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Campaign Classics: Vikings


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I recently went through some of my older HERO System books and found this. Knowing that the HERO community is always looking for new magic spells, powers, and artifacts, I offer my take on this classic Hero System 3rd Edition material.


Note: this material only covers Templates, magic systems, spells, and objects. Gods and monsters will not be covered since that will fall under the upcoming Mythic Hero supplement.

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Re: Campaign Classics: Vikings




Psychological Complication: Touchy Honor


By Norse custom any insult (either by accident or on purpose) needed to be paid for. Payment could either be in money (“geld” or “gild”) or in blood. The choice was up to the victim. If compensation was denied, then the Norseman was socially pressured to seek vengeance in blood—if he didn’t, then his reputation would be smeared and others would feel free to insult him (and his family) as well. This Complication should be taken for any Berserk or Trollblood. Warriors and chieftains should also consider taking this.


15	Psychological Complication:  Protective Of Honor (Common, Strong)




Berserks (from the Norse word
), meaning “bear shirt”) are men who work themselves into a frothing rage before battle. They are known to howl, bite their shields, wear little to no armor (as noted, they wore a tunic or robe of bear skins), and to fight with no regard for personal safety or enemy numbers. Once in their trance-like state, a berserk possesses enhanced strength and is virtually immune to fire and edged weapons (although not clubs or wooden weapons.) It is possible for berserks to also be able to blunt enemy weapons with a glance (see the entry for Viking Platform Magic for more.)


The Berserk Fury power can be used for more than just combat. A Norseman who needs to engage in long-term strenuous labor could enter a berserk state, performing physical deeds far beyond those of normal men. Game Masters should also decide how a berserk enters the
(“going berserk”) state. It could require an EGO Roll, the consumption of alcohol, drugs, or other substances, or a pre-battle ritual. Game Masters could also make
dependent upon the Enraged Complication. Once the warrior goes Berserk in battle, then his Berserk Fury power activates.


Cost	Ability[/b]
2	WF:  Common Melee Weapons
Berserk Fury
4	1)  [i]As Strong As A Bear:[/i]  +15 STR; Side Effects (automatically suffers 
-5 STR and -5 CON for 24 hours after Continuing Charge ends; -2), 
Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -¼), Costs Half Endurance 
(-¼), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 6 Hours (-0), END 1
6	2)  [i]Iron Will Not Bite Him:[/i]  Resistant Protection (8 PD); Linked 
(STR; -½), Only Works Against Edged Weapons Of Iron And Steel (-½)
6	3)  [i]Fire Will Not Burn Him:[/i]  Resistant Protection (8 ED); Linked 
(STR; -½), Only Works Against Natural Fire And Flame (-½)
7	4)  [i]Berserk Howl:[/i]  +15 PRE; Only To Cause Fear and/or 
Intimidate (-1), Incantations (must howl, scream, bite shield, and so 
on; -¼)

[b]Total Cost Of Package Abilities:  25

Value	Complication[/b]
25	Enraged:  combat (Common), go 14-, recover 11-

[b]Total Cost Of Package Complications:  25[/b]




This template represents the basic skills needed for any decent Norseman farmer. The Norse were known to be very family orientated, and insulting any one family member would gain the enmity of the entire clan (see the “Touchy Honor” entry above.)


Cost	Ability[/b]
2	Animal Handler (Bovines) 11-
2	PS: Farming 11-
2	PS: Fishing 11-
2	PS: [choice of craft skill] 11-
3	Hunting:  Tracking 11-
1	WF:  Axes, Maces, Hammers, and Picks

[b]Total Cost Of Package Abilities:  12

Value	Complication[/b]
15	Psychological Complication:  Loyal To/Protective Of Family (Common; 

[b]Total Cost Of Package Complications:  15[/b]




A ‘leech’ is a healer. In Norse society they tend to be women and are highly-skilled in the use of herbal remedies. If given time and the right combination of herbs, they can cure almost any physical ills. Game Masters may wish to alter the Herb Of Healing power to make it more restrictive (as it stands it’s 200 Active Points) by either reducing the number of Characteristics affected, or by reducing the mobility of the power (it might require the target to bathe in an OAF Bulky cauldron or to spend time in an immobile sauna.) Mention is also made of the Herbs of Life, which can re-attach limbs (including eyes) if used within three days of the limb being lost. However, said Herbs of Life are very, very rare.


Cost	Ability[/b]
2	AK: local wilderness 11-
2	PS: Leech (Healer) 11-
5	Paramedics 12-
2	Survival (Temperate/Subtropical) 11-
1	WF:  Blades (knives)
1	Positive Reputation:  healer/leech (local Viking community) 8-, 
33	[i]Herbs Of Healing:[/i]  Healing all Characteristics 4d6, All Characteristics 
Simultaneously (+4); Extra Time (1 Minute preparation time, 
Character May Take No Other Actions; -1 ¾), OAF Expendable (Very 
Difficult to obtain new Focus; various herbs; -1 ½), Concentration, 
throughout (0 DCV; -1), Requires A Roll (11- roll; actual roll is based 
on character's Paramedics Roll; -½), 12 Charges (-¼), [12]

[b]Total Cost Of Package Abilities:  46

Value	Complication

Total Cost Of Package Complications:  0

Cost	Option[/b]
7	[i]Herbs Of Life:[/i]  Healing BODY 6d6, Can Heal Limbs; 1 Charge (-2), OAF 
Expendable (Extremely Difficult to obtain new Focus; Herbs of 
Life; -2), Extra Time (1 Minute, Character May Take No Other Actions, 
preparation time; -1 3/4), Concentration, Must Concentrate throughout 
use of Constant Power (0 DCV; -1), Only Works On Limbs Lost Within 
The Last Three Days (-1), Requires A Roll (11- roll; actual roll is based 
on character's Paramedics Roll; -1/2)




A rogue is any man turned out and made an outlaw. He might be a thief, a murderer (who has yet to be caught and avenged by the slain man’s family), a beggar (in which case he might have a Physical Complication reflecting a past injury), a homeless vagabond, or the like. Norse hospitality was such that a beggar or vagabond could get room and board for a few days at any farm, but it was illegal to knowingly shelter an outlaw. May outlaws liked to worm their way into the households of chieftains, spreading rumors about the words and deeds of others (especially rivals) and seducing female members of the house.


Cost	Ability[/b]
2	AK: [local region] 11-
3	Charm 11-
1	High Society 8-
3	Persuasion 11-
1	WF:  Axes

[b]Total Cost Of Package Abilities:  10

Value	Complication[/b]
10	Hunted:  Bloodfeud Enemies Frequently (As Pow; Limited Geographical Area; Harshly Punish)
5	Negative Reputation:  criminal, Infrequently

[b]Total Cost Of Package Complications:  15[/b]




Shamans tended to be women, as male shamans are looked down on for fighting with magic and not risking their lives in proper battle. A shaman enters into a trance by invoking the favor of Freyja, the goddess of battle frenzy, magic, and passion. Once in their trance, the shaman can cast her soul forth and look around the world. By entering the land of the dead and looking back at the land of the living she can experience visions that will tell her what she needs to know (provided she can properly interpret them. For more information on the powers of a shaman, see the section on Platform Magic.


Cost	Ability[/b]
3	Conversation 11-
3	Any Skill from the following list: Oratory, Persuasion
3	Scholar
1	1)  KS: Ancient Runes 8-
1	2)  KS: Herbs And Herb Lore 11-
2	3)  KS: Holy Rituals and Trances 11-
1	4)  KS: Modern Runes 11-
1	5)  KS: Omens 11-
1	6)  KS: Theology 11-
1	7)  KS: [character's choice] 11-
1	8)  KS: [character's choice] 11-

[b]Total Cost Of Package Abilities:  18

Value	Complication[/b]
5	Distinctive Features:  Shaman (furs, paint, equipment, and so on) 
(Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By 
Commonly-Used Senses)
5	Negative Reputation:  male shaman, Infrequently
[b]Notes:[/b]  Take only if character is a male.

[b]Total Cost Of Package Complications:  5 (or 10)[/b]




A skald is a poet and singer, similar to an Irish Ollav or Welsh bard. They compose verse (such as the sagas) and tend to be welcomed where ever they go (especially by the nobility, who like having their exploits sung about.) Skalds are among the few literate people in the Norse world, knowing how to read and write symbols of the Runic alphabet. Skalds can also ‘read’ miscarved runes and know which ones will be dangerous to use or touch. Some can even carve magic runes themselves, using them to cast spells. See the section on Rune Carving for more.


Cost	Ability[/b]
1	KS: Ancient Runes 8-
2	KS: Modern Runes 11-
1	Language:  Ancient And Modern Runes (literate)
3	Oratory 11-
3	PS: Poetic Improvisation 11-
3	PS: Rune-Carving 11-
Notes:  If carving Magic Runes, make this a Power Skill
3	PS: Singing 11-
3	PS: Storytelling 11-
6	Any two Skills from the following list: Charm, Conversation, High 
Society, Persuasion
1	Positive Reputation:  Poet/Skald (local Viking community) 8-, 
3	Spot Miscarved Runes:  Detect Miscarved Runes 11- (Sight Group)

[b]Total Cost Of Package Abilities:  29

Value	Complication[/b]
5	Rivalry:  Professional (fellow poet/skald; Rival is As Powerful; Seek 	to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival; Rival Aware of Rivalry)

[b]Total Cost Of Package Complications:  5[/b]




A trollblood is said to be just that, a man with trollish parentage. One of his parents may have spent time in a troll mound, or one may have seduced/captured and enslaved by a troll. While somewhat distrusted due to their appearance (trollbloods are universally tall—even for a Norseman) with gray hair and homely features, they were also respected for their great strength and fighting skills. However, trollbloods are known to be fiercely competitive—there is a story of one who became so embroiled in a ball game he killed one of his sons and a nurse that tried to protect a second son.


It might be possible for a woman to be trollblooded,. While the original sourcebook doesn’t say either way, GMs can decide for themselves if such a thing is possible.


Cost	Ability[/b]
3	[i]Unpleasant To Look At :[/i]  +1/+1d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all 
7	[i]Troll's Strength:[/i]  +10 STR; Only At Night (-½), END 2
8	[i]Troll's Toughness:[/i]  Resistant Protection (8 PD); Only Works Against 
Edged Weapons Of Iron And Steel (-½)
4	[i]Troll's Toughness:[/i]  LS  (Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat)
5	[i]Troll's Eyes:[/i]  Nightvision

[b]Total Cost Of Package Abilities:  27

Value	Complication[/b]
15	Distinctive Features:  Great Height (even for a Viking), Ugly Face And 
Features, Wolf-Grey Hair (Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes 
Major Reaction [fear]; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
20	Physical Complication:  Troll's Eyes; suffers -2 to all Sight PER Rolls in 
sunlight (may suffer minuses to other CHAR Rolls as well) (Frequently; 
Greatly Impairing)
15	Psychological Complication:  Fierce Temper/Keen Competitor/[similar 
personality issue] (Common; Strong) 

[b]Total Cost Of Package Complications:  50[/b]

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Re: Campaign Classics: Vikings




Platform Magic


Platform magic is practiced by Viking Shamans. They normally cast their spells from atop a gallows-like structure and normally have an assistant who sings songs to enable the shaman enter her trance. The assistant also protected the shaman while she was in her trance (this is not represented in the Limitations to any spells.) Once in her trance, the shaman would send her soul out to look at the world around her. By journeying far away, she could look into the past, the future, and even the land of the dead, learning information through visions. Naturally, the events shown in these visions are open to interpretation and may have many meanings.


A shaman can also hide events from another scrying shaman, creating fogs, mists, flying swarms of birds of insects, or even illusions of great monsters. If her platform is erected on a battlefield, the shaman can animate the dead and send them form to do her bidding. The power uses the standard zombie character sheet from the Hero System Bestiary (found on page 296.) Game Masters can increase the number of Summonable zombies as well as the individual power level to better fit their settings. The shaman can also blunt weapons with but a glance, rendering them harmless to her and others. However, it is possible only she is protected by this effect and anyone else can still be harmed (this is at lease a -1 Limitation on the power.) Finally, a shaman can pronounce a death curse on her slayers. The version presented here is simple Unluck, but GMs could make it into form of RKA.


Its possible for Shamans to have other spells. Game Masters could consider spells from the Divination and Sorcery spell categories seen in the
Hero System Grimoire


Platform Magic Spells

25	1)  Soul Projection:  Retrocognitive, Precognitive Clairsentience (Sight 
And Hearing Groups), MegaScale (1m = 1 km; +1); Concentration, 
throughout (0 DCV; Character is totally unaware of nearby 
events; -1 ½), Extra Time (5 Minutes, Only to Activate, Character May 
Take No Other Actions, -1 ¼), Blackout (-½), Vague and Unclear (-½), 
Spell (-½), Physical Manifestation (sends forth soul in the form of a 
bird, fish, land animal, or dragon; -¼), END 14
22	2)  Obscurement:  Sight and Hearing Groups Images, -8 to PER Rolls, 
Area Of Effect (2m Radius; +¼), MegaScale (1m = 1 km; +1); 	Concentration, throughout (0 DCV; Character is totally unaware of 
nearby events; -1 ½), Extra Time (5 Minutes, Only to Activate, -1), 
Spell (-½), END 9
25	3)  Animate Dead:  Summon 256 176-point "zombie", Slavishly 
Devoted (+1); Extra Time (5 Minutes, -2), Concentration, throughout 
(0 DCV; Character is totally unaware of nearby events; -1 ½), Must 
Have Corpse(s) (total number of Summoned zombies depends upon 
the corpses on-hand; -1), Spell (-½), END 15
30	4)  Blunt Weapons:  Drain HKA 2d6, ACV (uses OMCV against 
DCV; +0), any HKA weapon, one weapon at a time (+½), LOS (+½), 
Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1); 
Spell (-½), Limited Special Effect (only affects edged weapons; -¼), 
No Effect On Weapons With Silver Components (-¼), END 6
18	5)  Death Curse:  Major Transform 6d6 (person into person with 3d6 
Unluck, heals back normally), ACV (uses OMCV against DCV; +0), 
Trigger (shaman dies/is killed; +¼), Partial Transform (+½), Area Of 
Effect (16m Radius; +¾); 1 Charge which Never Recovers (-4), Power 
May Only Be Used At Point Of Death (-2), Limited Target ([Limited]; 
humans; -½), Spell (-½), Incantations (must speak curse; -¼), [1 nr]


Rune Carving Magic


Rune carving is a form of magic practiced by skalds. The caster carves a rune into something as simple as a rune board and then paints it with blood and recites a poem over the rune in order to power it. Miscarved runes (i.e. one in which the Skill Roll is failed) can harm and kill those who come in contact with them. As written, these spells can be used at range once the rune is carved. Game Masters may want to alter these spells so they only affect something they’re carved in or on. Or, that the rune board must be placed on or near whomever they are to effect. For example, the Rune of Health must be carved into a board and the board must be hung around the neck of (or placed on the chest of) whomever it is supposed to heal. The Rune of Sickness would have to be hidden in the target’s bed, and so on. This could require Advantages like Trigger as well as Limitations like No Range.


For further ideas for rune magic spells, look no further than the Rune Magic spell category seen in the
Hero System Grimoire


Rune Carving Spells

11	1)  Rune Of Health:  Aid 6d6, any Characteristic, one at a time (+½), 
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 
12), time needed to carve rune; -1 ¼), OAF (rune board and 
knife; -1), Gestures (Requires both hands; must carve rune; -½), 
Concentration, throughout (½ DCV; -½), Requires A Roll (Rune 
Carving Skill Roll; -½), Side Effects (caster loses 1 BODY [must dye 
runes with own blood]; -½), Side Effects (RKA 2d6 (or similar 
damaging effect) to anyone who comes in contact with miscarved rune 
(i.e. if Skill Roll is failed); -½), Spell (-½), Incantations (must chant 
poem over carved rune; -¼)
12	2)  Rune Of Sickness:  Drain [characteristics] 2d6, any Characteristic, 
one at a time (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Delayed Return 
Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per 6 Hours; +2); Extra Time (1 
Turn (Post-Segment 12), time needed to carve rune; -1 ¼), OAF (rune 
board and knife; -1), Gestures (Requires both hands; must carve 
rune; -½), Concentration, throughout casting (½ DCV; -½), Requires 
A Roll (Rune Carving Skill Roll; -½), Side Effects (caster loses 1 BODY 
[must dye runes with own blood]; -½), Side Effects (RKA 2d6 (or 
similar damaging effect) to anyone who comes in contact with 
miscarved rune (i.e. if Skill Roll is failed); -½), Spell (-½), Incantations 
(must chant poem over carved rune; -¼)
8	3)  Rune Of Emotion Control:  Mind Control 10d6 (Human class of 
minds), Telepathic (+¼); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), time 
needed to carve rune; -1 ¼), OAF (rune board and knife; -1), 
Gestures (Requires both hands; must carve rune; -½), No Range (-½), 
Concentration, throughout casting (½ DCV; -½), Requires A Roll (Rune 
Carving Skill Roll; -½), Set Effect (only to control emotions; -½), Side 
Effects (caster loses 1 BODY [must dye runes with own blood]; -½), 
Side Effects (RKA 2d6 (or similar damaging effect) to anyone who 
comes in contact with miscarved rune (i.e. if Skill Roll is failed); -½), 
Spell (-½), Incantations (must chant poem over carved 
rune; -¼), END 6
11	4)  Undo Miscarved Rune:  Dispel 16d6, any Magic Rune, one at a 
time (+½); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), time needed to 
carve rune; -1 ¼), OAF (rune board and knife; -1), Gestures (Requires 
both hands; must carve rune; -½), Concentration, throughout casting 
(½ DCV; -½), Requires A Roll (Rune Carving Skill Roll; -½), Side 
Effects (caster loses 1 BODY [must dye runes with own blood]; -½), 
Side Effects (RKA 2d6 (or similar damaging effect) to anyone who 
comes in contact with miscarved rune (i.e. if Skill Roll is failed); -½), 
Spell (-½), Incantations (must chant poem over carved 
rune; -¼), END 7


Second Sight


Second Sight is a power that can be possessed by almost anyone, farmer, leeches, warriors, men and women. It allows the person possessing the power to see into the past and the future, giving them visions of events that have happened or might happen. However, as with many such visions, the meaning is open to interpretation. For example, a person may see blood pooled on the floor of a house, meaning violence has occurred or will occur. But who caused it and what will be the outcome is open to doubt. Another example would be a vision of blood on the PC’s weapons. A fight will ensue soon, but against whom is unknown. Game Masters should keep this in mind when presenting visions to the PCs with the power of Second Sight. it should never be a useless power, but it shouldn’t be totally reliable, either.


	Second Sight, all slots Unified Power (-¼)
23	1)  Visions Of The Past And Future:  Retrocognitive, Precognitive 
Clairsentience (Sight And Hearing Groups), Reduced Endurance 
(½ END; +¼); Precognition/Retrocognition Only (-1), No Conscious 
Control (character can never be sure of the nature, extent, or 
reliability of his visions; -1), Vague and Unclear (-½), Unified 
Power (-¼), END 3
4	2)  See Auras Of Luck And Unluck:  Detect Luck, Unluck, Curses, 
Miscarved Runes 11- (Sight Group); Unified Power (-¼)
18	3)  Visions Of The Future:  Danger Sense (immediate vicinity, out of 
combat, Function as a Sense, Intuitional); Unified 
Power (-¼) 11-


Trollwise Magic


A man who spends time with the trolls is said to be a trollfriend. Those who befriend the troll (or spend time in Lappland, with Lapplandish wizards) can learn various spells to alter the elements. Much of his magic is nature related and affects the elements. A trollwise wizard normally needed a length of cord to make knots in so he could cast his spells, but might also need herbs in order to make soothing brews.


A trollwise wizard should be allowed to buy spells from any of the Elemental spell categories (specifically air, fire, earth, and water,) as well as any of the Troll Magic spells found in the
Hero System Grimoire


Trollwise Spells

14	1)  Animate Elemental Forces:  Telekinesis (30 STR), Affects Porous, 
Area Of Effect (3m Radius; +¼); OAF (rope; -1), Gestures, throughout 
casting (Requires both hands; must tie knots; -1), Concentration, 
throughout casting (½ DCV; -½), Only Works On Limited Types Of 
Objects (elemental forces:  air, fire, water, earth; -½), Spell (-½), 
Affects Whole Object (-¼), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to 
Activate, -¼), END 7
15	2)  Blunt Weapons:  Drain HKA 2d6, ACV (uses OMCV against 
DCV; +0), any HKA weapon, one weapon at a time (+½), LOS (+½), 
Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1); 1 
Charge (-2), Spell (-½), Limited Special Effect (only affects edged 
weapons; -¼), No Effect On Weapons With Silver 
Components (-¼), [1]
14	3)  Call Lightning:  RKA 2d6, +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+¼), 
Indirect (sky above the target; +¼), No Range Modifier (+½); OAF 
(rope; -1), Gestures, throughout casting (Requires both hands; must 
tie knots; -1), Concentration, throughout casting (½ DCV; -½), 
Spell (-½), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -¼), END 6
38	4)  Calm the Winds:  Suppress Air Powers 4d6, All Air Powers 
Simultaneously (+4); OAF (rope; -1), Gestures, throughout casting 
(Requires both hands; must tie knots; -1), Spell (-½), Concentration, 
throughout casting (½ DCV; -½), Costs Endurance (to maintain; -½), 
No Range (-½), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -¼), END 20
7	5)  Cloud Of Fog:  Darkness to Sight Group 4m radius, Reduced 
Endurance (0 END; +½); OAF (rope; -1), Gestures, throughout casting 
(Requires both hands; must tie knots; -1), Concentration, throughout 
casting (½ DCV; -½), Spell (-½), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to 
Activate, -¼)
3	6)  Herbal Brew:  Unable To Feel Fatigue:  +100 END; Extra Time (6 
Hours, time to brew; -3 ½), OAF Fragile (-1 ¼), Concentration, 
throughout casting (½ DCV; -½), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 
1 Day (-0), [1 cc]
1	7)  Herbal Brew:  Unable To Feel Hunger:  LS  (Eating: Character does 
not eat); Extra Time (6 Hours, time to brew; -3 ½), OAF 
Fragile (-1 ¼), Concentration, throughout casting (½ DCV; -½), 1 
Continuing Charge lasting 1 Day (-0), [1 cc]
9	8)  Herbal Brew:  Unable To Feel Pain:  Physical Damage Reduction, 
Resistant, 75%; Extra Time (6 Hours, time to brew; -3 ½), OAF 
Fragile (-1 ¼), STUN Only (-½), Concentration, throughout casting 
(½ DCV; -½), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Day (-0), [1 cc]
11	9)  Raise/Lower The Waves:  Change Environment (create/stop 
flooding) (-24m of any mode of Running), Area Of Effect (4m 
Radius; +¼), Varying Effect (cause or stem flooding; +¼), MegaScale 
(1m = 1 km; +1); Extra Time (1 Hour, Only to Activate, -1 ½), OAF 
(rope; -1), Gestures, throughout casting (Requires both hands; must 
tie knots; -1), Concentration, throughout casting (½ DCV; -½), 
Spell (-½), END 6
11	10) Slake Fire:  Suppress Fire 4d6, any one Fire spell or power at a 
time (+½); OAF (rope; -1), Gestures, throughout casting (Requires 
both hands; must tie knots; -1), Spell (-½), Concentration, throughout 
casting (½ DCV; -½), Costs Endurance (to maintain; -½), No 
Range (-½), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -¼), END 6
6	11) Weather Manipulation:  Change Environment (alter the weather) 
(+/-4 Temperature Level Adjustment), Varying Effect (+½), Area Of 
Effect (16m Radius; +¾); OAF (rope; -1), Gestures, throughout 
casting (Requires both hands; must tie knots; -1), Concentration, 
throughout casting (½ DCV; -½), Spell (-½), Extra Time (Full Phase, 
Only to Activate, -¼), END 3
12	12) Wind Blast:  Blast 6d6, Area Of Effect (12m Radius 
Explosion; +¼), Double Knockback (+½); OAF (rope; -1), Gestures, 
throughout casting (Requires both hands; must tie knots; -1), 
Concentration, throughout casting (½ DCV; -½), Spell (-½), Extra 
Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -¼), END 5

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Re: Campaign Classics: Vikings




The artifacts have been developed from simple one-line text descriptions found in the Iron Crown Enterprises Campaign Classics: Vikings sourcebook. The artifacts themselves were originally taken from descriptions of magical items that appeared in various Norse sagas.


37	Battle Standard Of Victory:  Aid OCV and DCV 8d6, Area Of Effect (4m 
Radius; +¼), Selective (+¼), MegaScale (1m = 1 km; +1), Cannot 
alter scale (-¼), Invisible Power Effects (fully invisible; +1); 
1 Charge (-2), Side Effects (Side Effect occurs when character stops 
using power; person bearing the standard dies; -¾), IAF (battle 
standard; -½), [1]


Apparently, this battle standard assures victory. An 8D6 Aid to OCV and DCV will result in around +5 to each, which should make any army unbeatable on the field. Game Masters wishing to avoid bad die rolls could give it three Charges. The bearer must hold onto the standard throughout the battle and will die once the battle is over and victory is won. Technically, the person who first bears the standard doesn’t have to be the one holding it at the end, when the Side Effect slays the bearer. Game Masters could also add a Side Effect that makes the standard unable to be released once used (30+ STR Clinging?) meaning who ever takes it up must do so knowing what is going to happen (or, at least, is told to bear it no matter what!)


	Cloak Of Protection, all slots OIF (-½)
3	1)  Protects Against Venom:  LS  (Immunity: All terrestrial poisons); 
OIF (-½)
9	2)  Protects Against Weapons:  Resistant Protection (12 PD); Only 
Works Against Edged Weapons Of Iron And Steel (-½), OIF (-½)


This cloak protects against weapons (as long as they are made of metal and have an edge) as well as man-made poisons and animal venoms.


19	Iron/Stone-Cutting Sword:  HKA 1d6+1 (1d6+1 / 2d6 w/STR), Armor 
Piercing (+¼), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Penetrating (+½); 
OAF (-1), STR Minimum 12 (-½) plus Reach +1m


This sort of effect is typical of mythical magic weapons the world over. Many magical weapons are capable of hacking through otherwise impossible substances (such as thick trees, stone blocks, anvils, and so on.) Game Masters could lower the STR Minimum (or remove it all together) to allow for even greater damage potential on the part of the wielder. Game Masters can use this power set on weapons other than just swords.


11	Keg Of Ale Of Healing:  Simplified Healing 4d6; 32 Charges which 
Never Recover (-1 ¾), OAF (-1), [32 nr]


Draughts form this keg should heal most hurts. To make this a truly potent brew, make the affect one more akin to the Herbs of Healing used by a Viking Leech.


10	Lappland Reindeer Hide Cloak:  Resistant Protection (6 PD/6 ED); 
OIF (-½), Requires A Roll (14- roll; Must be made each Phase/use; 
head, hands, lower legs are exposed; -¼)


The cloak is said to protect a man with the same effectiveness as a mail byrnie.


10	Necklace Of Protection Against Weapons:  Resistant Protection 
(12 PD); Only Works Against Edged Weapons Of Iron And Steel (-½), 
IIF (-¼)


The necklace works much like the aforementioned cloak, but only against edged weapons made of metal.


33	Pole Axe Of [Name] Slaying:  HKA 2d6, Reduced Endurance 
(0 END; +½); OAF (-1), Two-Handed (-½), STR Minimum 13 (-½), 
Side Effects (-1 OCV; -½), Real Weapon (-¼) plus Deadly Blow:  
+4d6 (only works against targets of which the wielder knows the full 
name); OAF (-1), Side Effects (-1 OCV; -½) plus Reach +2m


The pole axe will allow the wielder to almost instantly kill any one he knows the full name of. In Norse times, the full name would be first name and family name, epithets shouldn’t count. Thus, you’d need to know your foe’s name as Alf Starrisson. Simply knowing Alf the Craft wouldn’t work. In addition, some individuals may conceal their full and/or true name, using only an epithet or a descriptor. In other cultures, the full name might be very long indeed. A Norse pole axe is probably something akin to the Danish war axe. Obviously, you can use this power set on any weapon you want—even arrows and the like.


8	Returning Arrows:  RKA 1d6+1; 3 Recoverable Charges (-¾), 
Beam (-¼), Real Weapon (-¼), Arrows Will Not Return If Shot At A 
Magician (-¼), [3 rc]


These arrows have no Foci Limitation, meaning they are considered to automatically return to the quiver once shot. However, as there are only three, the Charges represent the idea that can be caught out of the air, trapped, or otherwise interfered with. Also, arrows shot at a magician (GMs should decide what that means—at the very least it should mean anyone who knows more than 2-3 spells) will not return and must be eventually fetched. One could also make spears and javelins that work this way.


2	Ring Of Direction:  Bump Of Direction; IIF (-¼)	

This ring means the wearer will never lose his sense of direction.


14	Sword Of Life Taking:  HKA 4d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); 3 
Charges (may only be drawn three times in a user's life; -2 ¼), 4d6 
HKA Lasts Until Character Makes A Kill, Then Becomes A 1d6+1 
HKA (-2), OAF (-1), STR Minimum 12 (-½), Real Weapon (-¼) plus 
Reach +1m, [3]


The original description said “a sword that must slay”, I’ve sort of re-interpreted that be a “sword that will slay.” The idea is that the sword will deal 4d6 (plus STR bonus) of HKA damage until the wielder makes a kill, then the sword will became a standard 1d6+1 HKA for the rest of the battle. Once re-sheathed, the sword will ‘reset’ and will deal 4d6 HKA once drawn again. However, the sword can only be drawn thrice in a man’s life. Once it has been drawn and used three times, it will stay in its sheath, unless drawn by a different individual. Game Masters should note that multiple people could drawn the blade at different times, meaning the weapon could have different running totals of who can use it.


24	Sword Of Wounding:  Drain BODY 2d6, Delayed Return Rate (points 
return at the rate of 5 per Century; +4), Reduced Endurance 
(0 END; +½); Sword Cannot Be Drawn In Sunlight Or In The Presence 
Of A Woman (-1), OAF (-1), Attack Versus Alternate Defense 
(Resistant PD; -½), No Range (-½), STR Minimum 12 (-½), Real 
Weapon (-¼) plus Reach +1m


As this weapon is supposed to inflict wounds that ‘never heal’ I thought Drain BODY with an extended return rate to be the best way to simulate this. It can only be drawn after sundown, and even then, not within the presence of a woman. The range that constitutes “presence” is up to the GM, might be Line Of Sight range. Also, GMs should decide if the weapon will still be wieldable once the sun comes up or if seen by a woman.


	Tunic Of Victory, all slots Powers Work Only So Long As Wearer Never 
Retreats From A Foe (-½), IIF (tunic (usually worn under 
armor); -¼)	
5	1)  Never Burned:  Resistant Protection (8 ED); Only Works Against 
Natural Fire And Flame (-½), Common Limitations (-3/4)
4	2)  Never Cold, Tired, Or Hungry:  LS  (Eating: Character does not eat; 
Safe in Intense Cold; Sleeping: Character does not sleep); Common 
Limitations (-3/4)
10	3)  Never Injured:  Resistant Protection (12 PD); Common 
Limitations (-3/4)
16	4)  Never Tired:  Aid 2d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½), Trigger 
(Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger resets 
automatically, immediately after it activates; character reaches 
0 END; +1), Delayed Fade Rate (points fade at the rate of 5 per 
Hour; +1 ¾); Only to Aid Self (-1), Only Restores To Starting 
Values (-½), Common Limitations (-3/4)


This simple cotton/linen/wool shirt (or tunic) keeps its wearer safe from harm, provided he never retreats from a fight or foe. The Aid will activate any time the wearer’s END reaches 0. Game Masters could also add in Damage Reduction to the Never Burned and Never Injured slots to make the wearer really invulnerable. As a side note, the original text states that leaving a ship in order to find someone to save a friend’s life counts as retreating from a battle.) Game Masters should decide as to what happens when someone retreats (presumably all of the powers simply stop working,) as well as what is needed to ‘restart’ the tunic’s power. It might need a sacrifice, a blessing, or simply for the wearer to advanced forward into battle (which might not be as simple as it sounds....)

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Re: Campaign Classics: Vikings


I also am working on select portions of Mythic Egypt?


Actually, I own Mythic Egypt, Mythic Greece, and the Robin Hood book. I have borrowed the Vikings book and would like to get my hands on the Pirates book again (I used to own it and got rid of it years ago.) I've been playing around with cleaning up the HERO material in said books, since much of it (except for the Mythic Greece material) is of questionable construction. That said, anything I present on the boards and my site will be limited to generic Templates (racial, professional, cultural), spells, and magical items. I'm going to not do anything about the gods, monsters, or heroes because, as I said before, Steve Long is working on Mythic Hero.


In some cases, the cleaning up is simply a case of using 6E rules to recreate the power. However, in many cases,it's a rebuild from scratch, since the original powers are poorly defined, use out-dated concepts, or aren't correctly put together.

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Re: Campaign Classics: Vikings


Okay' date=' in all seriousness, is the material useful to you?[/quote']


This is new material I've never seen before. Without being presumptuous, even having not yet actually gamed since having read this material, I can still confidently say it has been useful me. Thanks to you. :straight:




The Sword of Wounding reminds me of Lancelot? It's given me something to think about?


This thread is practically an entire RPG in itself? :o

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Re: Campaign Classics: Vikings


Actually' date=' I own [i']Mythic Egypt, Mythic Greece[/i], and the Robin Hood book. I have borrowed the Vikings book and would like to get my hands on the Pirates book again (I used to own it and got rid of it years ago.) I've been playing around with cleaning up the HERO material in said books, since much of it (except for the Mythic Greece material) is of questionable construction. That said, anything I present on the boards and my site will be limited to generic Templates (racial, professional, cultural), spells, and magical items. I'm going to not do anything about the gods, monsters, or heroes because, as I said before, Steve Long is working on Mythic Hero.




Should I lend you my copy of Pirates?


edit: and Arabian Nights?

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Re: Campaign Classics: Vikings


Should I lend you my copy of Pirates?


Dunno. I already have the various fencing styles up on my website. I did a 300+ point version of Blackbeard for Mythic America, and all of the guns and the like are in the equipment guide. The only thing left is some pirate write-ups that I'll probably find questionable.

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  • 10 months later...

Re: Campaign Classics: Vikings


Michael: Your contributions are always AWESOME and right on the mark. Hope you are doing well. Regards. I have never seen the pirates book. That should be a hoot. All these books you are rep'ing for us' date=' are version 6 compatible?[/quote']


Yes, all of this is HERO System 6E compatible.

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Re: Campaign Classics: Vikings


Thread necromancy aiiieeeee!


The Arabian Nights one was only Rolemaster IIRC. And I'll have to dig up that and Pirates to see what is worth converting. Might have to wait a day or two, this is the week of first days of school and work for most of the people in the house.

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Re: Campaign Classics: Vikings


Thread necromancy aiiieeeee!


The Arabian Nights one was only Rolemaster IIRC. And I'll have to dig up that and Pirates to see what is worth converting. Might have to wait a day or two, this is the week of first days of school and work for most of the people in the house.



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Re: Campaign Classics: Vikings


Finally managed to locate my Arabian Nights. It's one of the Rolemaster genre books that was exactly like the Campaign Classics series, only before they started calling them that. Anyway, IRC--there is no Fantasy Hero information in it, and in fact there's very little Rolemaster in it except for the critters. The book is very short on crunch and very long on excellent background for running an Arabian Nights/Sinbad campaign.

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