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Naked Advantage: Useable As Attack?



I'm building a character that can Desolidify himself, and can "bring along" one other person. The character must remain in contact with the other person for the full duration. A loss of contact and the "passenger" becomes solid. I.e., the Desolification is carried through physical contact.


My first thought was to buy the Desolidification normally, and then buy the Useable As Attack for two targets (me and the passenger) as a Naked Advantage for the Desolidification, like below:


40 Desolidification

40 Naked Advantage: UOO(+1 ¼; UAA, Two Targets, Grantor Controls, Grantor Pays END, Within Reach, Remain Close) on 40 AP of Desolidification (50 AP), No Range Throughout(-¼)


Is this a valid build/design?


Also, instead of the -½ value for "Must Remain Close", which can be several meters apart, would it be more appropriate to just do a -3/4 value for "Must Remain In Contact" instead of the 'external' range Limitation I have above?

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Re: Naked Advantage: Useable As Attack?


At a brief glance that looks OK, but I don't want to establish some sort of "I'll review your power constructs!" precedent so I haven't looked at it closely. It's up to your GM to approve how he wants you to handle unusual power constructs. ;) Similarly, it's up to him to decide what's an appropriate value for slightly tweaked Power Modifiers.

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