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Campaign Classics: Robin Hood


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This section lists several professional Templates GMs might find useful in any number of Fantasy Hero campaigns. Many of these Templates can be used in conjunction with the various Templates offered in Fantasy Hero. Many of the templates shown here use multiple “pick one” lists, allowing for a lot of customization. However, anyone using these Templates shouldn’t feel constrained to use all of the elements shown. The Templates are meant to create Robin Hood-styled outlaws, not regular PCs.




An apprentice is someone learning a craft from a master. Most period apprentices are male and can be engaged in a wide number of pursuits, such as baker, blacksmith, carpenter, cooper (barrel maker), leather worker, shoemaker, and so on. Female apprentices might be learning to make ale (hence the term ‘alewife’), sewing, spinning, or weaving. In more fantastical settings, an apprentice could be learning how to make clockwork devides or how to craft semi-0magical goods. In addition, GMs can easily splice this Template into the Craftsman Template on page 104 of Fantasy Hero.


Apprentice Template

[b]Cost	Ability[/b]
2	AK: Local Area 11-
2	KS: Culture, Materials, And Legends Of Chosen Profession 11-
3	PS: [choice of occupation] 12-
1	WF:  Blades
Notes:  Or other weapon of choice.
3	3 points' of Skills and Powers from the following list:
Notes:  +1 with Block, Dodge, Punch, Running +2m and Riding 8-, 
2	2 points' of Skills from the following list:
Notes:  PS:  Artistry 11-, PS:  [related occupation] 8-, Language (2 
points worth), SS:  Numeracy 8-, Trading 8-

[b]Total Cost Of Package Abilities:  13

Value	Complication[/b]
5	Hunted:  Local Officials And Guards Infrequently (Mo Pow; NCI; 
Limited Geographical Area; Watching)

[b]Total Cost Of Package Complications:  5[/b]




This Template allows one to easily create a basic fighter character. An even more basic fighter might lose one (or both) of the Combat Skill Levels and might have Tactics on a 10 or 8-. A more advanced Mercenary/Soldier could have any combination of Archer, Commander, Heavy, or Light Warrior Templates.


Mercenary/Soldier Template

[b]Cost	Ability[/b]
8	+1 with HTH Combat
2	+1 with either Crossbow, Punch, or Weapon Strike
2	KS: Military Unit History And Customs 11-
3	Tactics 11-
3	WF:  Common Melee Weapons, Crossbows
2	2 points' worth of Skills from the following list: 
Notes:  AK:  Local Area, Language: [choice], PS:  [choice]
3	3 points' worth of Skills from the following list: 
Notes:  Riding, Streetwise, Tracking

[b]Total Cost Of Package Abilities:  23

Value	Complication[/b]
10	Distinctive Features:  Soldier Attitude And Bearing (Concealable)
10	Hunted:  The King's Men Infrequently (Mo Pow; NCI; Watching)
10	Psychological Complication:  Tends To Solve Problems With Violence 
(Common; Moderate)

[b]Total Cost Of Package Complications:  30[/b]




Akin to the Contemplative Priest Template found on page 77-78 of Fantasy Hero, this Template allows one to create a basic priest or monk character from around 1100-1200 AD. In fact, many of the Options listed for the Contemplative Priest make for excellent additions to this Template. More devout priests can raise the Psychological Complication to Strong or even Total.


Monk/Priest Template

[b]Cost	Ability[/b]
2	KS: Religious Doctrine 11-
3	Language:  Latin (fluent conversation; literate)
1	Literacy in Native Tongue 
6	6 points' of Skills from the following list:   
Notes:  Oratory and Paramedics or Language (2 point's worth with 
Literacy) and Scholar
5	5 points' of Powers and Skills from the following list:   
Notes:  Deduction and PS:  Priest or Riding and Running +2m
2	KS: see notes 11-
Notes:  Biblical Scripture, Church History, or Local Myths And Legends
2	KS: see notes 11-
Notes:  European History, Herbalism, or SS:  Numeracy

[b]Total Cost Of Package Abilities:  21

Value	Complication[/b]
10	Hunted:  Church Officials and/or Local Officials And Guards 
Infrequently (Mo Pow; NCI; Watching)
10	Psychological Complication:  Religious Beliefs And Tenets (Common; 

[b]Total Cost Of Package Complications:  10[/b]




This Template represents a basic Norman noble lord from around 1200 AD. Obviously one can also use elements from the Noble Template on page 107 of Fantasy Hero to make a more complete character.


Noble Template

[b]Cost	Ability[/b]
3	Language:  [choice] (completely fluent)
1	WF:  Blades
Notes:  Or Two-Handed Weapons
1	WF:  Crossbows
Notes:  Or Lance
3	3 points' of Skills and Perks from the following list: 
Notes:  +1 with a tight group of weapons, High Society, 3 points' 
worth of Contacts
3	3 points' of Skills from the following list: 
Notes:  Gambling, KS:  Administration plus Literacy in one Language, 
2	2 points' of Skills from the following list: 
Notes:  AK:  Local Area, Language (2 points' worth), PS: [choice of 
1	Familiarity with one Skill from the following List: 
Notes:  Oratory, Riding, Tracking

[b]Total Cost Of Package Abilities:  14

Value	Complication[/b]
10	choice from list
Notes:  DNPC:  Friend, Infrequent (Normal) or Negative Reputation 
10	choice from list
Notes:  Psychological Complication: Chivalrous In Battle (Common, 
Moderate), Psychological Complication:  Arrogant; bad At Dealing With 
Peasants (Common, Moderate), Hunted:  The King's Men, Infrequently 
(MoPow, Watching, NCI)

[b]Total Cost Of Package Complications:  20[/b]




Peasants are farmers, herders, basic craftsmen, and so on. This template presumes the character is nigh-on to becoming an outlaw. Change the Hunted from a Watched to a Capture for any true outlaw. Removing the Watched and the Psychological Complication creates a fairly basic, run-of-the-mill peasant NPC.


Peasant Template

[b]Cost	Ability[/b]
2	AK: Local Area 11-
2	CuK: Country Customs 11-
2	PS: [choice] Husbandry 11-
1	WF:  Polearms and Spears
Notes:  or Staffs (Quarterstaff)
6	6 points' worth of Skills from the following list: 
Notes:  PS:  Peasant Craft, PS:  Trapper, Survival, Streetwise, 

[b]Total Cost Of Package Abilities:  13

Value	Complication[/b]
5	Hunted:  Shire Officials And Guards Infrequently (Mo Pow; NCI; 
Limited Geographical Area; Watching)
10	Psychological Complication:  Dislike/Disdain/Hatred Of Officials And 
Nobles (Common; Moderate)

[b]Total Cost Of Package Complications:  15[/b]




A ‘wild man’ has been living either on his own or in a very primitive society for some time. He has little to no use for civilization, towns, lords, and their laws. Certain Environmental Templates, such as Forest, Hill, Or Mountain, may help further define the character.


Wild Man Template

[b]Cost	Ability[/b]
4	Swift Of Foot:  Running +4m (16m total)	1
Notes:  or Swimming +4m
8	+1 with HTH Combat
2	AK: Local Area 11-
2	KS: [choice of desired wilderness type] 11-
3	Stealth 11-
3	Survival 11-
Notes:  or Tracking
1	WF:  Bows
Notes:  Or Thrown Knives, Axes, Darts
1	WF:  Polearms and Spears
Notes:  Or Quarterstaff
3	3 points' of Skill and Powers from the following list  
Notes:  +1 with all PER Rolls, Climbing, Paramedics

[b]Total Cost Of Package Abilities:  27

Value	Complication[/b]
10	Distinctive Features:  "Wild Man" (Concealable)
10	Hunted:  Local Forest And Shire Officials Infrequently (Mo Pow; Limited 
Geographical Area; Harshly Punish)
15	Psychological Complication:  Dislikes Crowds And Towns (Common; 

[b]Total Cost Of Package Complications:  35[/b]

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