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What are YOUR character trademark(s)?


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Re: What are YOUR character trademark(s)?


"KS: Superhuman World" is the standart to identify superhumans.

Teamwork is always a good idea.

Some interaction Skill, asuming the GM uses them. I advise for Persuasion, the APG II introduces Intimidation (Batman Style) as optional Skill, but many also see that Interrogation has this Intimidation aspect and can be bought to reflect intimidation skill instead of (unheroic) Interrogation/Torture.


Some form or other of weakness. Might be a limitation o the powers, a succeptibility/dependency or just a weakness in the build (like no way of fighting ranged fliers). Or all three of them.


Of couse Power Skill and a difinition of the characters Shtick, so you can use the Skill for more than as Required Rolls.

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Re: What are YOUR character trademark(s)?


I tend to have Martial arts for any character I play, even if it isn't their focus. Black Cat - martial artist. Terminal Velocity - Speedster Arts. Sift - a ranged MA package to use with her spells. Ballistic (powered armor supermage) - Started with Boxing and added Kung Fu from his Mystic Trainer. My FH mage has a staff based Martial Art. My last Star Hero character was a Jedi-esque character.


I tend to prefer high dex, high speed high CV type characters - Of the above - Martial Artists, Speedster and Sift is the second fastest in her group (behind the martial artist who's shtick that is).


I also tend to like versatility - Martial arts special moves pool for Cat, multipower of speedster tricks for the speedster, magic mp for Sift with an added little (15 pt) cosmic pool. Ballistic has a spell pool as well. FH character has a spell multipower.


Many characters have KS Supers and approach superheroing seriously - doing research, learning about the bad guys that sort of thing.


So fast, versatile and knowledgeable - but not necessarily the hardest hitter.


Playing basic bricks bore me to tears. :)

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Re: What are YOUR character trademark(s)?


Some kind of Stun-only attack, be it a Stun Only EB, NND, Ego Attack, or the like.

I prefer anthropomorphic characters when I can get away with it.

I like characters who gave themselves their powers, whether via using devices, or using genetic engineering to give themselves true powers. I also like characters who were literally created, like robots, golems, genetic constructs, and the like.

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Re: What are YOUR character trademark(s)?


A rich, detailed history that makes it clear how a character came to be the person he or she is.


A logical, coherent explanation for what a character's abilities are and how they work.


Built-in plot hooks, whether people they're involved with or have conflicts with, or mysteries from their pasts to be solved.

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Re: What are YOUR character trademark(s)?


Went all tactical mechanical on the last post -Style and personality this one.


The character has to be a hero. With a moral compass no worse than Han Solo's (from movies on) if not better. I play Captain America, I play Superman, I play Paladins, and Jedi. The big shining light that is an example to everyone about what Goodness and The Right Thing are all about. Code Vs Killing. Code of Honor. Protection of Innocents - those disads appear a LOT on my characters (and I don't play 6E so they are still Disads to me :) )


The character will have a history. Tied to the game world. A personal hunted (usually an archnemesis that ties into the characters origin or early career). I tend to have a character history that looks like the write up of a character in an Enemies book - chunk on history, then some on personality and a bit on tactics.

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Re: What are YOUR character trademark(s)?


A lot of my characters have been anthropomorphic (furries), but not all of them. Usually, I want my character to have a lot of useful senses, a decent (well-above-average) INT (TCWOAN had INT 10, which is supergenius for a household feline). As Lord Mhoram says above, their moral compass should neither be broken nor ignored. Most of my characters have higher-than-average CHA, so as to remain calm in the face of danger.


Disads or complications should reflect an unwillingness to let innocents suffer when the character can do something about it. CVK, "protects the innocent", "Code of the B-Western Cowboy" have all seen use on my character sheets.

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Re: What are YOUR character trademark(s)?


A rich, detailed history that makes it clear how a character came to be the person he or she is.


A logical, coherent explanation for what a character's abilities are and how they work.


Built-in plot hooks, whether people they're involved with or have conflicts with, or mysteries from their pasts to be solved.


The same (repped for saving me time)


EDIT I usually have a connection/history with one of the major CU villains too.

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Re: What are YOUR character trademark(s)?



And, if female, very often large breasts...


*hangs head*


Of my three active/semi active female characters one has very modest bustline (Black Cat, very athletic, and sorta lowish body fat), one is in the middle of superhero range (i.e. no reason for either small or large) and one is a 90's balloon bust (she is a rock star who is also half succubus - so it sort of comes with the territory)


That brings up another thing - I don't tend any leaning towards one gender or another. Of my active/semi active characters I have 3 females (listed above) 3 males (a powered armor/supermage, a speedster and a FH fighter mage) and one that is non-gendered (A man sized Amoeba from another galaxy that reproduces by mitosis). So the count is 3/3/1 :)


The next character I want to play is an artificial life form, but is not in any way a humanoid - three softball sized spheres and a force field connecting them. I think it would be a blast.

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Re: What are YOUR character trademark(s)?


Agility, martial arts, usually active and aggressive.


And, if female, very often large breasts...


*hangs head*


No need to hang your head, and, you know what? It's funny that this is supposedly an issue in RPGs, when abilities that incinerate/poison are "a-okay". Give me a break.




Anyhow, no matter what system I play, my character MUST have robust mental strength/Will/EGO/etc.

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Re: What are YOUR character trademark(s)?


Went all tactical mechanical on the last post -Style and personality this one.

Same here


The character has to be a hero. With a moral compass no worse than Han Solo's (from movies on) if not better. I play Captain America' date=' I play Superman, I play Paladins, and Jedi. The big shining light that is an example to everyone about what Goodness and The Right Thing are all about. Code Vs Killing. Code of Honor. Protection of Innocents - those disads appear a LOT on my characters (and I don't play 6E so they are still Disads to me :) )[/quote']

Same here. I often tried to make neutral guys or play in gritty campaings, but it just not works out. My characters must be hopelessly good.


Also I tend to leave out all other psych-complications (those who are not needed for superheroing) and aim for good EGO/PRE (15 or 20). I don't want them to be easily to manipulated and having a good basis for interaction rolls/Pre attacks is important too.


And' date=' if female, very often large breasts...[/quote']

Totally not my style. While I strongly prefer women over man as my characters (in fact it never is a question, I just select them automatically) they tend to have average measures, not very revealing clothing unless it somehow fit's their shtick, and are generally "not shy, but also not outgoing" with their sexuality.

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