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Transplanted Immortality


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Re: Transplanted Immortality


"Go seamless." (a strategic speech act of command)


If it is possible' date=' would you go for it...[/quote']


If it is possible to go seamlessly, who would be the wiser? Only those who subjected the subjects to the change.


If it is possible to go seamlessly, what are the chances it has been done & without any of the subjects knowing about it? 100%. It has certainly already been done. But where & when? The subjects don't know.


Is there really any choice in the matter? No. Possibility is at maximum capacity.


Seems to me like the process wouldn't be much different then falling asleep and waking back up' date=' after all do you [b']really[/b] know that a perfect copy of yourself doesn't crawl through your mirror and replace you each night during the Witching Hour? :smoke:


You are blowing this way out of proportion. If the experience was as traumatic as falling asleep & awaking up, I'd say the "Immortality Transplant" process needed work.


Insofar as the mind is a linear object made of points in time, one must admit that it is rather spotty. Most of the time the mind is virtually absent. These huge gaps in consciousness are filled with all the other actions in the universe.


Point of fact:


The question of where the mind is is not just irrelevant, it implies that the mind must be somewhere when the mind is actually nowhere.

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Re: Transplanted Immortality


I would remember crawlign through the mirror and replacing my former self. And waht does it do in nights where I don't sleep?


Also there are sleep laboratories where people get 24/7 supervision in a mirrorless room with cameras and an EEG. I think them might have noticed that by now...


Heh, well, I generally dont go to bed until dawn and sleep through the day. It'd have to work different hours than normal.

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Re: Transplanted Immortality


... moments when you stare at the stranger standing in the mirror.


"The best thing would be to write down events from day to day. Keep a diary to see clearly—let none of the nuances or small happenings escape even though they might seem to mean nothing. And above all, classify them. I must tell how I see this table, this street, the people, my packet of tobacco, since those are the things which have changed. I must determine the exact extent and nature of this change.


existential horror = When all the furniture in the room is in confrontation with bare meaningless existence.


[in contrast]


supernatural horror = When all the furniture in the room has been replaced with 'exact' duplicates & the only reason you can tell this is true is because only you can tell this is true (i.e., "Lovecraftian").


[in further contrast]


When all the furniture in the room seems safe.


But all this—the mysterious, far-reaching hair-line trail, the absence of sun from the sky, the tremendous cold, and the strangeness and weirdness of it all—made no impression on the man. It was not because he was long used to it. He was a newcomer in the land, a chechaquo, and this was his first winter. The trouble with him was that he was without imagination. He was quick and alert in the things of life, but only in the things, and not in the significances. Fifty degrees below zero meant eighty-odd degrees of frost. Such fact impressed him as being cold and uncomfortable, and that was all. It did not lead him to meditate upon his frailty as a creature of temperature, and upon man's frailty in general, able only to live within certain narrow limits of heat and cold; and from there on it did not lead him to the conjectural field of immortality and man's place in the universe. Fifty degrees below zero stood for a bite of frost that hurt and that must be guarded against by the use of mittens, ear-flaps, warm moccasins, and thick socks. Fifty degrees below zero was to him just precisely fifty degrees below zero. That there should be anything more to it than that was a thought that never entered his head.



~ Mister E /whispers: "I see vacant people."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Transplanted Immortality


I don't remember which show I was watching, but I remember a story where someone had to upload her mind from a hopelessly damaged body into a fresh one but in order to prevent tampering to her mind during the process she was allowed to name a watcher. Of course, that worked just fine until the watcher she named was distracted and the "doctor" turned out to be an assassin.

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Re: Transplanted Immortality


I don't remember which show I was watching' date=' but I remember a story where someone had to upload her mind from a hopelessly damaged body into a fresh one [b']but[/b] in order to prevent tampering to her mind during the process she was allowed to name a watcher. Of course, that worked just fine until the watcher she named was distracted and the "doctor" turned out to be an assassin.

that was propably Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex, near the end when Motoko had to take a replacement body.

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Re: Transplanted Immortality


If we are getting theological: does the clone body have a soul of its own? If so, what we are talking about here is serial murder to keep yourself alive.


Something like this was used in the Miles Vorkosagan saga, where clones were grown at accelerated rates for brain transplants as a life extension option for ruthless people. In those books the clones were raised as people until it was time, rather then just lumps of meat in a vat. But there is a lot of grey area in what constitutes The Self. Are you the same in a new body, or someone else?


Personally, I'm good on one normal lifespan.


Well, on the theological bent. I would believe the clone has their own seperate soul. I cant explain what makes me think that though. Othen than what I just believe. I guess simply for the fact they are living (or in the case of the dead once lived).


Course, on a wierd level, I want to die one day to know what is like (which probably doesnt make sense to many, though, I wouldnt say I am exactly in a hurry, Course, I want exactly be able to record the experience either, but anyhow)

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Re: Transplanted Immortality


I agree with Badger - the clone will be a whole new person. The day that my original body dies is the day that I have died regardless if I have successfully moved into a clone or not. That new clone will have been born on the day that he was given the spark of life. the fact that my past was used to make him believe that he had a past makes things worse and actually violates my soul. As a result if i ever discover that anyone has found out a way of doing this, i would be against it.

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Re: Transplanted Immortality


Would you feel the same if someone could turn your brain into a computer one braincell at a time while you were fully awake and wouldn't even notice the process until it was complete and then they transplanted the cyberbrain into a new body?

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Re: Transplanted Immortality


I am wondering if you believe that such a thing is at all possible.


If it is possible, would you go for it assuming that the cost was covered.


Honestly, I don't think the human brain was "designed" with USB cables in "mind". In order to make such a technology work, I think the brain would have to be retooled substantially. And yes if the cost was covered I'd probably go with it. I wouldn't mind reproducing.

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