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Powers with their own Speed? What will that accomplish?


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Re: Powers with their own Speed? What will that accomplish?


a continuous power with it's own speed would do damage on IT'S phases.


I'm very daft, but also not quite as experienced as other HERO players, so could you explain why this might be of benefit/detriment to a Player Character?

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Re: Powers with their own Speed? What will that accomplish?


It would provide a clear mechanic to then allow an otherwise low speed character to create an attack that might affect a target as often as EVERY phase (SPD12) which is something very difficult to accomplish currently without resorting to a Summon based attack (essentially creating a new character with SPD "x").

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Re: Powers with their own Speed? What will that accomplish?


It would provide a clear mechanic to then allow an otherwise low speed character to create an attack that might affect a target as often as EVERY phase (SPD12) which is something very difficult to accomplish currently without resorting to a Summon based attack (essentially creating a new character with SPD "x").


Also, you can set a Power to a LOWER SPD, or try to standardize a power construct's SPD across characters.



Consider poison gas grenades. The SPD 4 gadgeteer makes some and gives one to the SPD 6 martial artist. If the gadgeteer throws one, it damages everyone in the area on his phases, four times per turn. If the martial artist throws it, it does damage on his phases, six times per turn - even though it's the exact same type of grenade. Or a mastermind villain with SPD 6 can make a bunch and give them out to his SPD 3 minions - the gas cloud does damage only three times a turn if one of the minions uses it.


Or consider a spell, say, Belevan's Circle of Hellfire. It creates an area effect attack that does fire damage. If a SPD 3 wizard teaches the spell to a SPD 4 wizard, the latter's version does more damage over a turn - despite supposedly evoking the exact same forces in the same way.


Maybe the concept of "Power with its own SPD" is an attempt to fix these anomolies.


Lucius Alexander


SPD 12 palindromedary

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Re: Powers with their own Speed? What will that accomplish?


SPD 12 palindromedary


I would guess most palindromedaries had 11 Spd...


Anyways... Powers with their own speed might also be good for Uncontrolled/No Conscious Control powers that sort of 'work on their own, on their own schedule'

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Re: Powers with their own Speed? What will that accomplish?


*Fires the Golden Age Flare Gun* GA recently used this in his Epic City Game for one of the big bad's ......Worked well, allowed for some in game action that otherwise woulda been clunky. If folks holler enough he might show up and post said critter so folks can see the build.


~Rex....can tell folks about it if GA doesn't post it.....

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Re: Powers with their own Speed? What will that accomplish?


Consider poison gas grenades. The SPD 4 gadgeteer makes some and gives one to the SPD 6 martial artist. If the gadgeteer throws one, it damages everyone in the area on his phases, four times per turn. If the martial artist throws it, it does damage on his phases, six times per turn - even though it's the exact same type of grenade. Or a mastermind villain with SPD 6 can make a bunch and give them out to his SPD 3 minions - the gas cloud does damage only three times a turn if one of the minions uses it.


Or consider a spell, say, Belevan's Circle of Hellfire. It creates an area effect attack that does fire damage. If a SPD 3 wizard teaches the spell to a SPD 4 wizard, the latter's version does more damage over a turn - despite supposedly evoking the exact same forces in the same way.

However, isn't this what Damage Over Time is for?
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Re: Powers with their own Speed? What will that accomplish?


Very carefully. *rimshot*


I don't think there were any fixed rules. They usually went on the SPD of the thrower or the power's owner.


As far as I know, this is correct. Constant powers have always just dealt damage based on the SPD of whoever owned the power. This is also the first time I've ever been aware that anybody had a problem with that ...

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Re: Powers with their own Speed? What will that accomplish?


In our games we got around the problem of the gas grenade doing damage on different phases depending on who threw it by making work on the target's phases. This also allowed the target to lower his SPD voluntarily to avoid damage, like he might do if drowning.


That said, I could see application for having a SPD characteristic for some powers in a similar vein, like being tied up in an electrified cable or something where the damage is continuous.

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