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Health Status Bar

Dr Divago

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Hi all

i got an idea for a power i wish to give to a PC

she's got a cyber eyes so one idea is a GUI like the one on videogame; this could show health status, i mean some indicator (a bar, a counter, an animated gif of an hearth and some ECG and other medical info, etc.)


the problem is:

how can i build it?

for this is important understand what's the effect of knowing your exact health status... and i got no idea x.x

so what did you suggst? life support? more stun? just a detect health status (useless but nice)?


ty for help :)

ps: campaign is low power superhero in a world where there is no supers... at least not publically...

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Re: Health Status Bar


oh yeah. it's not a GUI but a HUD :D


her other powers tied to the cyber eye are a flashbulb and two laser (one "standard" rka with los, and the other one a cutter rka 1 with 4x penetrating and constant)

she got also teleport powers, completely unrelated to the cyber eye

of course, a complete knowledge of her health status could also give some "bonus" ie knowing how to adjust her teleport field aura (aka RP with sfx "a teleport field who can tp away enemies' attacks and/or partial teleport you out of damage") or like

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Re: Health Status Bar


oh yeah. it's not a GUI but a HUD :D


her other powers tied to the cyber eye are a flashbulb and two laser (one "standard" rka with los, and the other one a cutter rka 1 with 4x penetrating and constant)

she got also teleport powers, completely unrelated to the cyber eye

of course, a complete knowledge of her health status could also give some "bonus" ie knowing how to adjust her teleport field aura (aka RP with sfx "a teleport field who can tp away enemies' attacks and/or partial teleport you out of damage") or like


I'm assuming you are detecting the health of whoever you look at? Detect Health should do it. That is probably a 10 point detect tied to the sight group and you could get STUN, BODY, END and perhaps other stuff like disease/toxin/injuries and foreign objects. I'd want to know how it was supposed to work and maybe have some appropriate limitations (only reliable on humans, for example).


As a GM I would probably require that it was not a sense, or was on some sort of lockout with normal sight, so I did not have to KEEP telling the player what the numbers are.

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Re: Health Status Bar


As a GM I would probably require that it was not a sense' date=' or was on some sort of lockout with normal sight, so I did not have to KEEP telling the player what the numbers are.[/quote']


You could probably get around this by being somewhat vague (i.e, "He's at about half health.") unless the character spends a Half Phase getting the exact number.

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Re: Health Status Bar


You could probably get around this by being somewhat vague (i.e' date=' "He's at about half health.") unless the character spends a Half Phase getting the exact number.[/quote']

That such detail would follow the normal Rules for Discriminatory/Analyzing.


But I think he made clear that this is only for her own status:

what's the effect of knowing your exact health status
Another idea: When you lack normal Sense of touch you have some penalties (6E2 9). The additional abilities could be the SFX to not suffer some of the penalties. A health display gives you an overview about your bodies status you would normally lack or compensates for the problems with weapons when using her own weapons.
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