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Re: Lemuria


Your best bet is Champions Beyond, which covers the whole Milky Way Galaxy in the Champions Universe. It describes a huge selection of races, covering a wide range of physical types, many of which include character templates for Sixth Edition HERO.


Since the title of your thread is "Lemuria" rather than "Aliens," I'll just add that CU Lemuria is covered in great detail in Hidden Lands. ;)

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Re: Lemuria


For Atlantis, you might want to go back to the source: Plato. I seem to recall that there are allegedly some classical citations that predate Plato, but they're fragementary or not very detailed. It is Plato's account that is probably resonsible for planting the name and concept of Atlantis firmly into Western culture.


There are those who accuse Plato of inventing the whole thing, and I'm sure his account is largely his own creation, but I would argue that there must have been a pre-existing legend that he worked with. Things like the obvious similarity to other Great Flood accounts such as the ones in the Gilgamesh epic or the story of Noah make me pretty confident he had the legendary materiel lying around to work with, so to speak.


I also see no reason to doubt the argument that there was a real inspiration in the earlier Cretan or Minoan civilization, and specifically in the catastrophic Thera eruption that is considered one of the largest volcanic eruptions in recorded history.


Whatever the facts were, Plato was using the idea of Atlantis to tell his own story and make his own points. One might say that if there was or was not a "real" Atlantis made no difference, Plato would have invented it anyway.


Lemuria is a much more recent idea. It originated in the middle of the 19th century as a scientific theory to explain the similarity of animals, plants, and even rock formations that were on lands widely seperated by the Indian Ocean. The name "Lemuria" derives from the name of a classification of primates, the lemurs. The theory of a prehistoric continent now sunken beneath the Indian Ocean was discredited by increased understanding of geological forces and processes, specifically the discovery of plate tectonics. It is now understood, for example, that India and Madagascar were once part of a single landmass that broke apart, with India eventually becoming part of Asia, rather than having been linked in the past by a landbridge or continent that has since subsided.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary notes the lack of specific titles and suspects Lucius may eventually return to suggest some books.

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Re: Lemuria


I was think about using Atlantis and possibly Lemurians in Icthyo Sapien's (http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php/86089-Fish-Men) history. The Lemurians. If I was to do that how would do that then? I have even thought of that character having DNA from one or both of those two aquatic races.

I have been told that Lemurians in their native non-human form are reptilian. What do Atlantians look like like?

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Re: Lemuria


What could I to have an aquatic character that is orignally and not just a fish-men? Why I asked about the those two race is to help in making my Ichtyo Spaen better less just a fish men. I also wantsed to read about thing from my favorite element water.

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Re: Lemuria


The following description of Champions' Atlanteans comes from Champions Universe p. 95:


"In general they retain human proportions, though as a population they’re more physically fit than Landers — both obesity and unusual thinness are extremely rare."


"Atlanteans typically have green skin, though the exact shading varies from a dark, mossy green through emerald to something closer to blue. Hair, which grows exclusively on the head and face, generally matches the skin but is several shades darker (hair so dark that it appears black is not uncommon). Atlanteans have a wide range of eye colors, including some shades (like bright orange) that are extremely rare among Landers, and tend to have stereotypically “Roman” features: long, aquiline noses, sharply-defined cheekbones, hair that curls if left to grow out."


Moreover, the description of the Atlantean supervillain Stingray, on Champions Villains Vol. 3 p. 271, states that "Like most Atlanteans, Thalassa is tall and thin." However, Stingray also has fish-like fins on her body, and webbed fingers, presumably a side effect of the magic she used to augment herself. Here's an image of her from the Champions Online wiki: http://images.wikia.com/championsonline/images/7/7c/Stingray.jpg

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