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Cursed to be sexually repellant


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I'm considering how to build a curse that renders someone sexually uninteresting, maybe even repellant to others. It's not because they're physically unattractive or nasty in personality. They can have friends and are likeable in all other ways. The curse just causes others to have absolutely zero sexual interest in the character, and if you asked that person why, all they could do was shrug and say that there was just something about the character that made them feel that way.

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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


I can't imagine this really being anything more than a zero-point character quirk.


How often, in a game, does it actually matter that a character can't get someone in the sack?


The background of the curse is that the character is being taught a lesson by a sorceress.

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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


The background of the curse is that the character is being taught a lesson by a sorceress.


Okay, but how does this negatively impact the character? How often is 'people don't want to have sex with him/her' going to be an actual impediment to the character accomplishing campaign goals or overcoming an obstacle?

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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


Aura of unsexiness:Aid unluck 10d6, Difficult To Dispel (x16 Active Points; +1), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Year; +3 1/4) (315 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses almost all of its effectiveness (only to have sex; -2), 2 clips of 1 Charge (-1 1/2), Gestures, Requires Gestures throughout (Requires both hands; -1), OAF (-1), Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Incantations (Requires Incantations throughout; -1/2)

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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


Yes' date=' but how does her inability to get laid affect her ability to fight Sentinels and Magneto?[/quote']


I guess if one sees an RPG as a wargame, it's not much of an issue at all. But if one sees RP as something more than filler between combats, then an inability to experience real physical intimacy with others is fodder for some pretty good roleplay, imo. Characters have personal goals in addition to team goals. It's also possible that a character who's sexually repulsive to others may complicate team relationships with important NPCs. A character who is repulsive is likely to have difficulty sneaking around or in disguise, making infiltration missions difficult to say the least. And they certainly won't be able to flirt with NPC contacts to gain info.

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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


Aura of unsexiness:Aid unluck 10d6' date=' Difficult To Dispel (x16 Active Points; +1), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Year; +3 1/4) (315 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses almost all of its effectiveness (only to have sex; -2), 2 clips of 1 Charge (-1 1/2), Gestures, Requires Gestures throughout (Requires both hands; -1), OAF (-1), Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2), Extra Time (Full Phase, -1/2), Incantations (Requires Incantations throughout; -1/2)[/quote']


That's an interesting power construct. Repped.


The character in question is another one of my off the wall designs.


Take a highly-skilled swordsman who is a handsome womanizer, get a powerful sorceress upset with him, and then she curses him several ways.


1) He is now a beautiful woman (2+ levels of SA).

2) She has the same level of "Lustful" psych complication she had as a man.

3) Other women want absolutely nothing to do with her sexually, just as a friend and confidante.


The sorceress is now watching the former womanizer get what she feels is just desserts.

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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


Eh. I see it as just a penalty to persuasion/seduction checks, only vs. characters the victim finds sexually attractive.

The point is, if it has no game effect on the character, it is worth no points.


Though, it could be modeled as a mind control, always on, effect ("You don't find me sexually attractive").

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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


I guess if one sees an RPG as a wargame' date=' it's not much of an issue at all.[/quote']


I'm going to assume that was not intended to be insulting.


But if one sees RP as something more than filler between combats, then an inability to experience real physical intimacy with others is fodder for some pretty good roleplay, imo. Characters have personal goals in addition to team goals. It's also possible that a character who's sexually repulsive to others may complicate team relationships with important NPCs. A character who is repulsive is likely to have difficulty sneaking around or in disguise, making infiltration missions difficult to say the least. And they certainly won't be able to flirt with NPC contacts to gain info.


Yes, it's fodder for RP ... I never said it wasn't. That doesn't mean it impairs the character significantly enough to warrant getting points for it. 'Always wears a New York Yankees baseball cap, no matter the situation' is fodder for RP, but I wouldn't say it's worth any points. Not every bit of personality needs to be mechanically expressed as a Disadvantage. I can't see 'nobody wants to have sex with her' as being a significant enough drawback to warrant getting any points for (or important enough to spend any points on).


If the character was physically repulsive, then that would be a Distinctive Feature. If the character was mystically unlikeable, that could be a Phys Lim. But according to the OP, the curse goes no farther than 'nobody wants to get in the sack with her'. It won't affect stealth or disguise or infiltration, unless she's intending to sleep her way through the guards.

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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


It impairs the character in social situations, will effect their reactions perhaps even how other judge her and how she feels about herself and others. But it is true that if the game is entirely or largely focused focused on combat and other forms of physical action, it doesn't really impair them. But the same can be said for many Limitation/Complications. It depends entirely the nature of the game and what the GM and Player wanted to make of it particularly if you approach Disadvantages as Story Hooks as well drawbacks.

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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


That rule in the books that says 'If a disadvantage doesn't impair the character' date=' it's not a disadvantage and it's not worth any points'? The one that stops my Fantasy Hero wizard from taking 'Hunted by the Klingon Empire'?[/quote']

So disads have to impair the character in combat only?


That's a justifiable disad in Fantasy Hero so long as the game includes a Klingon Empire.

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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


Something to consider, that a whole heck of a lot of human interaction whether concsiously acted upon is influenced or based upon the sexual attractiveness of those involved.


A cute flirty girl is more likely to what she wants from most men she interacts with, whether it's retail sales, insurance, fender benders while driving, etc...


It isn't just going to be raw "I can't get any nookie because I'm cursed," it's more "I can't seem to get people to just help me unless it's something they really want (non-sexually) or they just have too.)



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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


Something to consider, that a whole heck of a lot of human interaction whether concsiously acted upon is influenced or based upon the sexual attractiveness of those involved.


A cute flirty girl is more likely to what she wants from most men she interacts with, whether it's retail sales, insurance, fender benders while driving, etc...


It isn't just going to be raw "I can't get any nookie because I'm cursed," it's more "I can't seem to get people to just help me unless it's something they really want (non-sexually) or they just have too.)



Yes. It ends up being a situation where the person assisting is actually getting something out of it.
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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


The character concept is partly an exercise in character construction and partly a source of writing inspiration, so a lot of RP complications are part of the design.


Actually, another character complication would be a social one of "Woman in a man's world."


Men in the fantasy world will view the character as a bedroom conquest or Red Sonja variant, I suppose.

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Re: Cursed to be sexually repellant


To the OP: Are you trying to build the Curse as a Power that will be used on the character in question or how to represent it on her sheet?


If the latter, I call it a straight forward Physical Complication: Sexually unappealing/revolting and give any Charm, Persuasion or related Skills rolls a sizable penalty. She may have a Distinctive Feature (Sexually Unappealing/appears "ugly") as well as slew of other Psychological issues if she's been operating under this curse for a long time. Even more so if she doesn't know its a curse.

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