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Distracting Taunts


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I was trying to come up with an ability for a character to upset and distract an opponent with insults and taunts, kind of like how Spider-Man acts.


Here is what I have so far.


Distracting Taunts: Drain OCV 1d6, Alternate Combat Value (uses OMCV against DMCV; +¼) (12 Active Points); Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Ego Roll; All Or Nothing; -1 ½), Incantations (-¼), Limited Range (-¼). Real Cost: 4 points

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Re: Distracting Taunts




Were I building it, I'd probably want to make it more like extra DCV levels with limitations on the character, so it wouldn't take my attack action to use, but I see nothing 'wrong' with the build per se. I would also think some characters would be flatly immune to it based on Psych Lims; perhaps a bonus to the EGO roll?

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Re: Distracting Taunts


I would perhaps consider it a case for PRE-Attack where the loss of action/initiative and possible defense penalties are simple the effect of a not very effective action.

The PRE+20 result (1/2 DCV + loss of Full phase) can come from fear, awe or because he was so reckless to start a haymaker right in front of him.


Way two from me (and propably the most direct one):

I once had the idea for a "get Aggro" power. It's basically a Mind Controll with the order "Attack Me (Recklessly)*" but with a maximum effect of EGO+10 or +20. You might even add a Side Effect/other Limitation since the order get's you in trouble/the crosshair and might cost you your action (to defened properly).

My reasoning for this is how I interpret the levels for this oder:

EGO: Is reckless, overconfient or hating the character and would not like to attack anyone else for tactical reasons (no hatreds against them, not the obvious greater threat, the better chance to beat him or direct orders).

EGO+10: There might be better targets but, no obvious game breakers (like the guy who has your weakness) that need to be taken out first and he has a reasonable chance to hit his target.

EGO+20: He has either no reason at all to attack recklessly, or will even ignore superior numbers (spidey has help, he has not), a fight going clearly against him, spideys superior postion, etc....

EGO+30: Would propably get some bystander with no reason to attack you to attack you anyway (and that recklessly). This could be used for "he shot first" tricks even against honorable cops or people who regard him as friend. That level should propably be excluded with a limitation.


*My original idea was only "Attack me instead of anyone else". But here doing it reckless is a notch up from that.

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Re: Distracting Taunts




Were I building it, I'd probably want to make it more like extra DCV levels with limitations on the character, so it wouldn't take my attack action to use, but I see nothing 'wrong' with the build per se. I would also think some characters would be flatly immune to it based on Psych Lims; perhaps a bonus to the EGO roll?


Hmmm. I could definitely see doing it as a DCV-based power, maybe with a Time Limit limitation of 1 Turn or maybe just an extra phase. This is for a Teen Champions character, so I was trying to stay under the suggested CV ceiling.

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Re: Distracting Taunts


You could make it Constant' date=' so that once he starts taunting, it just keeps going with no further attack actions until/unless he shuts up.[/quote']


That's a good suggestion. I suppose I could make the Incantations constant throughout.


Is there a limitation that can be assigned for a maximum amount drained? As written, the drain could keep hitting until the target has 0 OCV. I only wanted to do maybe 2 points as the maximum drained.

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Re: Distracting Taunts


I would perhaps consider it a case for PRE-Attack where the loss of action/initiative and possible defense penalties are simple the effect of a not very effective action.

The PRE+20 result (1/2 DCV + loss of Full phase) can come from fear, awe or because he was so reckless to start a haymaker right in front of him.


Way two from me (and propably the most direct one):

I once had the idea for a "get Aggro" power. It's basically a Mind Controll with the order "Attack Me (Recklessly)*" but with a maximum effect of EGO+10 or +20. You might even add a Side Effect/other Limitation since the order get's you in trouble/the crosshair and might cost you your action (to defened properly).

My reasoning for this is how I interpret the levels for this oder:

EGO: Is reckless, overconfient or hating the character and would not like to attack anyone else for tactical reasons (no hatreds against them, not the obvious greater threat, the better chance to beat him or direct orders).

EGO+10: There might be better targets but, no obvious game breakers (like the guy who has your weakness) that need to be taken out first and he has a reasonable chance to hit his target.

EGO+20: He has either no reason at all to attack recklessly, or will even ignore superior numbers (spidey has help, he has not), a fight going clearly against him, spideys superior postion, etc....

EGO+30: Would propably get some bystander with no reason to attack you to attack you anyway (and that recklessly). This could be used for "he shot first" tricks even against honorable cops or people who regard him as friend. That level should propably be excluded with a limitation.


*My original idea was only "Attack me instead of anyone else". But here doing it reckless is a notch up from that.


As an indirect way to get where I want to go, I suppose it could work. The problem is it requires a monstrous amount of PRE to get enough effect to be useful.

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Re: Distracting Taunts


As an indirect way to get where I want to go' date=' I suppose it could work. The problem is it requires a monstrous amount of PRE to get enough effect to be useful.[/quote']

Something that controlls the actions of an enemy should obviously not be cheaper by the rules.


I don#t think it needs much pre either. Using Complimentary Skill (Persuasion perhaps?), Knowing the targets weak points (Complications) and having some limited pre (Taunting tricks: Striking Apereance only to taunt enemy) will get you results.

When this is a "every fight, multiple times" power I would go with Mind Controll anyway. For controlling the enemies actions it is simply the right rules way.

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Re: Distracting Taunts


Something that controlls the actions of an enemy should obviously not be cheaper by the rules.


I don#t think it needs much pre either. Using Complimentary Skill (Persuasion perhaps?), Knowing the targets weak points (Complications) and having some limited pre (Taunting tricks: Striking Apereance only to taunt enemy) will get you results.

When this is a "every fight, multiple times" power I would go with Mind Controll anyway. For controlling the enemies actions it is simply the right rules way.


I disagree. Going with the most expensive power construction option every time is not the best way to write up a character. If you can create an ability that fulfills the special effect, a less expensive way to do it is not automatically wrong. The rules are there to inspire creativity, and there are many ways to build something.

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Re: Distracting Taunts


That's a good suggestion. I suppose I could make the Incantations constant throughout.


Is there a limitation that can be assigned for a maximum amount drained? As written, the drain could keep hitting until the target has 0 OCV. I only wanted to do maybe 2 points as the maximum drained.


As a generic Limited Power kind of Limitation, but AFAIK there's no standard Limitation for it.

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Re: Distracting Taunts


That's a good suggestion. I suppose I could make the Incantations constant throughout.


Is there a limitation that can be assigned for a maximum amount drained? As written, the drain could keep hitting until the target has 0 OCV. I only wanted to do maybe 2 points as the maximum drained.


As a generic Limited Power kind of Limitation, but AFAIK there's no standard Limitation for it.

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Re: Distracting Taunts


I disagree. Going with the most expensive power construction option every time is not the best way to write up a character. If you can create an ability that fulfills the special effect' date=' a less expensive way to do it is not automatically wrong. The rules are there to inspire creativity, and there are many ways to build something.[/quote']

It depends on what game effect you want:

Affect how easy your hero/the target is to hit could be done with limited OCV/DCV or any power that affects those values by the enemy.


When your target is "I want to determine what action the enemy does in his phases (or let him loose usefull phases)" then you have only PRE attacks as "once in while" way or Mind Controll for regular use.

And having to use low PRE/MC values means you have to rely heavy on the enemies complications and situation. Wich is not unusual for a Teen Champion power.

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Re: Distracting Taunts


That's a good suggestion. I suppose I could make the Incantations constant throughout.


Is there a limitation that can be assigned for a maximum amount drained? As written, the drain could keep hitting until the target has 0 OCV. I only wanted to do maybe 2 points as the maximum drained.

You could increase it to 2d6 and apply "One Use At A Time (-1)" [6E1 143].


Then again, based on that value, you might assume that a custom Limitation of "Max Points Drained = Max Rolled On Dice" is also worth (-1); in that case "Max Points Drained = 2x Max Rolled On Dice" would probably be worth (-3/4), "= 3x" would be (-1/2), and "= 4x" would be (-1/4).


That would be my take on it. You might also add "Self Only" at (-1/2) or so, unless you want the target to be at reduced DCV for your teammates as well.


EDIT: You could also use Change Environment, though I'm not sure that would be mechanically cleaner.

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Re: Distracting Taunts


Is there a limitation that can be assigned for a maximum amount drained? As written, the drain could keep hitting until the target has 0 OCV. I only wanted to do maybe 2 points as the maximum drained.

There is "One use At A Time (-1)" - 6E1 143. Combined with Standart Result, NND and the normal Fade rate it should work....

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Re: Distracting Taunts


You could increase it to 2d6 and apply "One Use At A Time (-1)" [6E1 143].


Then again, based on that value, you might assume that a custom Limitation of "Max Points Drained = Max Rolled On Dice" is also worth (-1); in that case "Max Points Drained = 2x Max Rolled On Dice" would probably be worth (-3/4), "= 3x" would be (-1/2), and "= 4x" would be (-1/4).j


That would be my take on it. You might also add "Self Only" at (-1/2) or so, unless you want the target to be at reduced DCV for your teammates as well.


EDIT: You could also use Change Environment, though I'm not sure that would be mechanically cleaner.


Change Environment would be a bit clunkier, I'm thinking. I'd need to build it with Time Limit, I think. The drain would definitely be a self only version. The character would be infuriating the target just enough to make them miss a little more often. I could definitely do the "One Use At A Time" limitation.


The target would also need to understand the taunt to make it work. Maybe that's a -0 limitation though.

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Re: Distracting Taunts


Rather than an OCV penalty' date=' what about the negative skill level rules?[/quote']

Do you mean "how about you make a negative skill level" rule or "the negative skill level rules in book y, page x"?


I've considerend something like that once, over in the "Inherent jinx power" thread to simulate bad luck:


But that one was for a side effect. It's highly unbalanced when combined with UAA.


The character might also be able to trigger Enraged/Berserk disads with his banter (or make them the more difficult to resist if the target of his taunts is prone to go off about being heckled). A Transform maybe or limited Mind Control? He'd have to know or figure out the triggering stimulus.

You could increae the value of an Enraged with Transform (or apply a new Enraged), thus worsening the rolls or making the condition more common (i.e. make "8- to go, when smelling cinamon" to "14-, when smelling cinamon or being taunted" by applying about 20 complication points).

But the duration should be limited/healing around REC/phase.

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Re: Distracting Taunts


Do you mean "how about you make a negative skill level" rule or "the negative skill level rules in book y, page x"?


I've considerend something like that once, over in the "Inherent jinx power" thread to simulate bad luck:


But that one was for a side effect. It's highly unbalanced when combined with UAA.



You could increae the value of an Enraged with Transform (or apply a new Enraged), thus worsening the rolls or making the condition more common (i.e. make "8- to go, when smelling cinamon" to "14-, when smelling cinamon or being taunted" by applying about 20 complication points).

But the duration should be limited/healing around REC/phase.


Since it is a mental transformation, the transform should go against ego, and I could see the healing rate be as fast as rec/turn or maybe rec/minute. This is probably a good way for a wise-cracking hero to temporarily add an enraged to some bad guys that don't show it when fighting other heroes.


Some bad guys could also take a Vulnerability to taunt effects, such as CV drains and mental transforms. What might such a Vulnerability be worth?

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Re: Distracting Taunts


Some bad guys could also take a Vulnerability to taunt effects' date=' such as CV drains and mental transforms. What might such a Vulnerability be worth?[/quote']

So far "Taunt Effects" is a very specific SFX. Afaik your character is the only one using somethign like this. But I think there is already a "Enraged when insulted" in the books....

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