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Life Support, Continuing Charges


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Most of the sample vehicles with life support I've seen have just had plain Life Support, so as long as your vehicle was still working, you had it.


I've been considering sailing ships in space that would have limited Air/Food/Water, say 180 days supply for 100 crewmen. So the obvious way to do this seems to be to use continuing charges that last 1 day.


For instance:


Life Support (Eating: Character does not eat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing); 1800 Recoverable Continuing Charges lasting 1 Day each (Recovers Under Limited Circumstances; -0) costs 18 points


The limited circumstances are that you have to be at a planet that has breathable air & edible food.


Anybody have a problem with doing it that way, or can suggest another way that might work/be better/have more gaming opportunities?

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Re: Life Support, Continuing Charges


Rather than use Life Support I would separate out the food supply as a minor Transform or Creation power from APG2. That way if something affects Life Support air and heat might be affected but not the food supply (and the reverse would be true as well).

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Re: Life Support, Continuing Charges


Most of the sample vehicles with life support I've seen have just had plain Life Support, so as long as your vehicle was still working, you had it.


I've been considering sailing ships in space that would have limited Air/Food/Water, say 180 days supply for 100 crewmen. So the obvious way to do this seems to be to use continuing charges that last 1 day.


For instance:


Life Support (Eating: Character does not eat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing); 1800 Recoverable Continuing Charges lasting 1 Day each (Recovers Under Limited Circumstances; -0) costs 18 points


The limited circumstances are that you have to be at a planet that has breathable air & edible food.


Anybody have a problem with doing it that way, or can suggest another way that might work/be better/have more gaming opportunities?


I like it.

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Re: Life Support, Continuing Charges


Since the Life Support power applies to the whole ship, wouldn't 1800 Charges of 1 day each cover the entire crew, no matter how many, for 1800 days?


I'd just use the basic Life Support power sans Charges and use supply shortages as plot hooks or complications.


Some types of Life Support depend on availability of supplies, while others don't. I usually buy two life support powers for spacecraft: (the Sealed Hull power is probably overkill, but spacecraft are fairly tough in my campaign.)


Sealed Hull: Life Support (Immunity All terrestrial poisons; Immunity: All terrestrial diseases; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum)


Consumables: Life Support (Eating: Character does not eat; Self-Contained Breathing); 1 Continuing Fuel Charge lasting 1 Season (-0)

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Re: Life Support, Continuing Charges


Some types of Life Support depend on availability of supplies' date=' while others don't. I usually buy two life support powers for spacecraft: (the [i']Sealed Hull[/i] power is probably overkill, but spacecraft are fairly tough in my campaign.)


Sealed Hull: Life Support (Immunity All terrestrial poisons; Immunity: All terrestrial diseases; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum)


Consumables: Life Support (Eating: Character does not eat; Self-Contained Breathing); 1 Continuing Fuel Charge lasting 1 Season (-0)


That's a good idea. If space rats eat all the salt pork, you can still breath. :)


I'd go with just eating

unless your sailing ship goes under water like the Black Pearl


It's a space sailing ship.

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Re: Life Support, Continuing Charges


The fuel charge is a great idea as you can define it as working for a normal crew: if the crew is depleted it can last longer, if the ship is over-full then it can last less time. The only tiny problem is that it will cost you more to have life suport that only lasts a season on a fuel charge than just to buy the damn thing 'straight'.


If I was GMing I'd allow you to just buy your basic Life Suport with a 'Real System' limitation for -1/4. That way the GM can occasionally say that the aeration system breaks down, or there's tribbles in the grain store, or the radiation filter needs spares and repairs, or the water tanks just need topping up and you don't need to worry too much about how long you can last with those three extra crewmen you took on. In other words you get your life support and the GM gets a free pass to include the LS system in the plot now and then. Everyone is happy.

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Re: Life Support, Continuing Charges


The fuel charge is a great idea as you can define it as working for a normal crew: if the crew is depleted it can last longer' date=' if the ship is over-full then it can last less time. The only tiny problem is that it will cost you more to have life suport that only lasts a season on a fuel charge than just to buy the damn thing 'straight'.[/quote']

Nope. Continuing/Fuel charges on a power that costs no Endurance never becomes an advantage. The Base already get's the ability to bestow it's powers on everyone fitting into it for free (in fact things like "polarized windows" and other armor get's a -1 Limitation). So 1800 Continuing Fuel charges is down from "everyone fitting in for infinite time", but not so much it that it is worth any limitation.

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Re: Life Support, Continuing Charges


Nope. Continuing/Fuel charges on a power that costs no Endurance never becomes an advantage. The Base already get's the ability to bestow it's powers on everyone fitting into it for free (in fact things like "polarized windows" and other armor get's a -1 Limitation). So 1800 Continuing Fuel charges is down from "everyone fitting in for infinite time"' date=' but not so much it that it is worth any limitation.[/quote']


Good point well made: need to post a note on the Hero Designer forum...

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Re: Life Support, Continuing Charges


Since the Life Support power applies to the whole ship, wouldn't 1800 Charges of 1 day each cover the entire crew, no matter how many, for 1800 days?


I'd just use the basic Life Support power sans Charges and use supply shortages as plot hooks or complications.


Technically speaking, the Life Support power would need to be bought as "Usable By Others" with the right adders / modifiers (Grantor controls power absolutely, recipient must stay within limited range, etc.) But other than that, looks good to me.

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Re: Life Support, Continuing Charges


Technically speaking' date=' the Life Support power would need to be bought as "Usable By Others" with the right adders / modifiers (Grantor controls power absolutely, recipient must stay within limited range, etc.) But other than that, looks good to me.[/quote']

Not for bases. They do not need UOO for their Life Support Systems. Or their Flash Defense. Or their armor.


Having the Base-template gives you UOO for a lot of things for free. But it also costs you a lot...

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Re: Life Support, Continuing Charges


Ah' date=' I was thinking this was a Vehicle... but then I suppose it works the same for them as for bases?[/quote']

Actually it is not written as a Rule anywhere.

But the writeup of the Superbases (Champions 6E) and the Vehicles (6E2 197, Champions 6E 203) strongly imply it. I guess it was so self-explaining Steve Long didn't bother to note it.

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Re: Life Support, Continuing Charges


Actually it is not written as a Rule anywhere.

But the writeup of the Superbases (Champions 6E) and the Vehicles (6E2 197, Champions 6E 203) strongly imply it. I guess it was so self-explaining Steve Long didn't bother to note it.


It's not implied, it says so on 6E2 191

"... you don't have to buy a Power that affects all of it (typically a Defense Power or Life Support) ... nor must you buy such powers as Usable on Others"

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