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Is Kinetik a casual killer?


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Re: Is Kinetik a casual killer?


Also. Since this is 6e and there is only 75 pts in complications' date=' the need for Psych Comps is lessened.[/quote']




Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary says, what was that about this edition "encouraging characters to only take the Complications they need?"

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Re: Is Kinetik a casual killer?


Also. Since this is 6e and there is only 75 pts in complications' date=' the need for Psych Comps is lessened. As I convert a lot of my 5e Characters I am dropping some. I'll admit to occasionally reaching for disad points in the past. But now a case could be made for the GM to say, "This is a Silver Age Game, consider the world to have a "Strong" aversion to killing."[/quote']Agreed. Once you got things like DNPC, Hunted/Watched, Vulnerability/Suspectibility, character-centric psych compl, and one or two others central to the character concept, you're done. You don't need to reach for points anymore, just focus on the ones that make the character unique.


As for the nature of CvK, my problem with it is that it applies equally to all targets. I'd rather see a complication where the focus is on who the character is willing to kill. As mentioned in a different thread, my characters would be more willing to kill supervillains as opposed to agents or normals even if met with deadly force. For example if a supervillain had "casual killer" would get the business end of a meson cannon but a gangbanger would get the stun beam. I think realistically if someone could push a button and make Dr.Destroyer's head explode, most people would do it even if they had CvK because Dr.D slaughtered thousands and will kill again. But if it was a "gentleman theif" type (ie non-killer) instead of Dr.D, many people wouldn't push the button. That should be reflected either as part of roleplaying the character (a 0-point complication) or worked into something like CvK.

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Re: Is Kinetik a casual killer?


I think realistically if someone could push a button and make Dr.Destroyer's head explode' date=' most people would do it even if they had CvK because Dr.D slaughtered thousands and will kill again. But if it was a "gentleman theif" type (ie non-killer) instead of Dr.D, many people wouldn't push the button. That should be reflected either as part of roleplaying the character (a 0-point complication) or worked into something like CvK.[/quote']

That concept has been explored in "The Dark Knight". And it did not worked out that way.


And no, normal people are not going to overcome their CvK just because he is Dr. D. CvK or generally Total Psych Complciations are at the level where you would be unable to act at all, when forced to decide between them and something of similar relevance (like let Dr. D blow up Detroit)

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Re: Is Kinetik a casual killer?


Doesn't the lack of a Complication either way simply mean that Kinetic's views on killing are not intended to be a major story point?

Psychical Complications also have a certain "beneficial" part to them: The enemy Mentalist needs a EGO+30 Result to let you do a certain thing, without them a EGO+20 is enough.

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Re: Is Kinetik a casual killer?


Yep. CvK is far more common then what most folks think. Most folks won't even throw a punch unless it's down to wire and even then' date=' it's debatable. Upgrade that to ending the life of someone directly, gets far more complicated....[/quote']


Well, at the risk of sounding like a gamer that deep down wants to be a dangerous badass.... ;)


Yes and no.


Most people in this country have grown up safe and sound, knowing that thou shalt not kill and never being put into a situation that really tests it. If they are put in that situation for the first time, sure, many of them fail to react appropriately. Heck, Ive seen guys that do great in the gym and then they choke once it's go time. They can't deal with the nerves, the adrenaline, the sight of blood. Whatever it may be. They either go back to their safe little world inside the dojo, give up or get down to business.


Ultimately, this sort of general squeamishness is more a product of ones upbringing.


IMO, Code vs Killing is very much a conscious decision made by people that ARE prepared to be in the thick of it all the time. Most supers use and face violence CONSTANTLY. They are in the thick of it every time we see them and there are almost always lives on the line. They can't cave to pressure, they can't get sick at the sight of blood, they almost never never suffer from PTS...


Lets be honest, they're outright savages compared to normal civilized folk ;)


Frankly, if it weren't for the trope, CvK should probably be quite rare amongst people so immersed in violence


(granted, the possession of impossible super powers makes solving problems without using lethal force much easier...)

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Re: Is Kinetik a casual killer?


Doesn't the lack of a Complication either way simply mean that Kinetic's views on killing are not intended to be a major story point?


It's also possible Kinetics player just doesn't feel the mechanics of the Complication suite the needs of his story...

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Re: Is Kinetik a casual killer?


IMO, Code vs Killing is very much a conscious decision made by people that ARE prepared to be in the thick of it all the time. Most supers use and face violence CONSTANTLY. They are in the thick of it every time we see them and there are almost always lives on the line. They can't cave to pressure, they can't get sick at the sight of blood, they almost never never suffer from PTS...


Lets be honest, they're outright savages compared to normal civilized folk ;)

I disagree with what you said. Yes they do use force, but they have way more controll over the amount than somebody with a gun or baseball bat. It can be as fine tuned as Martial Arts, but most often on Range and with the possibility to still level a building - if they desire so.

For them beating up a few backrobers is not more dangerous (for both parties) than a chasing a few kids from your lawn.

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Re: Is Kinetik a casual killer?


I disagree with what you said. Yes they do use force, but they have way more controll over the amount than somebody with a gun or baseball bat.




For them beating up a few backrobers is not more dangerous (for both parties) than a chasing a few kids from your lawn.



All based on the needs of the plot. Sometimes the heroes make mistakes and those mistakes cost lives:




But most of the time we don't want to deal with the (depressing) consequences of violence in these escapist bits of fiction...because in the real world, throwing a punch with the intention of knocking someone out means accepting the possibility that you just might kill them.

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Re: Is Kinetik a casual killer?


All based on the needs of the plot. Sometimes the heroes make mistakes and those mistakes cost lives:




But most of the time we don't want to deal with the (depressing) consequences of violence in these escapist bits of fiction...because in the real world, throwing a punch with the intention of knocking someone out means accepting the possibility that you just might kill them.


Indeed. This is another one of those things that works fine in comics, where the author has total creative control of the situation. In a game, if Spidey's player suddenly snapped a DNPC's neck that way after having pulled the same maneuver countless times without hurting anybody, well ... there would likely be an argument (unless the player and DM worked it out ahead of time as a story point, of course).

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Re: Is Kinetik a casual killer?


Really, we ignore many of the real-life effects of damage in games like this. How many times can someone be KO'd without suffering long term damage? Look at older boxers. How many times can you get your bones broken, or get shot in various locations, then wade through a swamp, with no long-term damage?

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