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Box II from Alpha Flight


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Hi there !


I am having a difficulty with a concept a player of mine wants to play.

I hesitate alot on how to build it.


He told me about the Alpha Flight serie from Marvel comic books and he'd like to play a Box-like character.


I have been looking on the internet to know wht the character can do exactly, and this is what I get


Madison Jeffries is a mutant gifted with the ability to mentally restructure glass, plastic, and metal to anything within his imagination, including remote manipulation and control of devices. Recently, his powers seem to have evolved into full technopathy, being able to communicate with machinery.

While wearing the Box armor he has increased strength, stamina, and resistance to injury as well as an array of technological devices such as boot rockets, various scanners, and assorted weapons. Madison can reconfigure the Box armor to any form he can conceive, including various vehicle modes. Using Madison's powers, the Box armor can also absorb additional materials to increase its size and mass as needed. However, while merged with Box, Madison can only transmute the armor itself, and must separate from Box to use his powers to affect other materials without absorbing them into the armor.


How would you build such a thing ?




Damsel in distress

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Re: Box II from Alpha Flight


Madison Jeffries (aka Box IV) - Telekinetic ability to reshape plastic, metal, and glass to any shape desired.




1 - transmutating power allows him to alter materials made of metal, plastic and glass, levitating them in place or reforming their shape and construction to create any structure or device he can imagine


2 - mind-tap ability capable of drawing upon the minds of others to use their knowledge as a blueprint for his power


3 - machine telepathy enables him to “hear” mechanical systems, psychically learning their function, operating status, capabilities, and reading any stored data in their drives


4 - occasionally operated the Box Mark IV armor, a robot of “living metal“ that he could phase his molecules into at will, assuming the armor’s physical strength, reflexes, extra-resilient metal skin and mechanical senses, and focusing his transmutating power on himself to reconfigure his robotic body into any shape or absorb outside materials to increase his mass, strength and materials to manipulate



Hmmm... Which Power did you want to emulate?




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Re: Box II from Alpha Flight


Through an act of will, Madison Jeffries can "phase into" the humanoid robotic body called Box in order to control it from within. The Box robotic body is principally composed of a "lining metal," whose exact nature has not been revealed. Jeffries mentally controls Box from within its body, and he can perceive whatever its sensors perceive. Although Jeffries cannot actually feel physical pain while within Box, his psychic link with Box is so strong that he can feel psychic pain of enough force is inflicted upon Box.


The Box robot has vast superhuman strength and is highly resistant to physical damage. Powerful jets in the soles of its feet enable the robot to fly.


Box also contains many different devices to fill various functions. In fact, Jeffries can use his psionic powers to create new equipment for Box, or to modify existing devices within Box, or to alter Box's shape, in any way that he can conceive that is physically possible. For example, he has caused part of Box's body to become a cannon. When Box flies, he causes its arms to become wings and a rudder to appear on its feet. He has caused a drill to emerge from Box's feet.


Jeffries can also psionically add metal from outside sources to Box's body, causing it to grow enormously in size. There is no known limit to the size to which Box can thus grow.

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Re: Box II from Alpha Flight


Well Thank you first for the clarification QuestionMan.


As you can see, the character concept is kinda very complete and interesting.

My first reaction was to reject it, but now I think it would fit in my campaign and even make me sure that the player has a solid concept to develop.


I don't ask you to build ALL the character, but the most POWERS you can show me, perticularly the complex ones, the more it will help.


I already told, and I assume : I'm a good gamemistress for imagination, bujt not with technics alas.


So, if someone has the heart and the courage, I'd be owing him/her alot for a hand to build those powers and armor.




Seen how enormous the work is and lifts her her shirt sleeves...

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Re: Box II from Alpha Flight


Looks like a job for MULTIFORM!

Totally agree.


The "modify on the fly" sounds like a VPP. Specifically a Gadget VPP (IIF on the Pool*, IIF or worse on every power).

Had a similar concept for Grey Angel and a VPP is where I ended. One way to additionaly Limit what he could greate would be the need for anotehr Skill to create somethign new (fitting Science Skills). Either the Roll is so hard (increased AP penatly; see required roll) that he needs the extra Skill as Complimentary Skill, or you apply an additional "required Roll to change" to it.


*In the sense that they can block him by depriving him of "his" materials, the same way magneto can be prevented from using his powers by not giving him freous metals in any form. Alteratively use a normal -1/4 limitation and Material Manifestation for the every resulting power.


Creating a Vehicle:

Well, you can create a vehicle inside a Gadget VPP (6E1 412), but without the "divide by 5" or "5 points doublign rule". Or you summon it (Expanded Class: Any normal Vehicle).


The "needs extra Material":

Perhaps the VPP Reserve is so low, he needs extra Limitaitons like "needs more mass" and "increased time to activate" just so he can aford the superstrong powers.

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Re: Box II from Alpha Flight



I am not actually familiar with the comics character, Madison Jeffries; I think I've read a total of one comic book featuring the character in a minor way. If you want an accurate portrayal of the character at any point in his career, this probably won't be it. It will, I hope, be a good start to work from, though.


This is an attempt to create a playable character based on the Powers mentioned in this thread. Some of the advanced Powers (like machine telepathy) are left to be "grown into" with experience.


I didn't bother with the background section, but I'll throw in these notes:


I bought the Martial Art Boxing for the pun value, but I DID buy the Weapon Element to use it with the Multipower. So don't forget to use the extra +1 OCV with just about everything, and the extra DC wherever you can get away with it (I figure at minimum it would apply if using the Telekinesis to hit someone with somethng.)


Don't forget to throw up a Barrier and take a Recovery sometimes during combat - these powers are END hogs.


At least some of the Multiforms and Summons should be written up beforehand.


Obviously anyone wanting to use this character still has to put in work tweaking it, but again I hope I've provided a good start. I couldn't resist throwing in a few jokes, including an "inside joke." Like "Boxkicker." But I suspect one or two of you will get that one.





Val Char Cost Roll Notes

10 STR 0 11- Lift 100.0kg; 2d6

8 DEX -4 11- OCV: 5/DCV: 5

8 CON -2 11-

18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13-

13 EGO 3 12- ECV: 4 - 4

15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6


5 OCV 10

5 DCV 10

4 OMCV 3

4 DMCV 3

4 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12


8 PD 0 Total: 8 PD (6 rPD)

8 ED 0 Total: 8 ED (6 rED)

10 REC 6

40 END 4

9 BODY -1

20 STUN 0 Total Characteristic Cost: 57


Movement: Running: 5m/10m

Leaping: 4m/8m

Swimming: 2m/4m


Cost Powers END

190 Control Substance: Metal, plastic, glass: Multipower, 190-point reserve

7f 1) The Box: Multiform (500 Character Points in the most expensive form) (x256 Number Of Forms (at which point I say "as many as he needs.")) (140 Active Points); IIF ("Disappears" when used) Bulky (-¾), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -¼) 0

11f 2) Control: Telekinesis (60 STR), Alterable Origin Point, Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼), Indirect (Source Point is the same for every use, path can change with every use; +¾) (190 Active Points); Only Works On Limited Types Of Objects Limited Group of Objects (metal, plastic, glass; -½), Reduced By Range (-¼) 8

11f 3) Mass Control: Telekinesis (45 STR), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼), Area Of Effect (32 2m Areas; +1 ¼), Selective (+¼) (190 Active Points); Only Works On Limited Types Of Objects Limited Group of Objects (metal, plastic, glass; -½), Reduced By Range (-¼) 8

11f 4) Fine Control: Telekinesis (45 STR), Alterable Origin Point, Fine Manipulation, Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼), Indirect (Source Point can vary from use to use, path can change with every use; +1) (189 Active Points); Only Works On Limited Types Of Objects Limited Group of Objects (metal, plastic, glass; -½), Reduced By Range (-¼) 8

10f 5) Variable Control: Telekinesis (30 STR), Alterable Origin Point, Fine Manipulation, Variable Advantage (+1 Advantages; +2) (180 Active Points); Only Works On Limited Types Of Objects Limited Group of Objects (metal, plastic, glass; -½), Reduced By Range (-¼) 18

9f 6) Create machines: Summon 8 300-point creatures, Expanded Class of Beings (Limited Group; Anything made of metal, plastic, glass; +½), Slavishly Devoted (Required for automatons and vehicles; +1) (187 Active Points); OIF Bulky (Available Materiels; -1) 19

12f 7) Build, Repair, Destroy: Severe Transform 7d6-1 (Parts into Whole, Whole into Parts, Whole into Different Whole, etc), Alterable Origin Point, Improved Results Group (+¼), Partial Transform (+½) (184 Active Points); Limited Target ([Limited]; Metal, plastic, glass; -½) 18

8f 8) Walls and Shields: Barrier 13 PD/13 ED, 9 BODY (up to 10m long, 5m tall, and 1m thick), Non-Anchored, Opaque Radio Group, Opaque Sight Group, Configurable (+¼), Mobile (+¼), Variable Special Effects (Limited Group of SFX; +¼), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) (190 Active Points); OIF Bulky (Available materiels; -1), Limited Power Size and specifics of walls strictly limited by available substances (-½) 8

8f 9) Enwrap: Entangle 10d6, 10 PD/10 ED (Alterable Origin Point) (105 Active Points); Conditional Power (Required materiels must be present; -¼) 10



Maneuver OCV DCV Notes

3 Punch +1 +0 4d6 Strike

4 Block +2 +2 Block, Abort

3 Clinch -1 -1 Grab Two Limbs, 20 STR for holding on

2 Weapon Element: Clubs, Control Substance Power, Default Element (unarmed)



12 Combat Luck (6 PD/6 ED)



3 Power: Control metal, plastic, glass 13-

3 Analyze: Metal, plastics, glass 13-

3 Inventor 13-

3 Computer Programming 13-

3 Electronics 13-

3 Mechanics 13-

3 Systems Operation 13-

5 Weaponsmith (Energy Weapons, Fighting Vehicles and Vehicle Weapons, Firearms, Missiles & Rockets) 13-

3 Scientist

1 1) Science Skill: Computer Science 11- (2 Active Points)

1 2) Science Skill: Logistics 11- (2 Active Points)

2 3) Science Skill: Materiels science 13- (3 Active Points)

2 4) Science Skill: Mechanical Engineering 13- (3 Active Points)

2 5) Science Skill: Robotics 13- (3 Active Points)

2 Paramedics 10-

1 KS: Boxing 8-

1 KS: Kickboxing 8-

1 PS: Boxkicking 8-


Total Powers & Skill Cost: 343

Total Cost: 400


400+ Matching Complications

325 Base Points

15 Thinking inside the box - Physical Complication: Effected as machine class of minds (Infrequently; Greatly Impairing)

10 Thinking inside the box - Vulnerability: 2 x Effect Mind Scan (Uncommon)

5 Vulnerability: Box cutters (Uncommon)

15 Pandora's Box - Unluck: 3d6

20 Dependent NPC: Pet dog - a boxer Infrequently (Incompetent; Unaware of character's adventuring career/Secret ID)

10 Psychological Complication: Suitable heroic motivations. (Common; Moderate)


Total Complications Points: 400



Lucius Alexander


Copyright Palindromedary Enterprises

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Re: Box II from Alpha Flight


I'm not sure if this was mentioned, but Box had the limitation that Jeffries had to keep it together during the transformations. For example, while traveling in a cave to find a cure for the sick Northstar, Northstar got weaker and had to stay in one place. Aurora stayed with him even though she was afraid of the dark (at that point, if the twins touched, their lights went out). Puck told Jeffries to leave his arm behind as a lamp for them. Jeffries said the robot had to transform as a unit and nothing could be detached.

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Re: Box II from Alpha Flight


I'm not sure if this was mentioned' date=' but Box had the limitation that Jeffries had to keep it together during the transformations. For example, while traveling in a cave to find a cure for the sick Northstar, Northstar got weaker and had to stay in one place. Aurora stayed with him even though she was afraid of the dark (at that point, if the twins touched, their lights went out). Puck told Jeffries to leave his arm behind as a lamp for them. Jeffries said the robot had to transform as a unit and nothing could be detached.[/quote']

That is simple: Don't take Accesible Focus or material manifestation Limitations. Then (in addition to the sfx) he cannot detach any powers.

What happens if he goes K.O. during the transformation? Does he revert?

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