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High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group)

doyle hunter

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Re: High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group)


If your perception roll is high enough, you can see what's going on on Mars.



If I'm not mistaken, you can apply Megascale to the Range Modifier so that, for example, you don't take a penalty until 8 kilometers.


Lucius Alexander


Detect Palindromedary, Telescopic

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Re: High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group)


Found this in Digital Hero #22, page 4


"The Range of Transmit

Usually it’s not necessary to establish an

exact range over which a Sense with the

Transmit Sense Modifier can “broadcast” – the

GM can simply establish ranges for Transmit on

a case-by-case basis, depending on special

effects, the technology used in the campaign,

common sense, and dramatic sense. In situations

where knowing the exact range is important,

GMs can use one of two methods.

For strict precision, give any Sense with

Transmit a broadcast range of 1 kilometer per

Active Point. To increase this range, apply the

MegaScale Advantage, with the +¼ level

increasing it to 10 km per Active Point, and so

on up the MegaScale Table from there.

Characters may need to apply MegaScale as a

naked Advantage, or put Senses in a Multipower

(one slot MegaScaled, one not), to create both

short-range and long-range communications


For more “dramatic” results, assume a

transmission can reach anywhere within an area

defined by the GM (one city, one nation, one

planet, one solar system, or the like). For each +5

Character Points, the character can increase the

range of transmission by one step down the

MegaScale Table.

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Re: High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group)


Some general things regardign senses:

There never is the need to make a roll for soemthing that is obvious or against wich the total sense modifier is -0 or better (after all modifiers for range, etc. are counted in).


Especially for technological (Focus based) senses it is rather usual to apply Megascale. This is espcially encouraged for things like Ship-Sensors and I see nothing against apllying it (or telescopic) to things like a Radio.

For internal, not focus based hero senses things could be more limited.

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Re: High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group)


Found this in Digital Hero #22, page 4


"The Range of Transmit

Usually it’s not necessary to establish an

exact range over which a Sense with the

Transmit Sense Modifier can “broadcast” – the

GM can simply establish ranges for Transmit on

a case-by-case basis, depending on special

effects, the technology used in the campaign,

common sense, and dramatic sense. In situations

where knowing the exact range is important,

GMs can use one of two methods.

For strict precision, give any Sense with

Transmit a broadcast range of 1 kilometer per

Active Point. To increase this range, apply the

MegaScale Advantage, with the +¼ level

increasing it to 10 km per Active Point, and so

on up the MegaScale Table from there.

Characters may need to apply MegaScale as a

naked Advantage, or put Senses in a Multipower

(one slot MegaScaled, one not), to create both

short-range and long-range communications


For more “dramatic” results, assume a

transmission can reach anywhere within an area

defined by the GM (one city, one nation, one

planet, one solar system, or the like). For each +5

Character Points, the character can increase the

range of transmission by one step down the

MegaScale Table.


It's also in Star HERO(5E and I bet it's also in the 6E).

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Re: High Range Radio Perception (Radio Group)


Usually, for HRRP, the range of the transmitting source is the operative factor. The only case where I'd apply a range penalty is trying to listen to a source from beyond its normal transmission range, or trying to snoop on a directional transmission. But, for example, there's no penalty for listening to a radio station that's 25 miles away.

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