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How would you do Fear Horror & Madness?


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hey all. i was thinking of doing a dark fantasy/gothic horror game similar to the old Ravenloft setting. but the main problem im having is how to simulate/convert the concept of Fear Horror and Madness saves. i'd rather not add a Sanity stat, since imo madness should rarely be used. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions i would very much appreciate it. thanks :)

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Re: How would you do Fear Horror & Madness?


I've always looked at Fear Checks using Hero as being an EGO roll, with minuses based on the creature/situation's PRE/5 + modifiers (as per PRE Attacks) ... so, for example:


Lindy Carmicheal is investigating the death of her sister, Anne, and comes across a ghoul devouring the body of a recent dead. Lindy's EGO is 15, so she has a 12≤ EGO Roll. The Ghoul has a PRE 20, which yields a -4, but the GM adds an extra -2 due to the circumstances, for a total of -6. Lindy must now roll 6≤ to overcome fear and continue on.


If the the target of the Fear Check fails, the creature/situation is allowed an automatic PRE Attack, with the results determining how scared they are. If you want to use extreme fear rules, I would also add the result they failed by to the PRE Attack dice when determining the result. So, in the above example:


Lindy's player rolls a 10. Close, but still 4 away from a successful check. The GM now looks to the Ghoul and rolls it's PRE Attack of 10d6; its initial 4, plus 2 for circumstance, plus 4 for the amount she failed by.


Mind you, in a horror game, I would also allow certain Talents like Strong Will or Brave which would allow the hero to have a PRE bonus for their Fear Check ...

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Re: How would you do Fear Horror & Madness?


There is the option to defend against Presence Attacks using EGO, instead of Presence. But of course player will need to know that, so they can design their character accordingly. But the concept of vanilla Presence Attacks (asume Fear presense Attacks is a clear command "flee") and Casual Presence (APG; A dragon is fearsome, even when it is not even looking at you) can do a lot already.

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Re: How would you do Fear Horror & Madness?


In 5e it was a default rule that EGO defended against Presence attacks, the fact that PRE also defended against them seemed like an odd historical artifact. Then 6e took the defense away from the wrong characteristic. I'll never understand that decision.


But back on topic, Christopher's approach works very well and combining it with Sketchpad's would likely prove rewarding.



Bodkins Odds


PS. Spoilered for long emotional rant.



Seriously, how does your strength of will and intestinal fortitude not help you resist being cowed, awestruck, dazzled, befuddled, or frightened by something's force of presence, feats of prowess, radiant beauty, silver tongue, or shear gruesomeness?


And why do the latter abilities always come with such resistance? Having great PRE does not imply that you should be unflappable, it's not even a general rule! I can think of just as many archetypical examples of people with high PRE that are easily influenced as I can think of with high PRE that are unflappable.


Why are EGO and PRE set up this way? It makes no sense! Especially since (emphasis mine) "EGO helps a character when he undergoes a test of willpower, becomes wounded, resists interrogation or Mental Powers" and "This includes things like resisting temptation or attempts by others to intimidate him, overcoming the effects of a Psychological Complication, or to keep going against the odds."




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Re: How would you do Fear Horror & Madness?


i think the reason behind PRE as defense vs PRE is that PRE signified sif-image. If you have the self image of a bad-ass m-fo, you are less likely to be cowed by things that tries to convince you that THEy were bad-ass mo-fo's

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Re: How would you do Fear Horror & Madness?


IMHO ... Presence is Courage' date=' Ego is Willpower. Both defend against PRE attacks, just in different ways.[/quote']


"PRE is Courage" has the opposite problem - someone with great courage isn't necessarily also intimidating to others.

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Re: How would you do Fear Horror & Madness?


"PRE is Courage" has the opposite problem - someone with great courage isn't necessarily also intimidating to others.

Someone with great courage is automatically able to convince others. Persuasion is for most parts just showing certinity in you actions and words. You can't convince someone of your point, if you are not certain about them yourself/are easily shoved into doubtign your own position.


The difference between Talisman (25 PRE, +2d6 Strikign Appereance) and Wichtcraft (20 PRE + 1d6 SA) - twins - is not that the one is pretier or the other "uglier". It is just that Talisman is more willing/certain about her outlooks to use them to her advantage or "show them off".

If you don't have certinity/courage to walk around in that bikini, trying to do so will make you look akward. Or you might even try to be not seen at all while wearing it.


What we realy like about women is not their body, but that they have the certinity to show us their body to a certain degree.

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Re: How would you do Fear Horror & Madness?


"PRE is Courage" has the opposite problem - someone with great courage isn't necessarily also intimidating to others.


No, but Presence Attacks aren't just about intimidation. They also include encouragement and inspiration, and courageous people can certainly be inspiring.

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Re: How would you do Fear Horror & Madness?


No' date=' but Presence Attacks aren't just about intimidation. They also include encouragement and inspiration, and courageous people can certainly be inspiring.[/quote']


Crap, I've derailed the thread. I was hoping the spoiler tag would avoid that.


Anyway, yes. Courageousness can be inspiring, but my point was that it isn't always inspiring. Nor does being inspirational always imply courageousness. This is further confused by the fact that description of EGO includes all of qualities of courage as well as the numerous other qualities that allow one to shrug off other kinds of presence attacks. Psych comps not withstanding.


But back on topic, how would you write up a Lovecraftian horrifyingly impossible physical form on the scale of Cthulhu or even Yog-Sothoth? While I'm sure it would also include a lot of PRE, I don't think that's quite enough to do it justice. Not even with casual presence attacks vs EGO. I'm thinking some form of Inherent Always On Mental Transform, but I haven't been able to suss out the details. Any suggestions?



Bodkins Odds

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