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Cursed to be sexually repellant


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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


in combat yes it is worth no points

in a game that may have adult themes running through it I would beg to differ


if the character in question was built with lots of charm,presence,striking appearance(Com and seduction for those of us still using 5th ed),pursuasion,etc


also a quote from Teenagers from outer space

"Sex is not funny, sexual frustration now that is funny"


Eh. I see it as just a penalty to persuasion/seduction checks, only vs. characters the victim finds sexually attractive.

The point is, if it has no game effect on the character, it is worth no points.


Though, it could be modeled as a mind control, always on, effect ("You don't find me sexually attractive").

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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


That's an interesting power construct. Repped.


The character in question is another one of my off the wall designs.


Take a highly-skilled swordsman who is a handsome womanizer, get a powerful sorceress upset with him, and then she curses him several ways.


1) He is now a beautiful woman (2+ levels of SA).

2) She has the same level of "Lustful" psych complication she had as a man.

3) Other women want absolutely nothing to do with her sexually, just as a friend and confidante.


The sorceress is now watching the former womanizer get what she feels is just desserts.


Obviously this is a Transform.


Part of the Transform is giving the target a Complication:


Social Complication: No Sex Appeal. At All. Frequently, Major, Not Limiting In a Nunnery -10


Or something to that effect.


I fail to see, however, in what way this is "just desserts." Just desserts would be making him an attractive woman and giving him an aversion to sex.


Lucius Alexander


Social Complication: Palindromedary

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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


So disads have to impair the character in combat only?

No. It needs to negatively impact him in game. And only the amount/frequency he is complicated in game affects the value.

You can be a paraphlegig deaf-mute 100% of your private life, but if your OIF armor compensates that completely it's a very low frequency (after all the enemy has to get you out of it first).


I noted that your description only says he is unatractive for women, so I am going to asume man still have the hots from his female form. It sounds like that is the real complication here.


Asuming the focus you gave, I would say it's at best a penalty to Charm. From the masterlist of limitations I think that [Level of Severity] times [-3] is a good value for a single skill.

Also consider that the APG I has some guidelines regarding the Effect of Distinctive Features on Social Interaction Rolls.

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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


Obviously this is a Transform.


Part of the Transform is giving the target a Complication:


Social Complication: No Sex Appeal. At All. Frequently, Major, Not Limiting In a Nunnery -10


Or something to that effect.


I fail to see, however, in what way this is "just desserts." Just desserts would be making him an attractive woman and giving him an aversion to sex.


Lucius Alexander


Social Complication: Palindromedary


The write-up is only concerned with the character's complication. How the character got the complication (spell/curse) is not what I am working on.


A Social Complication is one possibility I hadn't thought of using. A Physical Complication was the other idea I was considering, or maybe some kind of Distinctive Feature.


Basically, if she tries to seduce (Charm) a woman, it won't work, or will have some hefty minus (-10 to roll maybe).


Men are still attracted to her.

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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


Basically' date=' if she tries to seduce (Charm) a woman, it won't work, or will have some hefty minus (-10 to roll maybe).[/quote']

What would be the standart penalty for a women trying to seduce a women in the campaign we are talking about?

And is this more or less that that?


Also keep in mind that Seduction got renamed to Charm for a reason. You can Charm somebody without seducing them, with no sexual content. You can charm a robot or an Stargate Asgard. Charm is the skill to positively influence a characters attitude towards you. Seduction is that regarding a very specific interaction/to archieve a very specific result.

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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


What would be the standart penalty for a women trying to seduce a women in the campaign we are talking about?

And is this more or less that that?


Also keep in mind that Seduction got renamed to Charm for a reason. You can Charm somebody without seducing them, with no sexual content. You can charm a robot or an Stargate Asgard. Charm is the skill to positively influence a characters attitude towards you. Seduction is that regarding a very specific interaction/to archieve a very specific result.


TUS suggests a penalty of -3 or more with attempts to seduce someone not normally attracted to members of your gender. There's also a penalty for trying to seduce someone in a "committed relationship", of -1 to -3.

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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


TUS suggests a penalty of -3 or more with attempts to seduce someone not normally attracted to members of your gender. There's also a penalty for trying to seduce someone in a "committed relationship"' date=' of -1 to -3.[/quote']


Thanks. That gives me more information to work with. The curse would also affect bisexual women and lesbians, so no escape from his sexual frustrations with his preferred gender that way. Men like her just fine, but she's resisting even the thought of satisfying her needs that way.


After considering suggestions in the thread, I think there are two main possibilities I could use for the curse.


1) Distinctive Features at the 5-point level (EC, Noticeable By Other Women) with a description of something like "sexually unattractive" to get the effect. I think that would give a -3 to -5 to every woman for Charm used for seduction purposes only.


2) Physical Complication: Curse Of Sexual Unattractiveness To Other Women. This would probably be at the 5-point level as well. A -1 to all Interaction skills ("poor social skills" in DC) was a 5-pointer, so a -5 with a single Interaction skill for a single effect (seduction) seems reasonable. Maybe the penalty could be even higher at the same point value.

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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


Thanks. That gives me more information to work with. The curse would also affect bisexual women and lesbians' date=' so no escape from his sexual frustrations with his preferred gender that way. Men like her just fine, but she's resisting even the thought of satisfying her needs that way.[/quote']

Then there is still teh question: How is that affectign the character in game? When the character is sexuall repellant, she could just try not to seduce every women and instead charm them, like every other women would do. Unless the character is compusively trying to get every women in her bed, it's pretty easy to circumvent a "sexuall uninteresting" complication by never trying to seduce someone ingame.

And even then she could always take the services of "the oldest profession". Unless it is that extreme that even they would not...


I would say a general "women dislike her" might be the better choice. A simple dsitinctive Feature affecting a large group of situations. It's somewhat like a one-sided "gorgeous" complication.

APG I 149 lists what game effects the levels of Distinctive Feature can have on Skills: Per Severity Level: -1 to Interaction Skill Rolls, +1 to INT Rolls to describe the character, -1 EGO Roll to resist psych complications targetting the character.

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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


Then there is still teh question: How is that affectign the character in game? When the character is sexuall repellant, she could just try not to seduce every women and instead charm them, like every other women would do. Unless the character is compusively trying to get every women in her bed, it's pretty easy to circumvent a "sexuall uninteresting" complication by never trying to seduce someone ingame.

And even then she could always take the services of "the oldest profession". Unless it is that extreme that even they would not...


I would say a general "women dislike her" might be the better choice. A simple dsitinctive Feature affecting a large group of situations. It's somewhat like a one-sided "gorgeous" complication.

APG I 149 lists what game effects the levels of Distinctive Feature can have on Skills: Per Severity Level: -1 to Interaction Skill Rolls, +1 to INT Rolls to describe the character, -1 EGO Roll to resist psych complications targetting the character.


I hadn't considered women of the oldest profession before. I suppose I could modify the curse to include a Susceptibility to touching other women for intimate purposes. If she bumps into another woman or is fighting another woman, the curse doesn't do anything. But if she lets her hand linger, psychosomatic pain starts.


Having women generally dislike her as part of a Distinctive Features is another way to go.

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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


"Curse: Begging to be Neutered (or Spayed)":


SOCIAL COMPLICATION, Very Frequently, Major (there’s a risk of potential injury or extreme inconvenience; that which is taken away can only be restored with great difficulty) 20 pts.


You have a lot to live for, but having a sex-life isn't one of them.


People always have an extreme lack of sexual feelings for you. This "Unabiding Lustlessness" is dangerous. Whenever you meet someone new, that person generally becomes consumed with attempting to sexually neuter (or spay) you in various creative & non-sexual ways.


Your want of contribution to the family line is Kryptonian.

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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


I think this is what you want.


The Curse of the Beautiful Woman - Hunted: Amorously inclined men Frequently (Less Pow (Can always say no....just have to say it a lot), Extensive Non-Combat Influence (it's a man's world), Harshly Punish (a fate worse than death!) -15


Lucius Alexander


Some things often baffle and confuse the palindromedary

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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


I think this is what you want.


The Curse of the Beautiful Woman - Hunted: Amorously inclined men Frequently (Less Pow (Can always say no....just have to say it a lot), Extensive Non-Combat Influence (it's a man's world), Harshly Punish (a fate worse than death!) -15


Lucius Alexander


Some things often baffle and confuse the palindromedary


That's pretty good, Lucius. It's kind of like the effect of a lust-inducing distinctive features but more inclined to provoke a fight when she says no.


Of course, a negative reputation for being violent could also cut down on the number of would-be suitors.


It reminds me a bit of Red Sonja's interactions with men.

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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


I guess if one sees an RPG as a wargame' date=' it's not much of an issue at all. But if one sees RP as something more than filler between combats, then an inability to experience real physical intimacy with others is fodder for some pretty good roleplay, imo. Characters have personal goals in addition to team goals. [/quote']


You say it is a roleplay issue, so make it a roleplay thing. This is absolutely no need for this to be a power, skill modifier, complication, or disadvantage. It's just part of the character description until the curse is removed, at which time the description is updated. It's no different than disliking light beer or preferring the color blue. Both these change how the character reacts in certain situations, and so limits them in some tiny way. Being repulsive is no more limiting or valuable to roleplaying in a relationship-heavy game than being overly attractive, nerdy, or totally clueless. Being repulsive could even be an advantage in some games, because it means less attention from others, easier hiding of secret identities, and more fun for a player that likes being different.

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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


You say it is a roleplay issue' date=' so make it a roleplay thing. This is absolutely no need for this to be a power, skill modifier, complication, or disadvantage. It's just part of the character description until the curse is removed, at which time the description is updated.[/quote']I disagree. If a curse is put on a person it should be somehow reflected in either power, skill modifier, complication, or disadvantage. Strictly speaking, I'd be more for complication or disad. Another character has, through use of their own power, caused an ongoing problem for the character in question beyond normal role-play.
It's no different than disliking light beer or preferring the color blue. Both these change how the character reacts in certain situations, and so limits them in some tiny way.
Not really. What you've described is strictly a personality quirk. I dislike alcohol in general. That means some friends know not to bother offering and it means other friends go out of their way to try and get me drunk. Not liking alcohol doesnt' limit me at all. Same with color preference. Just because I prefer blue doesn't mean I won't wear a red shirt.
Being repulsive is no more limiting or valuable to roleplaying in a relationship-heavy game than being overly attractive, nerdy, or totally clueless. Being repulsive could even be an advantage in some games, because it means less attention from others, easier hiding of secret identities, and more fun for a player that likes being different.
Being repulsive can also make it harder because people pay more attention trying to figure out what exactly they find repulsive about the person. As for secret identities, "hey, you know, Capt. Spleen is repulsive. Just exactly like Bob over there. You don't think Bob is Capt. Spleen, do ya?"
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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


Oddball suggestion:


10d6 Unluck, Only for Romantic-Sexual Encounters -2


The amount of limitation would have to be adjusted for frequency, how big a theme it is, etc.

At that level it will propably affect the entire house or neighboorhood. It at least affects the potential partner(s) and the group.


"Stop fligting damit, your unluck just summoned the 4 Horsemen!"

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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


At that level it will propably affect the entire house or neighboorhood. It at least affects the potential partner(s) and the group.


"Stop fligting damit, your unluck just summoned the 4 Horsemen!"


You could add Self Only +1/2 as an advantage, I guess.

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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


This has run to 4 pages and I have not read it all, but have you considered a Social Complication? That gives you control over how frequently it is an issue and how much of a problem it is when it...er...comes up. You can impose a complication with a transform.


10 point complication: Social Complication: Sexually Repulsive: Infrequently, Major


This would be useful for a situation where the complication does not come up too often, for example the character knows it is not worth trying it on, but when it does the reaction is always quite profound.

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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


This has run to 4 pages and I have not read it all, but have you considered a Social Complication? That gives you control over how frequently it is an issue and how much of a problem it is when it...er...comes up. You can impose a complication with a transform.


10 point complication: Social Complication: Sexually Repulsive: Infrequently, Major


This would be useful for a situation where the complication does not come up too often, for example the character knows it is not worth trying it on, but when it does the reaction is always quite profound.


That's a good suggestion. Thanks!

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