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Teleportation 'Destruction' Power...


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Hi All,


Quick question regarding how to build a 5th Ed power...


I'm thinking of a character that can generate a small 'teleportation' field, literally in the palm of her hand.


The effect of this would be that she could casually swipe her hand over, say, a pane of glass, and have the glass directly where her hand passed, basically cease to exist. In effect, she has teleported a small portion of the glass away.


A HtH Kill doesn't have the right feel, though a Major Transform might, but how to define a transform in this circumstance?


I Don't envisage this character using this ability against other people (she has other teleportational tricks for that) but she has the ability to, I don't know, 'dissolve' things at close range - like doors, glass, steel, etc.


I see the effect as being something like the 'eraser' tool in MSPaint or similar...


Any help gratefully received...

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Re: Teleportation 'Destruction' Power...


I'd say Tunneling is the best bet. While typically tunneling leaves a hole big enough for a man to travel through, it doesn't HAVE to. You could define it as a hole no larger than the palm of her hand (or possibly, that making a bigger hole requires Extra Time, as she moves her hand around, "erasing" a larger area). One inch of Tunneling vs lots of extra DR would work.


(I have a character whose "lucid dreamer" schtick includes being able to "find" doors and windows that didn't previously exist--the way dream geography often works--and use them. And that is how I built her power. One inch of Tunneling, just enough to make an opening a wall, floor or ceiling, with enough oomph to penetrate anything up to a bank vault's door. I think this would work for your purposes too.)

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Re: Teleportation 'Destruction' Power...


zero range RKA with no knock back

might flavor with invisible to sound(except for her victims screams of pain)

Transform would not be a good fit as nothing is done till you affect the whole target(no disabling)

you could go with NND does Body(+2)def teleport or force field/wall

or leave it to have to force it's way through def

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Re: Teleportation 'Destruction' Power...


RKA with something to lower or eliminate Defenses (Armor Peircing, Penetrating, NNO or AVLD to taste and campaign limits). No Knockback, No Range. That's how I would write it up. Tunneling is an alternative or additional power if the character can Teleport large amounts of material in go.

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Re: Teleportation 'Destruction' Power...


Thanks for the replies guys...


I must admit that I hadn't considered either a NND killing attack, or tunnelling.


Both have a nice 'flavour' feel for this character, for different purposes.


As CrosshairCollie points out, the effect I'm looking for is essentially disintegration, but I hadn't actually thought it out that far.


The character would be a lot squeamish about using this ability on a person, but that's character stuff, not mechanical stuff.


Thanks again.



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