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Red Patriot - Russian Teen Champion (Icons Earth)


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Red Patriot


Val	Char	Cost	Roll	Notes
7+8	STR	-3	10- / 12-	Lift 66.0kg/200.0kg; 1d6/3d6
14+9	DEX	8	12- / 14-	OCV:  4/8/DCV:  4/8
12+8	CON	2	11- / 13-
11+3	BODY	1	
8	INT	-2	11-	PER Roll 11-/14-
10+3	EGO	0	11- / 12-	ECV:  3 - 4
15	PRE	5	12-	PRE Attack:  3d6
5+8	PD	3		Total:  5/13 PD (0/5 rPD)
5+10	ED	3		Total:  5/15 ED (0/7 rED)
3+2	SPD	10		Phases:  4, 8, 12/3, 5, 8, 10, 12
5+5	REC	1
25+15	END	1
24+16	STUN	2	Total Characteristic Cost:  44

Running:	12m/42m/24m/84m
Leaping:	4m/8m
Swimming:	4m/8m

[b]Cost	Powers	END[/b]
[i]Icon Form Abilities[/i], all slots Only In Alternate Identity (-¼)
6	1)  +8 STR; Only In Alternate Identity (-¼)	1
14	2)  +9 DEX; Only In Alternate Identity (-¼)
6	3)  +8 CON; Only In Alternate Identity (-¼)
2	4)  +3 EGO; Only In Alternate Identity (-¼)
16	5)  +4 OCV; Only In Alternate Identity (-¼)
16	6)  +4 DCV; Only In Alternate Identity (-¼)
16	7)  +2 SPD; Only In Alternate Identity (-¼)
2	8)  +3 PD; Only In Alternate Identity (-¼)
2	9)  +3 ED; Only In Alternate Identity (-¼)
4	10) +5 REC; Only In Alternate Identity (-¼)
2	11) +15 END; Only In Alternate Identity (-¼)
2	12) +3 BODY; Only In Alternate Identity (-¼)
6	13) +16 STUN; Only In Alternate Identity (-¼)

24	[i]Hyperspeed Combat[/i]:  Multipower, 30-point reserve, all slots Only In Alternate Identity (-¼)
1f	1)  [i]Burning Rubber[/i]:  Killing Attack - Ranged 1 point, Sticky (only affects flammables; +¼), Constant (+½), Penetrating (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Uncontrolled (fire ends when it runs out of fuel or oxygen, or someone extinguishes the flames; +½), Area Of Effect (Trail) (+1); Only Affects The Ground Character Moves On (-½), Only In Alternate Identity (-¼)
1f	2)  [i]Let's Wrap This Up[/i]:  Entangle 3d6, 3 PD/3 ED; OIF (appropriate materials of opportunity; -½), No Range (-½), Extra Time (Full Phase, -½), Defense Depends On Materials Used (-½), Only In Alternate Identity (-¼)	3
2f	3)  [i]Moving Attack[/i]:  Hand-To-Hand Attack +3d6, Area Of Effect (Trail) (+1); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-¼), Only In Alternate Identity (-¼)	3
2f	4)  [i]Rapid-Fire Punch I[/i]:  Hand-To-Hand Attack +6d6; Hand-To-Hand Attack (-¼), Only In Alternate Identity (-¼)	3
2f	5)  [i]Rapid-Fire Punch II[/i]:  Hand-To-Hand Attack +3d6, Autofire (5 shots; +½), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +½); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-¼), Only In Alternate Identity (-¼)	1
32	[i]Hyper-Running[/i]:  Multipower, 40-point reserve, all slots Only In Alternate Identity (-¼)
3f	1)  [i]Super-Running[/i]:  Running +30m (12m/42m total), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼); Only In Alternate Identity (-¼)	1
3f	2)  [i]Overdrive Running[/i]:  Running 10m, Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼), MegaScale (1m = 1 km; +1); Only In Alternate Identity (-¼)	1
14	[i]Anti-Friction Field[/i]:  Resistant Protection (5 PD/7 ED); Only In Alternate Identity (-¼)
11	[i]I'll Be Fine In A Minute[/i]:  Regeneration (1 BODY per Minute); Only In Alternate Identity (-¼)
3	[i]You're Too Slow To Scare Me[/i]:  +10 PRE; Only For Defense (-1), Only Versus Fear/Intimidation-Based Presence Attacks (-1)
7	[i]Speedster Awareness[/i]:  Rapid (x1,000) with Normal Sight; Only In Alternate Identity (-¼)
6	[i]Speedster Studiousness[/i]:  Speed Reading (x1,000); Only In Alternate Identity (-¼)
2	[i]Swift Observation[/i]:  +3 PER with Normal Sight; Only In Alternate Identity (-¼)
8	[i]Hyperspeed Metabolism[/i]:  Life Support  (Immunity All terrestrial diseases; Immunity: Alcohol; Sleeping: Character only has to sleep 1 hour per night)
7	[i]Little Black Book[/i]:  Summon 50-point Person, Expanded Class of Beings (Very Limited Group; Any Male Human; +¼), Friendly (+¼), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Specific Being (+1); Extra Time (20 Minutes, -2 ½), Arrives Under Own Power (-½), Person Must Inhabit Locale (-½)
4	[i]Seduction Techniques[/i]:  Drain EGO 0 ½d6, Alternate Combat Value (uses OMCV against DMCV; +¼), Area Of Effect (4m Radius; +¼), Trigger (Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action to reset; character starts talking with her target; +½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Constant (+½), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per 6 Hours; +2); Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Ego Roll; All Or Nothing; -1 ½), Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 ¼), EGO Reduction Only Affects Target's Ability To Resist Her (-1), Only Works Vs. Those Who Find Her Sexually Appealing (-1), Requires A Roll (Charm roll, -1 per 20 Active Points modifier; Must be made each use; -¾), No Range (-½)
7	[i]Very Few Can Resist Her[/i]:  Change Environment (-4 to Ego Roll), Persistent (+¼), Area Of Effect (4m Radius; +¼), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Only Affects Resisting Her (-1), Only Works Vs. Those Who Find Her Sexually Appealing (-1), No Range (-½)

5	[i]Allowance[/i]:  Money:  Well Off
2	[i]Popular Girl At School[/i]:  Positive Reputation (Ravenswood Academy) 14-, +2/+2d6
3	[i]Queen Of The Princesses[/i]:  Fringe Benefit:  Membership: Princess Clique

6	[i]Lightning Fast[/i]:  Lightning Reflexes (+7 DEX to act first with All Actions); Only In Alternate Identity (-¼)
2	[i]Sex Appeal[/i]:  +1/+1d6 Striking Appearance (vs. targets that would find her sexually appealing or attractive)
3	[i]Teenage Beauty[/i]:  +1/+1d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters)

4	[i]Seductive[/i]:  +2 with Seduction Techniques
4	[i]Sexy Russian Accent[/i]:  +2 with all Interaction Skills; Only Vs. Those That Would Find Her Sexually Appealing (-1)
4	[i]Strong Willed[/i]:  +2 with Ego Roll

3	Acting 12-
3	Charm 12-
3	Conversation 12-
3	High Society 12-
4	Language:  English (idiomatic; literate)
3	Persuasion 12-
3	Stealth 12- (14-)
3	Teamwork 12- (14-)
3	TF:  Skating (iceskating or rollerskating), Skiing (snow), Small Motorized Ground Vehicles
3	Scholar
1	1)  KS: Current Clothing Fashions And How To Apply Them 11-
1	2)  KS: Russian Culture 11-
1	3)  KS: Russian History 11-

Everyman Skills
0	1)  Climbing 8-
0	2)  Concealment 8-
0	3)  Deduction 8-
0	4)  Language:  Russian (idiomatic; literate)
0	5)  Paramedics 8-
0	6)  Shadowing 8-
0	7)  Stealth 8-
0	8)  AK: Russia 8-
0	9)  AK: USA 8-
0	10) CK: Orchardsville 8-
0	11) PS: High School Student 11-

[b]Total Powers & Skill Cost:  300
Total Cost:  344[/b]

[b]300+	Complications[/b]
5	Dependence:  must consume at least 500 calories/Hour when using abilities or else Powers Gain 14- Activation Roll (Very Common; 1 Hour)
0	Distinctive Features:  Princess Clique (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
0	Hunted:  Princess Clique Frequently (As Pow; NCI; Watching)
10	Hunted:  Parents Infrequently (Mo Pow; NCI; Watching)
0	Negative Reputation:  Boyfriend Stealer, Frequently (Known Only To Girls At Her School)
10	Psychological Complication:  Overconfidence (Common; Moderate)
10	Psychological Complication:  Proud of Her Russian Heritage (Common; Moderate)
10	Psychological Complication:  Uncertain Moral Code (Common; Moderate)
0	Rivalry:  Professional (America Girl; Rival is As Powerful; Seek to Outdo Rival; Rival Unaware of Rivalry)
5	Social Complication:  Minor (Under 18) Infrequently, Minor
10	Social Complication:  Secret ID Infrequently, Major
44	Experience Points

[b]Total Complication Points:  60[/b]


Background/History: Tasha Tyrnov emigrated to America six years ago with her family, settling in the growing Russian community in suburban Orchardsville, her father seeking a better life for them. He succeeded tremendously, growing his business into a small dry cleaning empire of eight stores and two laundromats in the county.


American schools were quite different from Russian ones, and it took a while for Tasha to figure out her niche. Her father's growing fortune and her own blossoming beauty transformed her, and by the time she reached high school, she was a full-fledged princess. She acted like a young Tsarina, quickly earning a following composed of other rich and vapid girls. Her beauty and sultry accent caused boys to flock to her, and she exploited them mercilessly, loving all of the attention.


When the first Icons began appearing in the world a year ago, she hardly noticed. Then America Girl appeared a month ago in Orchardsville and made her debut to some acclaim. When her fellow students began talking with admiration of the star-spangled girl, Tasha felt her nascent Russian pride grow incensed. There had to be a way to compete with this unexpected rival. The thought obsessed her for days.


While driving home in her Mercedes on Friday night after a party and a fight with her boyfriend, she turned a corner and passed a store called Icons. She could have sworn the storefront hadn't been there a moment before, and she stopped the car and looked back, startled. It appeared to be some kind of a costume shop. She pulled over, parked her car and went inside, and the Tailor greeted her with an enigmatic smile and a nod as he stood up from behind the front counter, looking almost expectantly at her. He studied her for a long monent as they locked gazes and then nodded, gesturing with one hand towards the racks of costumes, as if in invitation. He only spoke a single phrase to her.


"Hero or Villain?" The way he said it, you could hear the first letters being capitalized.


Tasha's only answer was a disdainful snort as she swept past the odd man. She would not dignify the silly question with an answer.


The Tailor watched her walk deeper into the store, his gaze growing solemn behind her.


She was quickly drawn towards a red and gray, rather skimpy costume, a Cold War-era cheerleader-like ensemble with paramilitary additions that seemed to scream "I am Russia! Notice me!" It looked like just the thing to make the boys forget all about that stupid America Girl. It had this fascinating sparkle to it, like small streaks of lightning running through the material. When she put it on in the dressing room, she felt suddenly energized. The world seemed to slow to a crawl around her, and she felt more capable and vital than she had ever felt before. Grabbing her discarded designer clothes and handbag, she felt a sudden urge to run.


Blurring past the Tailor, she ran, and it felt glorious. The power she now wielded was electrifying to her senses, and she felt godlike. When she finally arrived home later that night, after having criss-crossed the county in minutes in an orgy of running, she almost reluctantly took the costume off. She felt a bare sliver of the power she had in costume remain with her, and she was suddenly famished. She raided the pantry, eating more than she had ever eaten before. She's been constantly hungry ever since that night, and she's taken to carrying multiple energy bars in her purse at all times.


Finally meeting America Girl had not been what she had expected their first encounter to be like. She had intended to show up her rival Icon and maybe beat her up in a fight. Instead, they ended up in a team-up against VIPER agents that came after them both. It's been like that ever since. Every time Tasha comes across America Girl, the two of them end up working together. Tasha dreams of finally being able to show up America Girl, to show her that a Russian Icon is better than some mere acrobat.


Personality/Motivation: Becoming an Icon has awakened Tasha to a new and much larger world, but she's not sure of her place in it. She does enjoy her powers though. Moving at superspeed makes her feel exalted and godlike, and one good thing she's discovered about her new abilities is that she'll apparently never have to worry about gaining any weight. She's been eating every day like the entire front line of the school football team, and she's remained the same weight.


Despite her wondrous powers, she's just not sure if she's cut out to be a hero. It seems like its just so much work. The only thing that keeps her going at it is her stubborn refusal to be outdone by America Girl. Whenever she feels hesitancy as to what she needs to do, one look at the other young Icon's face seems to give her the direction she needs. Not that she's ever admit it.


One other thing. She is very adamant in saying that she and America Girl aren't partners, no matter what the newspapers might say, or how well they seem to work together as a team.


Quote: "We have detente for now, America Girl. Don't get too used to it. We'll continue our disagreement later after we deal with these VIPER slowpokes."


"A date with you, Megaboy? I think not. I heard you asked America Girl first, and I'm no man's second choice."


Powers/Tactics: The power of speed is Tasha's to command. She can run like the wind and throw punches that break the sound barrier, and her body is sheathed in a field that protects her from friction and damage. In costume, she's able to do her studying in less than a minute.


Her other ability is her sex appeal, and she wields it like a skilled fencer. She knows how to break down her target's resistance in a short time, and she can fan a slight spark of interest into a passionate flame.


Campaign Use: Red Patriot is a highly-mobile fighter and scout for any teenaged superteam, and while she has a supremely confident opinion of herself, she knows how to work well with others when it suits her. She's on the divide between hero and villain, and she could fall either way depending on circumstances.


Appearance: Standing 5'6" in height, Red Patriot weighs a svelte 121 pounds, with a pleasing bustline and well-defined figure for a 16-year old teenager. Her blonde hair is usually highlighted with strawberry tones at expensive salons, and her eyes are blue with a little gray in them. She is quite beautiful with a sultry quality to her looks. Her skimpy costume is red and gray with matching boots and looks like a Soviet-era cheerleader's outfit. She's clearly very proud to be wearing it.

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Re: Red Patriot - Russian Teen Champion (Icons Earth)


I was thinking she does something like the Golden Age Flash' date=' blurring her features slightly with her superspeed.[/quote']


It would probably be unconscious if she did that. Tasha doesn't seem the sort of girl determined to hold onto her secrets at any cost.


The Tailor obviously gave her her powers for a reason. I doubt that reason is ultimately to her benefit.

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Re: Red Patriot - Russian Teen Champion (Icons Earth)


Well, she is an Icon, which is the setting for my current Champions campaign. All superhumans have their origin in obtaining a costume from Icons.


In Tasha's case, she's maintaining her secret ID due to following superhero tropes on a subconscious level.

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Re: Red Patriot - Russian Teen Champion (Icons Earth)


Given the costume, and the stated ability to use her sex-appeal, I would stick with my earlier flip response -- though make the argument more seriously.


Dredging back into memory (probably 80s), Wolverine and Rogue were on the run without powers (one of the Genosha storylines iirc) and Carol Danver's personality was running Rogue. In one particular sequence, the pair were in a bar and Carol/Rogue was wearing some sexy mini-dress and deliberately drawing every eye in the place while Wolverine mused that while everyone would remember her no one would recall anything usefully specific to identify their being there (and how Rogue wouldn't have been able to pull that trick off)...


Unless Tasha acts and dresses the same in both identities, people are going to 'remember' her -- but as that really hot super, not as somebody they just ran into in the hall at school..

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Re: Red Patriot - Russian Teen Champion (Icons Earth)


Given the costume, and the stated ability to use her sex-appeal, I would stick with my earlier flip response -- though make the argument more seriously.


Dredging back into memory (probably 80s), Wolverine and Rogue were on the run without powers (one of the Genosha storylines iirc) and Carol Danver's personality was running Rogue. In one particular sequence, the pair were in a bar and Carol/Rogue was wearing some sexy mini-dress and deliberately drawing every eye in the place while Wolverine mused that while everyone would remember her no one would recall anything usefully specific to identify their being there (and how Rogue wouldn't have been able to pull that trick off)...


Unless Tasha acts and dresses the same in both identities, people are going to 'remember' her -- but as that really hot super, not as somebody they just ran into in the hall at school..


That's a fair point. It reminds me of a comment Power Girl once made, that she doesn't bother wearing a mask because people aren't looking at her face. Tasha would probably have something similar going on, since she enjoys flaunting her physique.

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