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Partially Armor Piercing Blast

Bodkins Odds


If I bought the partially advantaged blast, Eye Lasers: 8d6 Blast vs ED, Beam -1/4, 32 Points and also High Intensity Eye Lasers: +3d6 Blast vs ED, Armor Piercing +1/4, 19 Active Points; Beam -1/4, 15 Points how much damage would it do? And could I choose not to use the advantaged portion?



Bodkins Odds

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Re: Partially Armor Piercing Blast


I'm going to restate what I think you're asking and answer that question so everyone's clear. If I've misinterpreted you, please post a follow-up.


Q: Is is possible for a character to have an attack that’s partially Armor Piercing (for example, Blast 8d6 plus Blast +4d6, Armor Piercing, Increased Endurance Cost (x3 END))? If so, how do you determine the effect on the target’s defenses?


A: It’s not possible for an attack to be “partially” Armor Piercing. Unless Armor Piercing applies to an entire attack, the attack has no AP effect and defenses apply against it at their normal level.


In the example power, it would be possible to buy it so that the AP applies to the entire 12d6, of course; in that case the attack would be Armor Piercing.


The same logic applies to Penetrating; an attack either has to be all Penetrating, or it has no Penetrating effect.



Re: the second part of your question, a character could choose not to use the second part of the power you described -- there's no Limitation or rule that requires both parts of this particular compound power to be used together at all times. However, I suspect that in light of the answer to the first part, the second part of the question is moot.

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