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Aiding skills



Given: Aiding skills is a GM optional thing.


If you apply aid to a combat level, does it increase the effectiveness of the level or the quantity of the level?


I.E. Fightmaster has 3 3 point levels with dodge, block, and dive for cover. He has 7d6 of Aid to the combat levels with standard effect. He aids his levels by 21 points. Does he get 7 more levels of dodge, etc. or does his levels upgrade to become 8 point combat levels.


I'll understand if you say its a per GM questions, but I'd like to now how you'd rule on it.

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Re: Aiding skills


It's a GM optional thing, so it's up to the GM to decide.


Personally, I would use it to increase the number of CSLs of X type the character already has. Aid generally can't add abilities a character doesn't already have, and expanding a CSL into a better type of CSL at least flirts with violating that rule.

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