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Re: Would you buy...


#1 and #5 are the only ones of interest to me.


The Grimoire would want to ply me with a specific magic system. Ya see, one of my few peeves with HERO is the amount of work I have to put in to make a comprehensive, coherent magic system for a fantasy game. (I'm not worried about that for a supers game.) Something based on Power Pools or Multi-Powers that is still balanced with the sword swingers and has the feel of magic rather than video-game like super powers.


I see the Grimoire as more of a 'hear are some chapters of what magic powers are, in Champions terms, with some sample writeups, then a section of some powers that be who give magic for the asking, but at a price, some sample villians and some sample dimentions'. I see it as something to help, but not restrict GMs and Players running magic type charaters.


Champions of the Rising Sun sounds like a great idea. Chapters on Mecha, Cat Girls and Magic Girls and Japan's meta-human history are all A+ in my book. Also a look at Japanese folklore and myth to give an appropriate feeling and flavour to any game set here. Oh and Japanese super hero fans. I just see the Japanese as taking this, oft-mentioned rarely fleshed out phenomena, to some truly weird/brilliant levels.


No chapter on Mecha (that would be MECHA HERO teratory, if we will ever have the darn thing). No Cat Girls (Hero System Metamorph book). Magical Girls would be covered under the Godstone section of Champions Grimour. Mostly the main focus is Tokyo, the history of Japan (including Meathuman history), the mystical dimention of Yamato (think Farie, but with Tengu, Oni, Kappa, ect...) (No write ups for the creatures, simply convert the Aisan Bestery to 6ed), but will give sidebars to Otaku culture, including vareous words for superbeings there. And some sample heros and villians.


Let's see on thoes words...

Hirojin: A slang for mutant, from Hirojima. Also short for someone from Hirojima. Also see Nagajin and Mujin.

Soopa-: Common mispronounciation for "super", used in refering to something metapower related. Also see Cho-

Cho- : Japanies equivlent to the german Ubber-.

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