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4e Battle Report: The Dissidents versus Viper


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The Dissidents: Lady Blue, Bluejay and Dragonfly versus 9 Viper Agents: 3 Covert, 1 6-Team (2 Blasters, 2 Baiters, 1 Mauler, 1 Steel Serpent Armor).


Battlefield: Downtown Mall


Pre-Battle Hunteds:

-UNTIL appears hunting Bluejay (3 Agents adapted from 3e Rulebook)

-FBI appears hunting Lady Blue (3 Agents; Competant Normals w/ .45 Automatics)

-UNTIL appears hunting Viper Agents (rolled 3 times, 3 Agents adapted from 3e Rulebook)



Bluejay felt like a slave under Viper's yoke. Every new job forced her to do something more reprehensible than the last. But she was trapped. Viper knew the identity of Lisa Avalon's parents and had her under constant surveillance by a murder squad. All it would take is a simple phone call from the Nest Leader and Bluejay's parents would be dead. So what could she possibly do other than follow orders? She was a wanted criminal. She couldn't turn to heroes for help.


But then Lisa began to see news footage of Villains she could relate to. The so-called "Dissidents" under the leadership of the charismatic Lady Blue weren't the stone cold killers Bluejay was used to. They looked like they were having fun, changing the world, and thumbing their noses at the authorities while they were doing it. Bluejay decided to take a risk. She made contact with Lady Blue. And asked for the Dissidents' help.


Lady Blue took an immediate liking to Lisa Avalon, and an even stronger liking to the Bluejay battlesuit. Recognizing that Bluejay could strengthen her team of Dissidents, Lady Blue assured the high-strung girl that yes, she would and could help. Thus began OPERATION: BLUEJAY.


But it took patience. First Lady Blue put Mr. and Mrs. Avalon under surveillance. She identified four undercover Viper Agents that kept the silver couple under constant surveillance. Then she kidnapped one of the agents and, with the help of Mongoose, "pursuaded" him to tell them everything he knew about what he was doing and why. The answers weren't very forthcoming. All the murder squad knew, apparently, was to keep the old man and woman under watch and keep their glocks handy. If they got the word, or it ever went noisy, they were supposed to put the two old folk out of their misery.



The Viper murder squad, it appeared, were kept purposefully in the dark. As usual with Viper, only the Nest Leader knew the truth about Bluejay's identity. If they could take out the Nest Leader and the Murder Squad, Lisa's parents would be free and Bluejay would be free.


Lisa phoned her parents, asking them to meet her for dinner at Nefertiti, a restaurant at the downtown mall. She, Lady Blue and Dragonfly flew to the Mall with the purpose of intercepting and attacking the Murder Squad before they could kill the Avalons.



Meanwhile, Mongoose, Cold Warrior and Rainbow Archer set up a meeting with the local Nest Leader. They claimed they wanted to discuss future employment options, but really they planned to ambush the Nest Leader and send him away to Antartica, where no one would hear from him again.


Seemed simple enough. Only problem: the murder squad weren't the only Viper Agents at the Mall. Viper maintained a permanent presence there, stationing 6-Team including cutting edge Steel Serpent Armor in Bo Tsing's Hardware, a storefront that was really a cover for illegal Viper Weapons.



UNTIL knew about the Viper presence at the mall, which is why they had replaced all the Mall Cops with UNTIL Agents. The team waited patiently for Viper to make its move. When Bluejay showed up, that was icing on the cake. As far as UNTIL was concerned, Bluejay was the most notorious UNTIL supervillain of the past year.



Agents Carrie Gilroy, Marcus James and Chet Huntley had been on Lady Blue's case for months. The FBI didn't like her do-gooder attitude and they especially didn't like her blatant disregard for authority. So when their wire taps revealed she was heading for the Mall, they rushed over so they could be there, too.



Little did they know they were about to find themselves at the center of a chaotic super-battle.




-The Dissidents' top priority is dropping the Viper Covert Agents before they can kill

Mr. and Mrs. Avalon. Lady Blue doesn't bother to gain altitude, using her flight at full power to skim the pedestrian walk of the mall (5" half move) and firing a battlesuit power ray at the lead Covert Agent (9 OCV minus 4 range versus 5 DCV she needs an 11- and rolls a 15) but the punk dodges the blast. Lady Blue burned 6 END from her battlesuit batteries.

-Dragonfly also rushes forward in an attempt to close ground (9" half move) and finding an opening at the next Covert Agent in line, fires at him (OCV 9 minus 4 range plus 2 levels versus DCV 5; he needs a 13- and rolls an 8). The bio-electric blast (10D EB rolls 32 sTUN and 8 BODY minus 9 ED equals 23 STUN and 0 BODY) pegs the punk before he can draw his gun (8 BODY minus 10 knockback roll is 0 knockback) and stuns him. Dragonfly puts his 2 levels with Flight on DCV and burns 6 END and is at 44.

-Seeing that Lady Blue missed, Bluejay swoops past her partner and tries to peg the same unharmed Covert Agent with a sonic screech (OCV 8 minus 4 range plus 2 levels versus DCV 5; she needs a 12- to hit and rolls a 12). The screech (6DNND rolls 28 STUN) ruptures the Covert Agent's eardrums and knocks him out cold. Bluejay burns 5 END and is currently at 41.

-Unaware of the Covert Agents' orders, the Viper Steel Serpent Armor pilot jump jets over his team-mates (1" up 3" forward flying half-move) and lines up a shot on the traitorous Bluejay (OCV 6 plus 1 level minus 6 range versus hex DCV 3; needs a 9- to hit and rolls a 7). The heat beam cuts through Bluejay's armor (6D AP rolls 21 STUN and 6 BODY versus 20 ED x 1/2 results in 11 STUN and no BODY). The Steel Serpent uses 1 charge from its heat ray and 1 charge from its jump jets.

-The UNTIL Agents misinterpret the situation. Since the Covert Agents haven't drawn their weapons, they think the Dissidents are attacking innocent bystanders. Half the UNTIL agents move toward Bluejay (3" half move) and the rest move to intercept the Viper Steel Serpent Armor (3" half move). They all burn 1 END.

-The Blaster, Baiter and Mauler Agents run up past the Steel Serpent Armor in a combat crouch (3" half move) and prepare for whatever happens next. The burn 1 END each.

-Both blasted Covert Agents recover from being stunned. The remaining Covert Agent draws his gun and attempts to cap the elder Mrs. Avalon in the head. The poor woman screams and dodges (OCV 5 versus DCV 2 plus 3 dodge; he needs a 10- and rolls a 12). The silenced bullet fires wide and plummets into the escalator wall.

-The FBI Agents, draw their guns and rush forward toward Lady Blue (3" half-move). They burn 1 END.



-Lady Blue's generator replenishes 4 END to her batteries, which are now at 58 END.

-Dragonfly recovers all 6 of his END and is now at 50.

-Bluejay recovers 4 END and 4 STUN. She's currently at 45 END and 20 STUN.

-The UNTIL Agents all recover their 1 END and are at 26 END.

-The Mauler, Blaster and Baiter Agents recover their 1 END and are at 26 END.

-The Covert Agent attacked by Dragonfly recovers 6 STUN and is at 8 STUN.

-The Covert Agent attacked by Bluejay recovers 6 STUN and 3 END. He is now conscious at 3 STUN and 3 END.

-The FBI Agents recover their 1 END and are at 26 END.




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Turn 1, Segments 1-4



Segment 1:

-No one acts.


Segment 2:

-Dragonfly gains 4 meters of altitude while continuing forward, climbing up out of close combat range. Then he lets loose a blast at the uninjured Covert Agent (OCV 9 plus 2 levels minus 2 range versus DCV 5; needs 15- to hit and rolls an 8), pegging him in the chest. The Bio-electricity (10D EB rolls 43 STUN and 11 BODY minus 9 ED results in 34 STUN and 2 BODY) fries the Covert Agent and (11 BODY rolls 5 for 6" knockback) sends him crashing against the door frame of Bo Tsing's Hardware (6D rolls 22 STUN x 2 for being unconscous is 44 STUN and 6 BODY minus PD of 15 results in 29 more STUN and 0 BODY), out cold. He takes a total of 51 STUN and 2 BODY and is currently at -26 STUN and 8 BODY. Dragonfly uses 6 END and is currently at 44 END. He puts his flight levels on DCV, raising that to 12.


Segment 3:

-Lady Blue continues to skim close to the ground, kicking up litter in her wake (5" half move) and tries for a low degree of difficulty shot, pegging the Covert Agent who's just coming back to consciousness (OCV 9 minus 2 range versus DCV 5 x 1/2 (prone) plus 2 (concealment for prone); needs 13- and rolls a 5). The blaster shot (10D EB rolls 23 STUN and 7 BODY minus 9 ED is 14 STUN and 0 BODY) barely grazes the Covert Agent (7 BODY minus 10 is no knockback) but none the less sends him back into dreamland (Covert Agent takes 14 STUN and is currently at -11 STUN). Lady Blue burns 6 END from her battlesuit's reserver and her batteries are now at 52 END.

-Bluejay also climbs four meters while flying forward, not just to get out of close combat range but also to give her a clear shot over innocents' heads to the last remaining Covert Agent (7" half move). Being careful not to miss, she lets loose with a full energy blast, but spreads her sonic boom into a cone (OCV 8 plus 1 level plus 2 spread minus 4 range versus DCV 5; needs 13- to hit and rolls a 14). She misses anyway, burning 5 END. She's now at 40 END.

-The Bluejay Team UNTIL Agents use their held actions to coordinate their attacks against her as she comes into range. The first two have clear shots (OCV 5 plus 1 level minus 4 range plus 2 coordinated versus DCV 8; need a 7- to hit and roll 15 and 8) but their automatic miss the bird. The third agent is blocked by a pillar in front of Nefertiti's but fires anyway (OCV 5 plus 1 level minus 4 range minus 2 cover versus DCV 8; needs a 5- to hit and rolls 11). The blaster shots ricochet harmlessly off the pillar. All three UNTIL Agents burn 5 charges from their autoblasters.

-The Steel Serpent Armor Team Jump Jets over the Viper Agents (5" half-move, 1" up and 3" forward) before lining up another shot on Bluejay (OCV 6 plus 1 level minus 6 range versus hex DCV 3; needs 9- and rolls an 8). The Heatray melts (6D AP EB rolls 23 STUN and 7 BODY minus 20 ED x 1/2 is 13 STUN and 0 BODY) through Bluejay's armor and scorches her skin but she tries to ignore the pain. Bluejay is currently at 7 STUN and the VIPER Steel Serpent Armor has used two more charges from its jump pack and multi-gun, respectively.

-The rest of the VIPER Agents move forward cautiously with their held actions, but don't yet emerge from Bo Tsing's Hardware.

-The anti-VIPER detachment of UNTIL agents, realizing VIPER isn't yet coming to fight, use their held actions to move forward another 3", forced to seperate around a civilian while yelling at him to "get down!" (2D PRE minus 1 in combat plus 1 reputation strong plus 2 very appropriate setting, 4D total rolls 7, less than target's PRE, no effect).

-The FBI Agents, their line of fire also blocked by an innocent, use their held action to move toward Bluejay, brandishing their handguns and yelling to the civilian "Get out of the mall! FBI!" (2D PRE minus 1 in combat plus 2 reputation very strong plus 2 very appropriate setting 5D total rolls 12, target is impressed and will try to get out of the mall on Segment 6).


Segment 4:

-Dragonfly banks and turns so he's directly above the last conscious Covert Agent (1" up, 7" forward for half-move) and blasts him (OCV 9 plus 2 levels versus DCV 5; needs 17- to hit and rolls a 6). The Covert Agent blacks out (10D EB rolls 21 STUN and 7 BODY minus 9 ED is 12 STUN) from the power blast (7 BODY minus 2 roll equals 5" knockback) and is smashed down into the ground (5D rolls 13 STUN x 2 is 26 STUN and 4 BODY minus 15 PD is 11 more STUN). The Covert Agent is unconscious at -15 STUN. Dragonfly burns 6 more END and is at 38 END. He places his three levels with flight on DCV, increasing his DCV to 12.


-The anti-Bluejay team continues to move forward against the supervillain (3" half move), burning 1 more END each.

-The anti-VIPER UNTIL team leader rushes up across from Bo Tsing's hardware, pops the pin out of smoke grenade, braces, and chucks it inside the storefront (OCV 5 minus 2 range plus 2 brace versus hex DCV 3; needs 13- rolls a 9). The Viper Agents view outside the storefont is immediately blocked by smoke (1" darkness, 1 minute duration.

-The rest of the anti-VIPER UNTIL rushes up, takes a knee (braces), and lays down suppressive fire on Bo Tsing's hardware's exit. (OCV 5 plus 1 level minus 2 range plus 2 braced minus 2 suppressive fire; OCV 4 versus anyone coming out the door). They're firing five shots per segment, starting now. All of the Anti-Viper UNTIL team burn 1 END on their movement.

-Blinded by smoke, Black Baiter doesn't realize what's happening (Tactics 12- rolls a 14). He steps out of the storefront into the UNTIL Agents' line of fire (OCV 4 versus DCV 5; needs 10- to hit and rolls 8), taking 2 blaster shots to the chest (6D Energy Blast rolls 15 STUN and 4 BODY and 26 STUN and 8 BODY versus ED 9 for a combined total of 23 STUN and 0 BODY) and getting knocked down (8 BODY versus roll of 8 is 0" knockback knocked down). The Black Baiter is stunned by the second hit but is still conscious with 2 STUN.


-Gray Baiter realizes what's going down (Tactics 12- rolls a 6) and dodges before running the gauntlet of UNTIL blaster fire (OCV 4 versus DCV 5 plus 3; needs a 7- and rolls an 11). Once free of the smoke he spins toward the UNTIL agents, brances, and launches a Flash Grenade in their midst (OCV 5 minus 2 range plus 2 braced versus hex DCV 3; needs 13- rolls a 8). The flash bomb explodes (6D flash rolls 6,4,4,4,2,2) blinding the center UNTIL Agent 6 and the other two UNTIL Agents 5. Since the UNTIL Agents have 5 pt Flash Defense, only the center one is Blinded (this phase only). But since he's the one suppressing the center of the door, the Gray Baiter advises his team-mates to "come out straight!"

-The Mauler Agent heeds his team-mate's advice, coming straight through the smoke into UNTIL's suppressive fire. The UNTIL Agent doesn't hear him (PER 12-, rolls 17) so can't direct his fire (OCV 0 minus 2 range plus 2 braced versus DCV 5; needs 6- to hit and rolls 5) but gets lucky anyway! The shot pegs the Mauler (6D EB rolls 24 STUN and 6 BODY minus 13 ED results in 11 STUN) but the Mauler's improved armor absorbs most of the blow so he's able to soldier through the pain (not STUNNED). He turns the corner and prepares to fire, his back against the window of You Gonna Eat Dat? fried food. He burns 1 END so is currently at 24, and he's currently at 14 STUN.

-The UNTIL Agent does hear Viper Gray Blaster come through the smoke (PER 12- rolls a 10) and continues to suppress (OCV 4 x 1/2 versus DCV 5 needs a 8- and rolls a 14) but misses. Viper Gray Blaster full moves to take cover between the plants and clear the doorway. He burns 1 END and is at 24.

-The UNTIL Agent also hears Viper Black Blaster coming through the smoke (PER 12- rolls an 11; OCV 4 x 1/2 versus DCV 5 needs an 8- and rolls an 8), pegging him, too, with a blaster shot (6D EB rolls 21 STUN minus 5 BODY minus 9 ED is 12 STUN and 0 BODY). The shot doesn't STUN the Viper Agent, who also continues to move in order to clear the doorway, passing the Mauler and putting his back to the mannequin in the window of Neon Glide Fashion. Viper Black Blaster burns 1 END and is currently at 24 END and 13 STUN.

-All three FBI Agents move forward, continuing to hold for a shot on Lady Blue (3" half move burns 1 more END).




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Re: 4e Battle Report: The Dissidents versus Viper


The mall battle map is wonderful. Did you make it yourself?


I wish I was that artistic! It's from an old FASA boardgame called DMZ or Downtown Military Zone, set in the Shadowrun universe. The red dots work like a hex grid, but instead of there being hexes outlined, each dot represents the center of a hex.


That FASA boardgame also came with two gray fold-out sheets that are to be used as pavement and a bunch of color cardboard sheets to put on top of them representing everything from a grocery store to apartments. There was also a stand alone expansion called Sprawl Maps (iirc) that had extra maps, including a bunch of subway cars. I don't know if I'd go so far as to say DMZ is worth it just for the maps, but I will say I've used those maps a ton for modern and sci-fi roleplaying.

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Turn 1, Segments 5-8


Segment 5:

-Lady Blue tries to catch up with Dragonfly, rising to his altitude and rocketing forward 10 meters (2" up 5" forward full move). She burns another 2 END from her battlesuit batteries.

-Bluejay puts her combat level on DCV and swoops in next to the movie theater, gaining altitude and clearing her line of viper to the Steel Serpent Armor (1" up 5" forward half move). As she swoops by the UNTIL AGents tracking her let loose with their autoblasters, one shot each of coordinated fire (OCV 5 plus 1 level minus 4 range plus 2 coordinated versus DCV 9; they need a 6- to hit and roll 11, 9 and 8, all three missing). Blaster fire richochets around her as Bluejay lets loose with sonic flare through the Bo Ting Hardware window (OCV 8 plus 1 level minus 4 range minus 2 cover versus DCV 6; she needs an 8- to hit and rolls a 7) that scrambles the Armor's electrical systems (6D NND rolls 20 STUN, the pilot is STUNNED and currently at 5 STUN). Bluejay uses 5 more END and is currently at 35 END.

-The Viper Mauler triggers his Brickbuster (Act 15- rolls 9) to spread and unloads on the three UNTIL Agents suppressing his team-mates (OCV 5 versus DCV 5 x 1/2; needs 13- to hit and rolls a 13, 11, 7), knocking all three (15D EB minus 3 spreadfire is 12D EB rolls 43 STUN and 11 BODY...UNTIL rolls 9, 13, 16 armor activation...two agents activate one doesn't. Agents whose armor activates take 33 STUN and 1 BODY one that doesn't takes 39 STUN and 7 BODY...all three unconscious and roll 9 for 2" knockback taking 3 x 2 is 6 more STUN and 1 more Body...again they roll 7, 13 and 16 so two take no damage and third takes 2 STUN). The UNTIL Agents are unconscious at -8, -8 and -16 STUN respectively.

-The FBI Agents unload their automatics as Lady Blue streaks by (OCV 5 plus 1 gun plus 2 coordinated -2 range versus DCV 9 plus 1 level; needs 7- to hit and rolls a 17, 14 and 14). Bullets rip around Lady Blue but none strike her or her battlesuit.


Segment 6:

-Dragonfly climbs 8 more meters (8" half move straight up) and fires at the Steel Serpent Armor (OCV 9 plus 2 levels minus 4 range versus DCV 6 x 1/2; needs a 15- and rolls 12). The blast continues to fry the armor's circuitry (10D EB rolls 31 STUN and 8 BODY minus 9 ED is 22 STUN and 0 BODY) and knocks the pilot unconscious (8 BODY minus roll of 10 results in no knockback). The Steel Serpent pilot is at -17 STUN. Dragonfly burns 6 more END and is at 30 END.


Segment 7:

-No one can act.


Segment 8:

-Lady Blue diverts her suit's power to the servo-motors (multipower to STR) and continues to rush forward on an ever faster mag lev cushion. She extends her fists and turns to smash into the Viper Mauler (OCV 9 plus 1 level minus 2 move through versus DCV 5; she needs a 13- and rolls an 8). She flies right through the hapless agent (10D STR plus 3D move through rolls 64 STUN and 20 BODY...seriously that's 8 out of 13 dice that came up "6"...minus PD of 21 is 43 STUN and 0 BODY) with such force she almost breaks her hands (she takes 34 STUN And 10 BODY minus PD of 20 is 14 STUN). The Mauler crashes through the fast food window (20 minus roll of 9 is 11" knockback, Damage class 6 transferred to Killing Attack for the glass shards is 2D KA; rolls 10 BODY x 1 STUN multiple minus 18 is 0 BODY and 2 more STUN due to the doubling effect of him being unconscious) and is out cold (currently at -31 STUN). Lady Blue uses 4 END from her batteries and is now at 46 END. She takes 14 STUN, reducing her to 26 STUN.


-Dragonfly tries to zap the Gray Baiter (OCV 9 plus 2 levels -4 range versus DCV 5 x 1/2; needs 15- and rolls an 8), but the shock is absorbed the agent's force field (10D EB rolls 21 STUN and 6 BODY minus 9 ED is 12 STUN and 0 BODY, roll of 9 means no knockback). The Gray Baiter is at 13 STUN. Dragonfly burns another 6 END on the blast and his hovering. He's currently at 26 END.

-Bluejay flies right past the FBI Agents (7" half move), turns, and tries to put down the Gray Baiter with a sonic blast (OCV 8 plus 1 level minus 2 range versus DCV 5 x 1/2; needs 15- rolls an 8). The scream is too much for the Agent (6D NND rolls 29 STUN) who falls unconscious at -16 STUN. Bluejay burns 5 END and is reduced to 30.

-The Bluejay-tasked UNTIL Agents see an opportunity against Lady Blue, instead. They spread out (3" half move), brace their weapons, and concentrate 3-round bursts on the streaking supervillainess (OCV 5 plus 1 level minus 4 range plus 2 braced plus 2 concentration versus DCV 9 minus 3 move through; they need 11- and roll a 9, 12 and 11). Lady Blue is pegged by 3 of the 9 shots (3 x 6D EB rolls 26STN/8BDY, 16STN/5BDY, 17STN/5BDY) but only one gets through her armor (ED 20), dropping her another 6 STUN to 20 remaining. Despite doing minimal damage the shots do send her flying into the wall (8D knockback rolls 28 STUN and 7 BODY) for an additional 8 STUN, dropping her to 12. She's also prone.

-The VIPER Black Baiter Agent recovers from being stunned.

-The two Blaster Agents quickly look for a joint in Lady Blue's armor (FW 11- roll 13 and 10) before concentrating the fire of their targeting computer-assisted blasters (5 OCV plus 2 weapon plus 1 concentrated fire minus 2 cover from prone versus DCV 9 minus 3 x 1/2 prone; they need 14- and roll 10 and 8). The pulse beams (10D EB roll 34 STUN and 11 BODY vs. 20 ED and 36 STUN and 11 BODY versus 10 ED for a total of 40 STUN and 1 BODY) break a rib and knock the Lady Robin Hood out cold (Lady Blue is at -28 STUN).

-The FBI Agents take cover behind the escalator wall (1/2 move) and hold their actions.




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Re: 4e Battle Report: The Dissidents versus Viper


I've said it before and I'm saying it now: Viper Agents are bush league supers in matching costumes if well used.


I've gotta admit phase 8 surprised me. I thought Lady Blue would be the last Super standing since she's the only one of the three with decent defenses (and the only one with resistant defense).

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Turn 1, Segments 9-12


You may notice that I've substituted the Heroclix Hydra Agents I was using as Viper Blasters with official Soldiers & Swords Viper Agent miniatures I procured and painted over the weekend. I've also replaced the Steel Serpent Armor with an S&S Viper Heavy Weapons miniature, though that shouldn't come into play since the Steel Serpent Armor is knocked out for a while iirc.


Hopefully the board hasn't changed too much. My son got ahold of it and started messing around with it, but I'm pretty sure he put everything back the way it was. If some bystander figures are off, just assume they ran around in a panick ;)


Segment 9:

-No one acts.


Segment 10:

-Dragonfly hovers at his 14 meter elevation and blasts the Baiter agent still standing. Because he's blasting straight down, the Agent doesn't receive any cover from being prone (OCV 9 plus 2 levels minus 4 range versus DCV 5 x 1/2; he needs a 15- and rolls a 10). The bio-electric charge (10D EB rolls 33 STUN and 10 BODY minus ED 9 is 24 STUN and 1 BODY) KO's the agent (10 BODY minus 9 roll is 1" knockback). The Gray Baiter is now at -22 STUN and 9 BODY. Dragonfly burns another 6 END and is currently at 20.

-Bluejay, bloodied and bruised but not yet out, avenges her fallen comrade by bracing her sonic blast against the Blaster hiding in the plants (OCV 8 minus 2 range plus 2 braced versus DCV 5; she needs a 14- and rolls a 10). Her cone of sonic force hits the Agent (12D EB rolls 40 STUN and 13 BODY minus 9 ED is 31 STUN and 4 BODY to each agent). Gray Blaster (13 BODY minus roll of 3 is 10" knockback) is KO'd and sent smashing into the pillar of the fast food joint (9D knockback rolls 37 STUN x 2 and 9 BODY minus 15 PD is 65 STUN and 0 BODY). The Agent is out for a long time. Bluejay uses 5 END and is down to 25.



Segment 11:

-The three UNTIL Agents, sensing that VIPER is almost out of the fight, decide to pull the trigger on Bluejay with 3-round bursts (OCV 5 plus 1 level plus 2 coordinated minus 4 range plus 2 braced versus DCV 8 plus 1 level; they need 8- to hit and roll 10, 12 and 13). Their shots fire wild.

-The three FBI Agents realize the other Dissidents are protecting Lady Blue and they won't get the cuffs on her until they're down. They fire on Bluejay (OCV 5 plus 2 coordinated minus 2 range plus 2 braced versus DCV 8 plus 1 level; need 9- and roll 13, 13 and 13). But their shots, too, miss the darting girl.


Segment 12:

-Dragonfly spins, darts and zips up to the last standing Viper Agent (7" flying half move) and blasts him (OCV 9 plus 2 levels minus 2 range versus DCV 5; needs 15- and rolls an 11). The bio-electric bolt (10D EB rolls 37 STUN and 8 BODY versus ED 9 does 28 STUN) doesn't knock the agent back (8 BODY minus roll of 9) but does knock him cold. The Agent is now at -15 STUN. This takes another 6 END and Dragonfly is now at 14.


-Viper now accounted for, Bluejay continues her 180 degree pirouette, flies toward the FBI agents (4" flying half move) and let's loose a sonic scream at all three of them. They all abort and dodge (OCV 8 versus DCV 5 plus 3 dodge; she needs an 11- and rolls a 10, 11 and 9) but are hit by the conical blast, anyway (12D EB minus 3 spread rolls 27 STUN and 7 BODY...bullet proof vests act 11- roll 7,5,3...all three have 7 ED for 17 STUN and 0 BODY). The G-Men (and woman) are STUNNED and blasted off their feet (7 BODY minus roll of 7 knocked down). Bluejay uses 5 END and is down to 20.

-The three UNTIL Agents try to cover the FBI Agents by closing the distance to Bluejay (3" half move), bracing, and unloading another 3-round burst of coordinated attacks (OCV 5 plus 1 level minus 2/2/4 range plus 2 brace versus DCV 8 plus 1 level; need 8-/8-/6- and roll 10/11/5). One of the wild blaster shots hits Bluejay in the gut (6D EB rolls 25 STUN and 8 BODY minus 20 ED is 5 STUN and 0 BODY) The shot hurts Bluejay but she shrugs off the pain (she is at 2 STUN).

-The Eye Patch UNTIL Agent and Bicycle Helmet UNTIL Agent recover 5 STUN and are now at -3 STUN.


Post-Segment 12 Recovery:

-Lady Blue is at -28 STUN and does not recover.

-Dragonfly recovers 8 STUN/END and is now at 27 STUN and 22 END.

-Bluejay recovers 4 STUN/END and is now at 6 STUN and 24 END.

-The Steel Serpent Armor recovers 6 STUN and is now at -11 STUN.

-The Eye Patch UNTIL Agent and Bicycle Helmet UNTIL Agent recover 5 STUN/2 END and are now conscious at 2 STUN and 2 END.

-The third Unconscious UNTIL Agent recovers 5 STUN and is now at -11 STUN.

-The three conscious UNTIL Agents recover 3 END and are at full END.

-Covert Blue and Covert Brown VIPER Agents recover 6 STUN each and are at -9 and -5 STUN, respectively.

-Black Blaster and Gray Baiter VIPER Agents recover 6 STUN each and are at -9 and -10 STUN, respectively.

-The FBI Agents each recover 6 STUN/END and are at 14 STUN and 26 END each. They are still STUNNED since they aborted their Phase 12 Actions.




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Turn 2, Segments 1-4




Segment 1:

-No one acts


Segment 2:

-Dragonfly decelerates to 0 velocity as he flies 1" forward and then spins in place (flying half move) to blast the closest UNTIL Agent (OCV 9 plus 2 levels minus 4 range versus DCV 5 x 1/2; he needs 15- and rolls a 7). The UNTIL Agent spasms in the electrical bolt (10D EB rolls 34 STUN and 9 BODY...armor activates 14- rolls 8...minus 10 ED is 24 STUN) and is thrown back (9 BODY minus roll of 5 is 4" knockback) onto the walkway (2D knockback rolls 6 STUN 2 BODY armor activates 14- rolls 15...takes 2 more STUN). The UNTIL Agent is STUNNED and unconscious at -1 STUN. Dragonfly burns 6 END and is down to 16 END.


Segment 3:

-Bluejay flies up to the UNTIL Leader and unleashes an ear-splitting blast (OCV 8 plus 1 level versus 5 DCV x 1/2; she needs 17- and rolls a 9) that (6D NND rolls 23 STUN) that STUNS the Agent. He's currently at 2 STUN.


Segment 4:

-Dragonfly zips forward on incandescent wings (7" flying half move) and blasts the unharmed UNTIL Agent (OCV 9 plus 2 levels minus 2 range versus DCV 5 x 1/2; he needs 17- and rolls a 14). The static charge (10D EB rolls 31 STUN and 10 BODY...Armor activates 14- rolls 5...minus 10 ED is 21 STUN and 0 BODY) strikes the Agents' body armor but still hurts him (Agent is STUNNED). It also throws him back (10 BODY rolls 5 for 5" knockback...2.5 Dice damage rolls 12 STUN and 4 BODY...body armor activates with roll of 6 for 2 more STUN). The Agent is at 2 STUN and STUNNED. Dragonfly burns another 6 END and is currently has only 10 END remaining.

-The Bluejay-tasked UNTIL Agents recover from being STUNNED.

-Eye Patch and Bicycle Helmet UNTIL Agents stand (1/2 phase) and wait for a good shot.

-Covert Blue and Covert Brown VIPER Agents recover 6 STUN. Covert Brown is now conscious with 1 STUN and 1 END.

-Black Blaster and Gray Baiter VIPER Agents recover 6 STUN each. They are at -3 and -4 STUN respectively.

-The three FBI Agents recover from being STUNNED.




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Re: 4e Battle Report: The Dissidents versus Viper


This has been one fast brutal fight. Kudos for keeping track of so many characters and still maintaining a sense of role play and characterization. Interesting to now know exactly who to "cheer" for (except for booing the snakes, of course). Show that even in four color worlds you can have shades of gray. You have to wonder how Viper gets anything done though. They seem to be Hunting half the Champions Universe. :)

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Re: 4e Battle Report: The Dissidents versus Viper


You have to wonder how Viper gets anything done though. They seem to be Hunting half the Champions Universe. :)


True, dat!


They're also hunted by everyone. This started as a modest 3 Supers versus 9 Agents battle, but once all the hunteds got rolled it quickly expanded. Freaking Viper Agents in 4e are hunted by UNTIL, PRIMUS or SAT. Even though it's only an 8-, when you roll for *each* agent that can quickly add up. I strongly recommend *not* giving Agents hunteds!

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Turn 2, Segments 5 to 8


Segment 5:

-Showing remarkable trust and treamwork, Bluejay doesn't decelerate. Instead she keeps flying right over the UNTIL Agent she stunned and then twists under Dragonfly to spread her blast against the two UNTIL Agents who just stood up. Both UNTIL Agents dodge (OCV 8 versus DCV 8; she needs an 11- and rolls a 6 and 10). The sonic boom (12D EB minus 2 spread rolls 43 STUN and 13 BODY...armor activates 14- rolls 15 and 11...does 39 STUN/9 BODY and 33 STUN/3 BODY) knocks the agents back (13 BODY minus roll of 10 is 3" knockback) and incapacitates them both. They are at -37 and -31 STUN, respectively, and are both permanently out of the battle. Bluejay burns 6 END and is at 12 END.


Segment 6:

-Dragonfly crosses over Bluejay and blasts the still-standing UNTIL Agent (OCV 9 plus 2 minus 2 versus DCV 5; needs 15- and rolls a 9). The electrical hammer (10D EB rolls 39 STUN and 11 BODY...armor activates 14- rolls 12...minus 10 ED results in 29 STUN and 1 BODY) slams the Agent backwards (11 BODY minus knockback roll 7 is 4" knockback...armor activates with a 4 and blocks 8 STUN x 2/2 BODY for 6 more STUN) and unconscious. The Agent is incapacitated at -33 STUN. Dragonfly burns 6 END and is at 4 END remaining.


Segment 7:

-No one acts.


Segment 8:

-Dragonfly notices the Covert Agent he put down earlier is now conscious. He zips over to him (7" half move) but is exhausted and can't summon the full force of his bio energy (OCV 9 plus 2 levels minus 2 versus DCV 5 x 1/2 prone; he needs a 17- and rolls a 4). The weakened bolt (8D EB rolls 26 STUN and 7 BODY minus 9 ED is 17 STUN) is enough to knock the Agent unconscious (7 BODY minus 8 roll is no knockback). The Agent is at -16 STUN. Dragonfly is at 0 END and the strain is painful (1/2 D damage does 3 STUN...he's down to 24 STUN).

-Bluejay slams on the brakes (1" deceleration), turns in place, and blasts the last conscious UNTIL Agent (OCV 8 plus 2 levels minus 4 range plus 2 brace versus DCV 5 x 1/2 prone + 2 cover prone; she needs a 14- and rolls a 13). The shot numbs the Agent's throbbing head (6D NND rolls 25 STUN). He is unconscious at -23 STUN. Bluejay burns 5 more END and only has 6 remaining.

-UNTIL Agent II recovers 5 STUN and is conscious at 4 STUN And 4 END.

-Covert Blue Viper Agent recovers 6 STUN and is conscious at 3 STUN and 3 END.

-Black Blaster Viper Agent recovers 6 STUN and is conscious at 3 STUN and 3 END.

-Gray Baiter Viper Agent recovers 6 STUN and is conscious at 2 STUN and 2 END.

-The FBI Agents climb to their feet, brace, and unload their .45 automatics desperately at Dragonfly (OCV 5 plus 1 gun plus 2 coordinated minus 2/2/4 range plus 2/2/2 braced versus DCV 12; they need a 7-/7-/5- and roll a 13/9/15) but miss their darting target.




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Turn 2, Segments 9-12


Segment 9:

-No one can act.


Segment 10:

-Exhausted and needing to land, Dragonfly dives through the window of Bo Tsing's hardware that was blasted open by the Steel Serpent Armor (6" 1/2 move), takes cover behind the counter, and spreads his energy blast through all three FBI Agents (OCV 9 plus 2 levels minus 2 range versus DCV 5 x 1/2 plus 2 cover; needs a 15- and rolls 13/13/11). The bio bolt (10D EB minus 3D spread rolls 23 STUN and 6 BODY...vests activate 11- roll 11/9/6...minus 7 ED is 16 STUN and 0 BODY) KO's all thre Agents and throws them back 10 meters (7 BODY minus roll of 2 is 5" knockback; 2.5D rolls 7 STUN x 2 and 3 BODY...vests activate 11- roll 6/13/13...Agents take 7/10/10 more STUN). One FBI Agent is barely lucid at -9 STUN but the other two are out cold at -12 STUN. Dragonfly (6 END at 0 END is 3D STUN rolls 14 STUN) almost passes out from the exhaustion (he's at 10 STUN).

-Noticing that Covert Blue is conscious again, Bluejay flies over (6" flying half move) and pounds him with sonic force (OCV 8 plus 1 level versus DCV 5 x 1/2 prone; she needs a 17- and rolls 14). The blast (6D NND rolls 23 STUN) drops the last murder squad member to -21 STUN and puts him out of the battle permanently. Bluejay pays for her blast by burning 5 more END. She only has 2 left.


Segment 11:

-No one can act.


Segment 12:

-Dragonfly continues to take cover behind the counter (+2 DCV) and recovers 8 STUN/END and is now at 8 END and 16 STUN.

-Bluejay uses her last reserves of energy against the recovering VIPER Agents. She flies toward Black Blaster, landing 4 meters from him (7" half move, 1 END), and lets loose with a shrill blast (OCV 8 plus 1 level versus DCV 5 x 1/2 prone plus 2 cover from being prone; she needs a 15- and rolls 13). The attack (6D NND rolls 18 STUN) KO's the Viper Agent but Bluejay (5 END burned brings her to -3; 1.5D rolls 8 STUN dropping her to -2 STUN) also passes out from exhaustion.

-UNTIL Agent II, barely conscious, rises to his feet and runs in a crouch to put the escalator wall between him and Dragonfly.

-The VIPER Gray Baiter Agent rises to his feet, turns, and launches a Flash Grenade over the counter right at Dragonfly's feet (activate 14- rolls a 13; OCV 5 versus Adjacent Hex DCV 0 plus 2 cover; needs 14- and rolls a 7). The mini-bomb explodes, blinding Dragonfly (6D Flash rolls 5 BODY) but no one else (Agents have 5 Flash Defense and are unaffected). Dragonfly is blinded until Turn 3, Segment 12, but unfortunately for the VIPER Agent, he's also got a targeting sensce in Active Sonar and won't be negatively affected by the blindness.

-The FBI Agents recover from being STUNNED.


Post-Segment 12:

-Dragonfly recovers 8 END and 8 STUN. He is up to 16 END and 26 STUN.

-Bluejay recovers 4 STUN and 2 END. She's at 2 STUN and 2 END.

-The Steel Serpent Armor recovers 6 STUN and is still unconscious at -5 STUN.

-UNTIL Agent II recovers 5 STUN and 5 END. He's at 9 STUN and 8 END.

-UNTIL Agent Moon recovers 5 STUN and is still unconscious at -6 STUN.

-VIPER Covert Agent Brown recovers 6 STUN and is still unconscious at -10 STUN.

-VIPER Black Blaster recovers 6 STUN and is still unconscious at -9 STUN.

-VIPER Gray Baiter recovers 6 STUN and END and is at 8 points in each characteristic.

-The FBI Agents recover 5 STUN and are still unconscious at -4, -7 and -7 STUN, respectively.

After two turns of Combat, only 2 Agents are left standing: VIPER Gray Baiter and UNTIL Agent II. But the Supers are also down to their last STUN and END.


END Segment 12

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Turn 3


Turn 3


Segment 1:

-No one can act.


Segment 2:

-Dragonfly launches himself as high as he can go inside Bo Tsing's hardware (2" straight up is 4" half-move) and blasts the VIPER Baiter (OCV 9 plus 2 levels minus 2 cover

versus DCV 5; needs 14- and rolls a 9) into (10D EB rolls 32 STUN and 8 BODY minus 9 ED is 23 STUN and 0 BODY) into never-never land and back against, but not into, the escalator wall (8 BODY minus roll of 4 is 4" knockback rolls 2D damage 2 STUN x 2 and 0 BODY minus 15 PD is no further damage). Dragonfly puts his flight levels on DCV again and burns 6 END, reducing him to 10.


Segment 3:

-Bluejay recovers 4 STUN and 4 END. She is not at 6 in each stat.

-The Steel Serpent Armor recovers 6 STUN and 1 END and is now conscious at 1 STUN and 1 END.


Segment 4:

-Dragonfly blasts straight down at the Steel Serpent Armor (OCV 9 plus 2 levels versus DCV 6 x 1/2; he needs 17- and rolls 14). The bio-electricity short-circuits the armor (10D EB rolls 41 STUN and 13 BODY minus 9 ED is 32 STUN and 4 BODY) and smashes the Agent into the floor (13 BODY minus roll of 7 is 7" knockback straight down; 7D damage rolls 24 STUN x 2 and 6 BODY minus 15 PD is 33 more STUN). The Steel Serpent Agent is at 64 STUN. Dragonfly burns another 6 END and is currently at 4.

-UNTIL Agent II continues moving forward (3" half move), braces, and unloads a three-round burst on Bluejay (OCV 5 plus 1 level minus 2 range plus 2 brace versus DCV 8 x 1/2 pus 2 prone cover; needs 11- and rolls a 10). One of the blasts hits home (6D EB rolls 15 STUN and 4 BODY minus 20 ED) but is absorbed by Bluejay's power suit.

-VIPER Covert Brown Agent recovers 6 STUN and is still unconscious at -4 STUN.

-VIPER Black Blaster Agent recovers 6 STUN and is still unconscious at -3 STUN.

-The FBI Agents recover 5 STUN. One of them is conscious at 2 STUN but the other two are unconscious still at -3 STUN each.


Segment 5

-Bluejay stands and screams at the UNTIL Agent who just shot her (OCV 8 plus 1 level minus 2 range versus DCV 5 x 1/2; she needs a 15- to hit and rolls 15). The shot (6D NND rolls 17 STUN) knocks him out for good (he's at -18 STUN). Bluejay burns 4 more END and has only 6 remaining.


Segment 6

-Dragonfly flies up right next to the conscious FBI Agent (half move) and blasts him (OCV 9 plus 2 versus DCV 5 x 1/2; needs 17- and rolls a 15). The shock (10D EB rolls 34 STUN and 10 BODY...vest activates 11- rolls 12...4 ED takes 30 STUN and 6 BODY). The Agent is out cold (10 BODY minus roll of 10 only knocked down). Dragonfly exhausts himself again (-2 END) to the point of pain (1D STUN rolls 4 he's now at 22 STUN).






The Agents needed a lucky roll during Turn 3 to turn things around. With the Supers exhausted and low on STUN, they had a chance. But, alas, none of their shots hit.


Dragonfly and Bluejay make sure the various Agents are down for the count before breaking out the smelling salts and whisking Lady Blue and Mr. and Mrs. Avalon away to the airport. Bluejay and Lady Blue accompany the Avalons on a flight to Fiji, where they are living under assumed names to this day. Bluejay forwards a substantial percentage of her ill-gotten gains to her parents, who are enjoying their tropical retirement. The Dissidents gain Bluejay as a full-time member, but Bluejay still hunts down VIPER Agents whenever possible. She hasn't forgotten their treatment of her parents, and she will never forgive.

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