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What are YOUR character trademark(s)?


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Re: What are YOUR character trademark(s)?




Thanks for the clarifications.


Taking them into consideration I must say, that as a GM, I lean toward the flexible on things like Sensor Arrays. Frankly I don't see any real difference between them and the given example of a telescope or glasses.


cheers for the thoughts.

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Re: What are YOUR character trademark(s)?


While I like primarily playing melee/HtH types, I can be pretty mercurial; no character archetype is "out of bounds" for me, which tends to help when trying to get a group together. I tend to decide on a character last, after the rest of the group has done so, in order to fill possible "holes" in the group make-up.


The one thing all my characters seem to have is an abundance of "craftiness", if not necessarily a high intelligence. It might be combat tactics, or a cold read type skill, or long term scheming - something that is usually reflected by a skill, rather than a sense or other power.

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Re: What are YOUR character trademark(s)?


A rich, detailed history that makes it clear how a character came to be the person he or she is.


A logical, coherent explanation for what a character's abilities are and how they work.


Built-in plot hooks, whether people they're involved with or have conflicts with, or mysteries from their pasts to be solved.

Well, if we're talking non-mechanical things, I tend to go for these things too. I encourage my players to do the same when I GM.

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