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How would you write this up?

Doc Samson

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I am making a character for a game that is a superhuman psychologist (similar to my namesake). I like the idea of being recruited by law enforcement to help them on cases involving criminally insane supervillains, like the psychologist on Law and Order but with supers. I think it would be a good plot hook for the GM to use.


How would you write this up? Watched by Law Enforcement? A Law Enforcement DNPC? A Social Complication? I see it as more of a one-sided relationship (they call me but I can't call them). Is it just a 0 pt. background element?


Thanks in advance for replies.

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Re: How would you write this up?


Are you obligated to help them? Are there negative consequences if you refuse or are unable to assist them? You use the word 'recruited', which implies to me that you have no, or limited, choice in the matter. If this is the case, then I'd probably go with a Social Limitation ('At the beck and call of (name of organization)', a variant of Subject to Orders).

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Re: How would you write this up?


If all they do is call you, it's just background, and this would be my first choice on how to handle it. After a few jobs for them, I'd give you a free perk of a contact within the agency.


If they watch you, then you get points. Do they watch any other consulting psychologists, or are they perhaps watching you because you are superhuman?


If they require you to maintain certain credentials or act in a certain manner (they won't hire you if you work for known villains, have to attend regular Monday meetings, etc), then it might be worth some points.

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