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Autofire, Hit Locations, and Targeting


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So, I've been looking through the main 6E rulebooks and can't find anywhere where it covers hit locations and autofire.


I'm assuming that if you just shoot someone, hit 3 times, you roll 3 locations.


What happens if you target a specific location and hit well enough to land 3 shots?


Such as targeting the head and hitting 3 times even with the -8?

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Re: Autofire, Hit Locations, and Targeting


Nothing unusual; all three shots hit that location for however much damage they would normally do.



The more dangerous the location the higher the OCV penalty and thus the fewer the amount of shots that will hit. Note that there are optional Autofire Skills in the APG I 35 wich might be usefull for hitting the location or doing high damage.

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Re: Autofire, Hit Locations, and Targeting


Or' date=' alternately, Penalty Skill Levels vs. Hit-Location Penalties can really make called shots + autofire particularly nasty.[/quote']

We had a discussion on "how much" PSL for Hit locations would be okay. It think we agreed that the total penalty shoudl not be more than halved or that you should not buy so much as to more than half the headshot penalty.


When you can just give hipshot headshots the game could start to get to easy/deadly.

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Re: Autofire, Hit Locations, and Targeting


Well, I enforce a "+10 from all sources" maximum in most games I run that aren't crazy powerful supers campaigns. So you could have +5 OCV, +5 to offset called shot, and you are done - for a final OCV of ( 3 base + 5 CSL - 8 Called Shot Penalty + 5 Offset Called Shot = ) 5; 13- to hit head on DCV 3. Raising your base OCV is the only way around this in any such campaign I run; you can't even add maneuver bonuses once you hit the +10 limit.

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Re: Autofire, Hit Locations, and Targeting


What perceived abuse are you trying to prevent by putting such a cap in place?


What's so abusive about being able to hit any location you want on a target that you can hit? We aren't talking about increasing a character's overall chance of hitting. It just increases the effectiveness of attacks that do hit.


You can certainly run into issues if you allow it to be combined with other damage adders within Martial Arts (arguably 'weak-point'/targeting based), Talents and similar Superskills. The issue there is actually a matter of reusing the same or similar special effect in a multiplicative way.

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Re: Autofire, Hit Locations, and Targeting


I'm just trying to avoid massive OCV/DCV bloat and trying to keep things challenging - I mostly do this in Heroic games where CV is usually about 5-8 or so. And it keeps me from having to do things like "only halving a penalty" (I tried this at first and could not get my players to wrap their heads around it.)


Even with that +10 maximum, my players are frequently seeing 17- rolls on many attacks (vs. mooks, generally, or low DCV "tank" NPC's.)

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Re: Autofire, Hit Locations, and Targeting


I have been in a Heroic game where one PC could' date=' and would, regularly call shots to the head. It was ugly.[/quote']


Yeah, in my current campaign, the sneaky PC got a lucky head shot - called high at -1, rolled 3... which is "Face" in my Heroic games. Basically 1-shotted my BBEG 600-point Fire Sorcerer; he wasn't dead, actually only took 2 BODY to head after defenses, but took enough to be CON-stunned and they took him down in seconds after that.


And that was without insane PSL's for called shots - just a lucky roll on a High shot.

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