have you ever considered teaching her the unreasilms of sex-scenes in films? I mean you say she can take fake and real violence appart. Are you certain she can't do the same with played sex and realm sex?

Or could it be the lack of information that makes her more gulible to believe "everything she sees in the movies"? (Everybody knows "wounds = blood")



How about "Analyze Owner"?


I think Lucius already has that one listed on the writeup.

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Re: Welcoming Women Who Game



3 Jack of All Trades

2 1) PS: Childcare (INT) (3 Active Points) 13-

2 2) PS: Cook (INT) (3 Active Points) 13-

2 3) PS: Dance (DEX) (3 Active Points) 12-

2 4) PS: Housekeeping (INT) (3 Active Points) 13-

2 5) PS: Massage (STR) (3 Active Points) 12-

2 6) PS: Personal Servant (INT) (3 Active Points) 13-

2 7) PS: Sing (PRE) (3 Active Points) 12-


Is it not ironic that Mandroid's Jack Of All Trades index is composed of so called "pink-collar" jobs that are traditionally occupied by women?




A list from wiki:

  • Babysitter / day care worker / nanny
  • Cosmetologist / beauty salon employee
  • Flight attendant / stewardess
  • Florist
  • Stripper
  • Hairdresser
  • Maid / domestic worker
  • Receptionist / Secretary / Administrative Assistant
  • Waitress/Hostess
  • Meter Maid
  • Nurses / Phlebotomists / Massage Therapist / Speech Therapist
  • Librarian
  • Governess / teacher (for lower level education)
  • School teachers
  • Lower-level positions in the service industry



Attention and Guidance: Once a mandroid imprints on an owner' date=' the imprinting is irreversable. Your imprinted mandroid exists to serve you. Long periods without contact or instructions are problematic. If your mandroid cannot perceive that it is serving a useful (defined as serving or pleasing you in some way) function, the unit will cease to function at all, eventually shut down, and begin to deteriorate.[/quote']


Co-DNPC? :lol:




Happy Fun Boy Toy


(produced by Sexy Products Incorporated, and its parent company, Global Robot Unlimited)


"The mandroid sensation that's sweeping the nation!"


Warning: Pregnant women, the elderly, and children under 10 should avoid prolonged exposure to Happy Fun Boy Toy.



  • Happy Fun Boy Toy may suddenly accelerate to dangerous speeds.
  • Happy Fun Boy Toy contains a liquid core, which, if exposed due to rupture, should not be touched, inhaled, or looked at.
  • Do not use Happy Fun Boy Toy on concrete.
  • Discontinue use of Happy Fun Boy Toy if any of the following occurs:




tingling in extremities

loss of balance or coordination

slurred speech

temporary blindness

profuse sweating

heart palpitations

  • If Happy Fun Boy Toy begins to smoke, get away immediately. Seek shelter and cover head.
  • Happy Fun Boy Toy may stick to certain types of skin.
  • When not in use, Happy Fun Boy Toy should be returned to its special container and kept under refrigeration. Failure to do so relieves the makers of Happy Fun Boy Toy, Sexy Products Incorporated, and its parent company, Global Robot Unlimited, of any and all liability.
  • Ingredients of Happy Fun Boy Toy include an unknown glowing substance which fell to Earth, presumably from outer space.
  • Happy Fun Boy Toy has been shipped to our troops in Saudi Arabia and is also being dropped by our warplanes on Iraq.
  • Do not taunt Happy Fun Boy Toy.
  • Happy Fun Boy Toy comes with a lifetime guarantee.



~ Mister E ("Still legal in 16 states. It's happy. It's fun. It's a boy. It's Happy Fun Boy Toy!")

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Re: Welcoming Women Who Game


Most of those pink-collar jobs have a tendency to be sexually fetishized' date=' as well. Of course, so are a lot of traditionally male gigs, too. And pretty much any career where a uniform is worn.[/quote']


Psssh. Like women are going to want some jerk dressed up like a fireman to show up at their bachelorette party.


Note: WTF is up with Google spellcheck? Bachelorette is shown as misspelled, with "bachelor" the only recommended correction. Third time today a very commonly used word has shown up as misspelled.

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Re: Welcoming Women Who Game


Uniforms are for shallow people. As far as I can tell, uniforms do 3 things:


1) Make people look the same, which adds a sense of mystique/anonymity:

"(S)He's not just any (wo)man. (S)He's a (Wo)Man-In-A-Uniform."


This is for the gotta-catch'm-all types. Stereotypically these are
males looking to sow their wild oats & put notches on their bedposts that represent intangibles like 'cheerleader' (check), 'nurse' (check), 'stewardess' (check), etc..


2) Telegraph employment:

"I'll take the one that looks like (s)he's got a job."


This is for the gotta-get-mine types. Stereotypically these are
females looking for worldly comforts & other tangibles like 'car' (check), 'house' (check), 'checkbook' (check), etc..


3) Make you look like a clown.


Really, it's never about the uniform. Uniforms dehumanize people. This fact casts a particularly unflattering light on the person for whom uniforms are their thing/fetish/the-deciding-factor because it's not the person inside the uniform that they really want.


People who wish to exploit others by wearing a uniform are likewise douchey/trick-ish. There is nothing particularly deep/significant about false advertising or wearing a sign that says you are for sale.

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Re: Welcoming Women Who Game


Have you ever considered teaching her the unreasilms of sex-scenes in films? I mean you say she can take fake and real violence appart. Are you certain she can't do the same with played sex and realm sex?

Or could it be the lack of information that makes her more gulible to believe "everything she sees in the movies"? (Everybody knows "wounds = blood")


Not exactly sure what you are saying here, Christopher. Of course, she knows that the sex in films (the non-X-rated variety anyway) is not real, so if that is what you are referring to then mission accomplished. Are you saying that saying that I need to explain to her how sex as it is depicted in film is unrealistic? Boy that could be an awkward conversation. IMHO, for the most part sex lives up to its hype. Not information that I really wish to share with my daughter though.


Please better clarify your position so I can respond to it with less conjecture.

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Re: Welcoming Women Who Game


The Mandroid should have heightened hearing perception and broader Eidetic Memory' date=' for purposes of precisely remembering everything his owner says to him, even if it's barely audible. Knowing how his mistress wants him to respond is another skill, though perhaps conversation and KS: Owner is sufficient to cover this.[/quote']


Well, I was hoping to hear from the intended demographic, so to speak.


But I will point out that I DID include a +3 to Hearing, specifically to listen to the owner. I readily admit that there are certain flaws to the design of the natural Human male (not even just from the point of view of the Human female) and tried to focus on correcting (or even overcompensating) those.


What features would a Mandroid intended for a homosexual male have?


Edit: Or a fembot for a lesbian for that matter?


A fembot is programmed to please men, a mandroid to please women. So, fembot software in mandroid harware for the one, mandroid software in fembot hardware for the other.


Aside from being conversant in various sub-cultural topics' date=' I can't really think of anything too different from the listed writeup. I'd note that KS/PS related to sexual technique(and performance thereof) was omitted.[/quote']


The fembot has KS: Carnal Knowledge, and PS: Concubine.


Such skills are omitted from the mandroid deliberately. The mandroid is delivered in an innocent and virginal state, ready to be instructed by the woman in whatever he needs to know and do.


Lucius Alexander


Running palindromedary software on palindromedary hardware

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Re: Welcoming Women Who Game


A clarification:


First, Megaplayboy, and not myself, was the first to say anything about uniforms.


The "Professional" Skill block were chosen to be useful or pleasant for a woman's domestic partner/companion, NOT meant to be fetishized. In fact, I can't stress this enough, given that "childcare" is on the list.


Now, if a given woman WANTS to fetishize one or more of these, that's possible.


3 Jack of All Trades

2 1) PS: Childcare (INT) (3 Active Points) 13-

2 2) PS: Cook (INT) (3 Active Points) 13-

2 3) PS: Dance (DEX) (3 Active Points) 12-

2 4) PS: Housekeeping (INT) (3 Active Points) 13-

2 5) PS: Massage (STR) (3 Active Points) 12-

2 6) PS: Personal Servant (INT) (3 Active Points) 13-

2 7) PS: Sing (PRE) (3 Active Points) 12-


This is in contrast to the fembot list, which IS meant to be fetishized, or at least fetishizable.


3 Jill of All Trades

2 1) PS: Concubine (PRE) (3 Active Points) 12-

2 2) PS: Cook (INT) (3 Active Points) 13-

2 3) PS: Dance (DEX) (3 Active Points) 12-

2 4) PS: Maid (INT) (3 Active Points) 13-

2 5) PS: Massage (STR) (3 Active Points) 12-

2 6) PS: Sing (PRE) (3 Active Points) 12-


Note that the fembot has Maid, the mandroid has Housekeeping. The latter can clean to exacting standards, the former can clean to acceptable standards and look sexy doing it.


I should probably change to terminology of some of the others to reflect the differences. The mandroid's "Dance" for example represents partnered dancing, such as waltz or disco, involving interaction with a single dancing partner. The fembot's "Dance" represents display or entertainment dancing in which the man is a passive audience, such as belly dance or pole dance.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary has two left feet. Or maybe four.

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Re: Welcoming Women Who Game


In terms of stuff in the other thread that I'd love to have other people write about(or at least chip in their .02):

1. Romance in the Age of Chivalry--Courtly Love and romantic subplots

2. Romance in the Swashbuckling Era--Pirate romance and Aristocratic seduction

3. Victorian era romance...and debauchery

4. Pulp Era romance and spicy stories

5. Gold/Silver Age superhero romance

6. Erotic Horror

7. Soap Opera romance and subplots

8. Bronze/Iron Age superhero romance and sex

9. Post-Holocaust romance and sex

10. Sci-Fi/Space Opera romance and sex

11. Romantic, Erotic and Sexual goals in campaigns

12. Romantic, Erotic and Sexual roleplaying

13. Romantic, Erotic and Sexual Interaction and Resolution(RESIR)

14. Teenage romance, eroticism and sexuality

15. Young Adult romance, eroticism and sexuality

16. Gods, Aliens, Elves, Vampires, Demons, Angels, and alternate romantic, erotic and sexual lifestyles

17. Running campaigns with dramatically different sexual mores from real life

18. Handling sensitive subject matter in a campaign

19. Competitive Social Interaction(CSI)

20. How to Roleplay a Character of a different Gender, Orientation, Culture or Species

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Re: Welcoming Women Who Game


Well' date=' I was hoping to hear from the intended demographic, so to speak. [/quote']


Do you need to be alone with your intended demographic?


But I will point out that I DID include a +3 to Hearing' date=' specifically to listen to the owner. [/quote']


"Hear me now & listen to me later!" (your unintended demographic)


I like what you are doing with this stuff. So, correct me if I'm wrong...


Hearing (e.g., PER & Bugging/Eavesdropping) is sensory/mechanical & non-aesthetic/non-judgement-forming.


Listening (e.g., Analyze "Social Style"/"Social Combat Technique"... Analyze "Voice"... Cramming... Lipreading...) is logical/intellectual & aesthetic/judgement-forming.


I readily admit that there are certain flaws to the design of the natural Human male (not even just from the point of view of the Human female) and tried to focus on correcting (or even overcompensating) those.


imho, in the future, both men & women (as sexes) will go extinct before men & women (as genders) do.


A fembot is programmed to please men' date=' a mandroid to please women. So, fembot software in mandroid harware for the one, mandroid software in fembot hardware for the other.[/quote']


This can be simplified/complicated into a rough gender index w/ 4 basic non-exclusive target-market ("T-M") combinations.


1) "Lipstickee" aka "The Old Lady"... fembot w/ fembot programming ("T-M": dom-heterosexual males).


2) "I Ain't No..." aka "The Feminister"... fembot w/ mandroid programming ("T-M": sub-homosexual females).


3) "Captain" aka "The Old Man'"... mandroid w/ mandroid programming ("T-M": sub-heterosexual females).


4) "Number One" aka "The 90s Man'"... mandroid w/ fembot programming ("T-M": dom-homosexual males).



The fembot has KS: Carnal Knowledge, and PS: Concubine.


Such skills are omitted from the mandroid deliberately. The mandroid is delivered in an innocent and virginal state, ready to be instructed by the woman in whatever he needs to know and do.


So the stock fembot programming is active whereas the stock mandroid programming is passive. Is this more irony or what?

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Re: Welcoming Women Who Game


For the record: I acknowledge that men as well as women can make the mistake of assuming they can "change" a person into what they want, and that it's a mistake whoever makes it. But in my observation, women are more apt to fall into this than men.


Can you get them "broken" for the respective partners that think they can "fix" people?


I did consider including KS: Things that Aren't So (mandroid is pre-programmed with a harmless but annoying set of false beliefs that must be corrected, and is programmed to acquire new misapprehensions as old ones are eliminated, ensuring that the process of correction is ongoing.)


If I create optional packages as I did for fembots, some form of "permanently broken and in need of fixing" may well be on the list. But so far there is no feedback from women about what they'd want or need (unless I'm in error as to which gender some of you identify with.)


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary has a Y chromosome and a Y-not? chromosome

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Re: Welcoming Women Who Game


In terms of stuff in the other thread that I'd love to have other people write about(or at least chip in their .02):

5. Gold/Silver Age superhero romance

6. Erotic Horror

9. Post-Holocaust romance and sex

13. Romantic, Erotic and Sexual Interaction and Resolution(RESIR)

16. Gods, Aliens, Elves, Vampires, Demons, Angels, and alternate romantic, erotic and sexual lifestyles


I'm already sort of tackling a Sex and the Superhero essay, though I don't make much distinction between "Golden Age," "Silver Age," and "Everything else," so it's more encompassing all aspects of romance and sexuality in superhero comics. I may tackle Erotic Horror, Post-Holocaust, and "supernatural" sex as well.


What do you think is missing from my "Sexual Combat" system to make it workable for you'd like in a RESIR system?

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