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Personality Change


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My current campaign idea involves androids that can have their AI personalities changed to fit different roles, and this can be done via a wifi link with the central computer. The way I think I will go with is a Shapeshift for the Mental Group.


Has anyone used Shape Shift for personality changes?

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Re: Personality Change


I don't think Shapeshift really works for that, since Shapeshift is purely cosmetic. It might let you fool Mind Scan or some kinds of Mental Group detects, but I don't think Shapeshift to Mental can change your Psych Lims, just like Shapeshifting to anything else can't change your Phys Lims.


I'll have to let someone familiar with 6e verify this, but I thought I read something on the boards about some kind of 'Variable Complication' ability in one of the Advanced Player's Guides. Sounds right up the alley.

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Re: Personality Change


I'll have to let someone familiar with 6e verify this' date=' but I thought I read something on the boards about some kind of 'Variable Complication' ability in one of the Advanced Player's Guides. Sounds right up the alley.[/quote']


Not seen that myself but I think that you either have that for individuals or simply have a complication of Programmable. The value of that would be the value of complications available for the AI to impose on the character.


I presume that this is for NPCs?? If there were to be PC androids, I think that I would make a distinction between them and the others by having the other psych limits be total while the PC ones would be overcomeable (a word??) with EGO rolls etc.



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Re: Personality Change


Variable Complication is in APG 154.


If this is for your theme-park (wich I highly asume), then AEGIS is simply "Summoning" the the personalites, with the bodies being IIF's (Bioroid Body of Opportunity) for said summoning or perhaps recoverable charges - wich recover whenever one is reset for a new personality or when a new body is cloned/produced.

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Re: Personality Change


Thank you for the suggestions, Christopher. Yes, this is for my future theme park idea.


I was trying to come up with an android write-up that could be used as different characters with different skills and personalities as needed by the central computer. It would also have a skill VPP that could be filled with role-appropriate abilities. I'll check the APG for the variable complications.

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Re: Personality Change


Thank you for the suggestions, Christopher. Yes, this is for my future theme park idea.


I was trying to come up with an android write-up that could be used as different characters with different skills and personalities as needed by the central computer. It would also have a skill VPP that could be filled with role-appropriate abilities. I'll check the APG for the variable complications.


Another option might be Mental Transform initiated by the computer with appropriate limitations on the targets, then.

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Re: Personality Change


APG 123 has Rules on Animating Objects (like Stone Statues) using TK, but also notes: "In the HERO System, the most

appropriate way to model that ability is to use the Summon Power."

The only reason for the TK variant is, that it does not need a extra sheet. Need for a sheet for each type is not really a problem for you, I guess.


Here is how I think the summoning works "in game":

An Bioroid body is idle/unused.

AEGIS decides it could use another Villager, so it Summons a Villager using the Body as the Focus and the Result is a 100% genuinly self acting Villager (wich needs a second to orient and find what role it is supposed to play in the current vilage).

Later it decides it needs a Higher A.I. for that Vilager, to upgrade it to a more relevant NPC (some player is really interested in Farming). It let's the Farmer excuse itself for a moment, dismisses the current Personality and Summons a more appropirate instead of it (while transfering the Memory of the current history with the player). It needs a phase to orient, but then goes on with players as if nothing happened.


Physical Limits and Body damage:

Human bodies should have the highest physical values possible for any of it's roles. It should not have PD/Body, but instead use the Body/PD rules of a Durable Focus (for the most expensive Summon that can be used on it). That would mean the relevant parts are exceptionally durable.

However the STR, DEX, SPD and bBdy of a viligar is determined on what the A.I. thinks it can do/sustain. A vilager will perhaps only think to have 1 PD and 5 Body so a 11 Body attack will kill it (the Body switches to idle). But since the relevant parts of the Body are very sturdy/self reparing, there my be no relevant damage done to the mechanical parts by a 11 Body Attack (easily Survived by a Durable Focus for a 60 AP power).

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Re: Personality Change


I didn't originally consider Summon because I was trying to configure the bioroid build itself so that it could fulfill a variety of roles from a few starting templates. Giving it basic abilities and then putting the rest through specialized VPPs for role-based abilities might be how I end up going.


For example, I was also considering using a skills only VPP for skills appropriate to the role being created. Extras would use the default package for the role, and higher roles could use the VPP to have skills appropriate to their roles (guard could use a Fighter package, or the same bioroid could be configured to be a Priest). Enhanced Characteristics like Strength or Intelligence would come from an abilitities VPP.


This way I could come up with starting templates for a bioroid body, like Male Bioroid - Standard Frame I, or Female Bioroid - Action Girl Frame I, etc. Additional items could be applied outside the VPP. For example, Action Girl Frame I could be modified with the addition of Striking Appearance to make it really attractive.


I like the idea of setting Physical Limits like you suggested. A VPP with characteristics purchased through it could also apply that way.

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Re: Personality Change


Well, it isn't really acting here. The bioroid AI really believes that they are the role they are portraying, to improve the illusion of reality to players. It's a simulated environment with characters walking around who think they really are a farmer or a princess, but those characters are artificial humanoids with cybernetic brains.

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Re: Personality Change


Hmm. Another idle thought ... giving the main CPU Mind Control to machines with the Set Effect: "You are a (farmer/princess/viking/alien/etc), act appropriately", then give the robots a small VPP for skills that have to match that role as well. Give them low EGOs and maybe a vulnerability to Cyber-Mind Control, then whatever else you can do to lower their potential breakout roll ('computer error').

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Re: Personality Change


I looked through my 6th Edition, and a VPP with Multiform as its only power is legal since Multiform is a Standard Power. It does make for an interesting construct.


Can Multiform be given a Limitation like Shape Shift so that it affects the body only? That way the body of the bioroid would change to fit its new role, but it would have to get different clothes and equipment. Those would not change automatically.


I would like the bioroid to be able to change physically only in a limited way: to change size and weight only +/- 10% or so from baseline, to change skin and hair pigmentation, and to change facial features and body shape. Is that something that could be expressed in a Limitation on Multiform?


The personality changes would likely also have Limitations on the Multiform such as Multiform Amnesia and Personality Loss.


Any suggestions on using Multiform and a VPP to represent the variety of roles for a bioroid would be appreciated.



Here is my current write-up for the pool.


Assigned Role: Variable Power Pool, 62 base + 62 control cost, Powers Can Be Changed As A Half-Phase Action (+1/2), No Skill Roll Required (+1) (139 Active Points); No Conscious Control (-2), Affects Body Only (-1/2), Only For Multiform (-1/2); all slots Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Character May Take No Other Actions, -1 1/2)



Here is my current write-up for the Multiform power in the pool.


Multiform (250 Character Points in the most expensive form), Trigger (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger requires a Turn or more to reset, Character does not control activation of personal Trigger; Change caused by AEGIS; +1/4) (62 Active Points); Personality Loss First Roll After 1 Turn (-2), Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), Character May Take No Other Actions, -1 1/2)

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Re: Personality Change


Hmm. Another idle thought ... giving the main CPU Mind Control to machines with the Set Effect: "You are a (farmer/princess/viking/alien/etc)' date=' act appropriately", then give the robots a small VPP for skills that have to match that role as well. Give them low EGOs and maybe a vulnerability to Cyber-Mind Control, then whatever else you can do to lower their potential breakout roll ('computer error').[/quote']


One Complication I am thinking of giving the bioroids is a Vulnerability to Possession, so that they can be more easily used as an avatar for a human player,

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Re: Personality Change


I would suggest Possession from the get-go. The possessing 'personality/skills' code is sent by the central AI; upon arrival, the Possessing persona uses the bioroid form's innate Shapeshifting to change height/size (can't change weight), hair, eyes, skin, etc. Even the appearance of clothing could be created. That program continues to possess the bioroid until 'overriden' or recalled, and the shapeshift would either fade back to the standard form, or perhaps remain until a new personality writes it over.So you would need to define a) a baseline bioroid body setup (maximum physical attributes, a few physical-based skills, perhaps) and then B) the various 'possessing' program sets. What makes this useful is that if your PCs enter the park, it works precisely the same way -- and if they are capable, they can 'jump bodies'.

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Re: Personality Change


Can Multiform be given a Limitation like Shape Shift so that it affects the body only? That way the body of the bioroid would change to fit its new role, but it would have to get different clothes and equipment. Those would not change automatically.


I would like the bioroid to be able to change physically only in a limited way: to change size and weight only +/- 10% or so from baseline, to change skin and hair pigmentation, and to change facial features and body shape. Is that something that could be expressed in a Limitation on Multiform?


The personality changes would likely also have Limitations on the Multiform such as Multiform Amnesia and Personality Loss.


Any suggestions on using Multiform and a VPP to represent the variety of roles for a bioroid would be appreciated.

No, I don't think any of those Limitations belong on the Multiform itself; by its nature a Multiform gives you a whole new character. But they certainly could go on the VPP to limit what kind of Multiforms can be put into it, and that's the means by which you can tie it back to the original character and analyze how much the Multiform "changes" it.

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Re: Personality Change


The bioroid is able to gain and lose mass by absorbing water into micro-nodules spread throughout the body. These micro-nodules also allow it to change its build (become more muscular in appearance, change breast size, etc). I'm not sure how to describe how the facial features change. Maybe adjustments to water micro-nodules in the flesh of the face combined with minor changes to the bones underneath? The skeletal frame is limited in height changes to only a few inches from the default helght. My current thinking is that the discs in the spine can be inflated with water slightly to change height.


Here is my current write-up of the basic bioroid configuration, set up in Extra Mode. The Multiform allows it to change to more important Roles in the game. Please review and let me know ways I could improve it.

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