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What defines a Superhuman?

SSgt Baloo

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Re: What defines a Superhuman?


By Arkham's definition, (almost) every human is a superhuman.


Every character starts with some free Running, Swimming, and Leaping, which are all Powers.


For that matter, Senses are Powers and all characters start with five of them. I guess one could sell them all back, but that would make no sense.


That was kind of my point in posting Sue Perhugh-Mann. She has an array of 20 different Powers, making her definitely superhuman by Arkham's definition but I would not consider her so (despite the name.)







Actually, Running, swimming and leaping are listed under characteristics on my character sheets. And your basic senses aren't listed at all.

So if you are attempting to define superhuman, you should be stricter in how things are purchased. Talents are talents and should be purchased as such. And you certainly should not have a Multipower of Talents. ( Make sure you check Hero System Martial Arts and Dark Champions for a more expansive list of non-superhuman talents. )


But if you have something that can only be written up as a Power, not a Talent, then you might be superhuman.

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Re: What defines a Superhuman?


Actually' date=' Running, swimming and leaping are listed under characteristics on my character sheets.[/quote']


They're listed under Powers in the book.



And your basic senses aren't listed at all.


Between talking to a person blind from birth, and an unfortunate accident involving my own eyes that (pardon the expression) changed the way I see things, I have come to view vision as a superpower. But no, I don't think being able to see makes you superhuman. But then, I'm not sure how to define "superhuman." I just am not convinced anyone else knows how to either.


So if you are attempting to define superhuman, you should be stricter in how things are purchased. Talents are talents and should be purchased as such. And you certainly should not have a Multipower of Talents. ( Make sure you check Hero System Martial Arts and Dark Champions for a more expansive list of non-superhuman talents. )


So, do you only count Talents from published sources?


But if you have something that can only be written up as a Power, not a Talent, then you might be superhuman.


So with a little luck (or a little Luck) almost anyone can be a superhuman.


Lucky I had that as a kid: Life Support (Immunity: Measles) Real Cost: 1


Lucky I spotted that: +1 PER with all Sense Groups Real Cost: 3


Just Lucky I guess: Luck 2d6 Real Cost: 10



even growing old can be a superpower...


I must be getting old, I get tired faster: Running 11m, Custom Adder (11 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2) Real Cost: 7 END Cost: 2



Lucius Alexander



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Re: What defines a Superhuman?


Actually, Running, swimming and leaping are listed under characteristics on my character sheets. And your basic senses aren't listed at all.

So if you are attempting to define superhuman, you should be stricter in how things are purchased. Talents are talents and should be purchased as such. And you certainly should not have a Multipower of Talents. ( Make sure you check Hero System Martial Arts and Dark Champions for a more expansive list of non-superhuman talents. )


But if you have something that can only be written up as a Power, not a Talent, then you might be superhuman.


Talents are just pre-packaged powers, though. If I buy 'Quiet As The Night: Invisibility to Hearing, requires a Stealth roll' on a character, representing that he is damned stealthy ... does that require him to be a superhuman?

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Re: What defines a Superhuman?


I try to define Superhuman by the setting as well. Captain America is the pinnicale of human possbility for the Marvel Universe, Batman is a "normal" man in the DC universe. Theoretically, other humans in the setting could reach their level but in the real world they both might be called Superhuman. I think you'd be hard pressed to find any major comic book hero or villain that hadn't done something generally considererd impossible in the real world.


Rwo more extreme examples are Krillin and Master Roshi from the Dragonball franchise. Their both ostensibly human, normal but extremely talented. Both are capable of feats like, flying at mach speeds under their own power, shattering mountains, and, in Master Roshi's case, blowing up the moon* with an energy blast. Technically, neither is "superhuman" by the settibgs standards. Humans can learn these skills, they're just at an extremely good/legendary level. But in the real world? Definitely superhuman.


*more like a larger asteroid, the moon is much smaller in the DBZ universe.

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Re: What defines a Superhuman?


But if you have something that can only be written up as a Power' date=' not a Talent, then you might be superhuman.[/quote']


Talents are just pre-packaged powers' date=' though. If I buy 'Quiet As The Night: Invisibility to Hearing, requires a Stealth roll' on a character, representing that he is damned stealthy ... does that require him to be a superhuman?[/quote']

Exaclty. take a look at 6E1 447 (if we talk about 6E). Here is how they were build:

Absolute Range Sense/Time Sense/Bump of direction/Combat Sense/Danger Sense/Universal Translator: Detect

Ambidexterity: PSL

Animal Friendship: +PRE, limited

Combat Luck: Resistante Defenses, hardened, Impenetrable

Deadly Blow: CSL, Only for Damage


Simulate Death: Invisbility

Spead Reading: Analyzing and Rapid for normal Sight

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Re: What defines a Superhuman?


I try to define Superhuman by the setting as well. Captain America is the pinnicale of human possbility for the Marvel Universe' date='[/quote']

Is he? He can do things no normal person in his universe can do. You have often thrown "this world" examples in the ring but they all came after Cap was defined.

Try to give me the example of a normal, unaltered human that was able to pull of one of captain americas stunts - in his world.

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Re: What defines a Superhuman?


Is he? He can do things no normal person in his universe can do. You have often thrown "this world" examples in the ring but they all came after Cap was defined.

Try to give me the example of a normal, unaltered human that was able to pull of one of captain americas stunts - in his world.





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Re: What defines a Superhuman?


Is he? He can do things no normal person in his universe can do. You have often thrown "this world" examples in the ring but they all came after Cap was defined.

Try to give me the example of a normal, unaltered human that was able to pull of one of captain americas stunts - in his world.




Edit: Scooped.

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Re: What defines a Superhuman?






Super Human.


Conan would invoke a kind of awestruck respect upon Hawkeye, same as he did on the what if? Captain America.


Conan would also likewise pwn Hawkeye (making Hawkeye lucky in a round about way).


Both characters would make faces & strike poses. Conan's would be the goofiest.


I still don't strictly understand how Conan is just a Super Human.


What about Super Giant?

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Re: What defines a Superhuman?


How would Conan cause awe in Cap? Cap isn't awed by Hercules or Thor' date=' he's wasn't awed by Thanos wielding the friggin Infinity Gauntlet. Why would he be awed by a big guy with a sword?[/quote']


There is a certain I don't know what about Conan that settles the question of whether or not all people are awesome. They aren't. Conan is.


The target of Conan's awesome should have to fail a simple INT roll to remain unaffected. A successful INT roll unfortunately renders the target fully under Conan's awesome. How long Conan's awesome lasts ought to be determined by how awesome the affected target itself is.

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Re: What defines a Superhuman?


Wich of his stunts and how often?


Pick one. Hawkeye was the first choice to replace Cap a few times, and no I'm not going to do the mass linkages to piles of this or that because it's tiresome; do it all the time and people still want to split hairs. He even put on the costume and slung the shield fairly recently. There's always been the rivalry of Young Gun vs the Old Man when it came to Hawkeye and Cap though it's mellowed over the last couple of decades.....


I can also add, The Falcon, Shang Chi, Bucky/Winter Soldier, Union Jack, Black Panther, Eugene Judd aka Puck, The Patriot, The Spirit of '76 and a few others to the list as well before getting into folks like Protocide, Citizen V and other Zemo's, The Red Skull himself, Moon Knight pre and post Fist of Khonshu, and in some ways, even the Punisher.. A lot of people have run at that level. What makes Captain America Unique isn't the Super Soldier Serum. It's Steve Rogers.


Again, as for Superhuman.....In Game it's Easy. Whatever the GM has locked in as Max Peak Pinnacle Human. Anything over, Super Human. It's pretty basic.



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Re: What defines a Superhuman?


Again' date=' as for Superhuman.....In Game it's Easy. Whatever the GM has locked in as Max Peak Pinnacle Human. Anything over, Super Human. It's pretty basic.[/quote']

I still don't think there should be a Max Peak Pinnacle Human in Superhuman/Superheroe settings in the first place. I mean, we agree that people can shoot energy, lift wieghts and fly in total defiance of the rules of physics/bilogy. Why should those limits apply to normal, superskilled/supertrained characters?


Especially for the CU such a seperation is useless to counter-intuitive:

Superscience, Supertech and Superpowers work only because of the ambient magic field. When the magic goes, Superpowers, Supertech and Superscience will go too. When magic comes back, all the other powers do too. This is the canon explanation for the phase of "just normals conquering space" between the Champions Settings and the Galactic Champions setting, or that there are no superheros before WWII.

The same logic that allows superscience to function in the magic field, should allow Supertrained, Superskilled normals to just ignore the maxima.

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Re: What defines a Superhuman?


I still don't think there should be a Max Peak Pinnacle Human in Superhuman/Superheroe settings in the first place. ...


Good luck convincing Marvel Comics to agree to that one.





The process successfully altered his physiology from its frail state to the maximum of human efficiency, including greatly enhanced musculature and reflexes.
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Re: What defines a Superhuman?


I don't know how I missed this when I read that comic ages ago, but I definitely lol'd this time:



I love the leopard. The white suit & hat might have been Vince's idea, but it's a sure thing "Kingpin" Conan brought the leopard. Oh.. never mind. I just realized that the hat matched the leopard. My bad.


Check out all that big open-collar chest hair cleavage!

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Re: What defines a Superhuman?


He's just a big guy with a sword. Sure he's very talented with that sword and in combat in general' date=' Cap would probably respect him for those skills, but there would be no awe nor should there be.[/quote']


I think folks are being a little tongue in cheek.

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