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THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?

Steve Long

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It's time for me to get started on our next Champions supplement: The Book Of The Empress, which will take an in-depth look at Istvatha V'han (the same way previous "Books of" have detailed Dr. Destroyer and Mechanon).


As currently envisioned, BotE will include such things as:


--a history of V'han and her rise to power as a dimensional empress


--detailed info on V'han herself, including an expanded character sheet, psychology and motivations, her powers and abilities, and so on


--what V'han might be like in other genres


--the Imperial Legions, including (a) the Imperial Battalion (her several thousand superhuman soldiers, bodyguards, etc., with character sheets for half a dozen or so and notes on dozens more); (B) her navies and armies; © her military equipment; (d) her starships and ground vehicles; and (e) her D-Soldiers (of many, many varieties)


--a look at the Multiverse of the CU (this will largely be reprinted from TMW, but will be expanded upon as needed and tweaked to be a bit less mystic-centric)


--the V'hanian Empire itself -- how it's organized, what its laws are like, and what territories it includes (with descriptions of a bunch of sample dimensions)


--how V'han goes about conquering other dimensions and expanding her empire, including the various administrative, bureaucratic, logistical, social, and strategic concerns that prevent her from simply steamrolling Earth (or any other dimension)


--V'han's specific plans and intentions toward Earth


--major enemies of the Empire (Skarn, Tyrannon, and more more more!)


--GMing Istvatha V'han, including a general discussion of dimensional campaigning and related matters




That's it in the broad outlines, at least.


So... what do you want to see in BotE?

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


--a look at the Multiverse of the CU (this will largely be reprinted from TMW, but will be expanded upon as needed and tweaked to be a bit less mystic-centric)


--the V'hanian Empire itself -- how it's organized, what its laws are like, and what territories it includes (with descriptions of a bunch of sample dimensions)


--GMing Istvatha V'han, including a general discussion of dimensional campaigning and related matters


So... what do you want to see in BotE?

I think there is some interest in the whole "what other dimension are there aside from Multifaria":


So covering some of that would be good.


Otherwise I only know about the Empress from side notes of posts here and from Champiosn Online so I don't have anything I want to see.

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


Some kind of hand-waving regarding the logistics of dimensional conquest would be good--maybe there's a limit on the amount of material you can initially bring through with you, and until you do something to bring the dimensional "parameters" of the invaded plane into alignment, you're pretty much stuck fighting for that initial foothold?

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


Mega -- have no fear, I have plenty of ideas on the ways V'han's legions work... and more importantly don't work! "Realistically" she has to face some pretty serious obstacles, or else she'd just squash Earth like a bug, given her resources. And from those obstacles can grow stories.... :eg:

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


Woof! I think most of what I can think of off the top of my head is alreay being covered.


Some other ideas though:


• Who says she hasn't conquered universes similar to the CU already?


• What's the "threshold" for conquering a whole universe? At least, what's the V'hanian Empire's definition?


• Are there interdimensional property laws? For example, if dimension-hopping heroes end up in a V'hanian universe, how long before they are found out and what are the consequences?


• Similarly, does the Empress broker any dimensional deals to high-powered beings? Is there any kind of dimension that she considers below her standards for conquering?


• Does V'han frequent any particular universes?


• Has V'han ever encountered herself, whether in time or an alternate universe?


• I hope that the book spells out why she absolutely must be stopped - rebelling against a utopian conqueror would seem flimsy.


• Some sample universes within her domain would be cool. Maybe an alternate CU or two could be interesting.


How much does V'han know about mystical dimensions and the Qliphothic realms?


That's all for now, but I'm sure I'll have more later.

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


I don't have a lot to suggest for this book, but what I do have in mind:

--what V'han might be like in other genres
Classically, this has consisted of "how this supervillain can be converted into a fantasy villain, sci-fi villain, and so forth." In the case of V'han, there should also be discussion on how she can be used as-is in worlds that happen to fit those genres.

--a look at the Multiverse of the CU (this will largely be reprinted from TMW' date=' but will be expanded upon as needed and tweaked to be a bit less mystic-centric)[/quote']I hope it's a lot less mystic-centric, considering TMW had several pages on mystic universes and only a couple of paragraphs on non-mystic ones. Alternate timelines, alternate physical universes, time travel (not much on that, given that Time Travel Hero is in the bullpen, but at least some basics since V'han can time travel), and a few of the better sample universes from Champions in 3-D and other books would be worthwhile. A couple of paragraphs (if not a couple of pages) each on Backworld/Multifaria, Anarchy World, Nazi World, and maybe a world where Takofanes and Mechanon have each conquered half the planet. Also this section could perhaps include some discussion on alternate-world tropes such as reversed-morality, reversed-gender, genre shifts (everyone has a counterpart but it's Fantasy, Pulp, Western, Victorian, or whatever), and so forth.
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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


V'han, of all the master villains, probably has one of the largest or at least motivated cadre of turncoats and sympathizers among the hero and civilian populations that know about her. You can make a good argument that letting her conquer Earth isn't a bad thing. An examination of this network would be interesting, maybe even a campaign seed where the PCs ARE a part of it, trying to help the Empress conquer the world for its own good either overtly or covertly.



Conversely, it seems like there must be some rebellion in her emprire, some internal enemies that could be potential allies or the PCs could be part of this "Rebel Alliance" come to Earth, the only realm to stymie V'han, so much in centuries, for help...

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


Some more ideas:


• Perhaps some aliens (and accompanying templates) from conquered universes?


• An alternate universe generator?


• Maybe some Champions Beyond tie-ins that note certain alien races battling her too.


Maybe some insight into various villains' thoughts, opinions, and/or plans regarding her.

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


Plot seeds and mini-scenarios. The Empress is really not the kind of villain I normally use in my games. I have no idea how to really use her. A few easy "Drop the Empress into Your Campaign in Just 5 Easy Step" scenarios would help me figure out how to make her fit into a standard superhero type of world. What does she want with my world? Where is she likely to do it at? How will she go about it?

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


Plot seeds and mini-scenarios. The Empress is really not the kind of villain I normally use in my games. I have no idea how to really use her. A few easy "Drop the Empress into Your Campaign in Just 5 Easy Step" scenarios would help me figure out how to make her fit into a standard superhero type of world. What does she want with my world? Where is she likely to do it at? How will she go about it?


She seems like the kind of character that would BE the campaign.

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Guest dan2448

Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


I purchased both The Book of the Destroyer and The Book of the Machine and thought they were both superlative (as I've written elsewhere on this forum). Each substantially exceeded my expectations. But they also detailed my two favorite master villains in the Champions Universe, by some distance. Perhaps because I am not personally as interested in multi-dimensional (or even just plain magical) super villains, I'm afraid that the very subject of this book is not a draw for me.


In preparation for writing this post, I paged through my copy of Champions Villains Vo. 1 and asked myself if there was another master villain I would prefer to be detailed in their own book, like Dr. Destroyer and Mechanon. And I'm afraid my personal answer is 'no.'

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


It's time for me to get started on our next Champions supplement: The Book Of The Empress' date='[/i'] which will take an in-depth look at Istvatha V'han (the same way previous "Books of" have detailed Dr. Destroyer and Mechanon).

Excellent. I've liked her since she first appeared. I've used her more than Doctor Destroyer of late, not that I use her much.


As currently envisioned, BotE will include such things as:


--a history of V'han and her rise to power as a dimensional empress


--detailed info on V'han herself, including an expanded character sheet, psychology and motivations, her powers and abilities, and so on

Hope she gets a few levels of Striking appearance this time, seeing as she had a 26 or so COM in 5th Ed, she's due some.


--what V'han might be like in other genres


--the Imperial Legions, including (a) the Imperial Battalion (her several thousand superhuman soldiers, bodyguards, etc., with character sheets for half a dozen or so and notes on dozens more); (B) her navies and armies; © her military equipment; (d) her starships and ground vehicles; and (e) her D-Soldiers (of many, many varieties)

Yeah, I've made a "Fist of the Empress" for my own campaigns in the same vein as Marvel's "Imerial Guard" for the Shiar. I look forward to some of the 'official' ones. Might be interesting to see if there is a James Harmon of another Universe that became her most devoted warrior, or some other road not taken duplicate.


--a look at the Multiverse of the CU (this will largely be reprinted from TMW, but will be expanded upon as needed and tweaked to be a bit less mystic-centric)



--the V'hanian Empire itself -- how it's organized, what its laws are like, and what territories it includes (with descriptions of a bunch of sample dimensions)

In this case, I think borrowing a bit from the old 3D Champions for some ideas would be a good way to go. Maybe V'han liberated an Earth where the Nazis won, and she crushed "The Eternal Reich"

--how V'han goes about conquering other dimensions and expanding her empire, including the various administrative, bureaucratic, logistical, social, and strategic concerns that prevent her from simply steamrolling Earth (or any other dimension)


--V'han's specific plans and intentions toward Earth


After looking at the excellent Champion Beyond and it's brief mention of her in a certain section, I'm looking forward to more details :)


--major enemies of the Empire (Skarn, Tyrannon, and more more more!)


--GMing Istvatha V'han, including a general discussion of dimensional campaigning and related matters




That's it in the broad outlines, at least.


So... what do you want to see in BotE?



Looks great.


In addition to her guard and armies, might I suggest some NPCs that are:

A) Related to Istvatha (Does she have a son, or daughter? As long lived as she is, not like our Empress will be showing her age). If she does, and if any are grown, are they loyal? Ambitious? Actually on the side of rebels?

B) Members of her Court- Is there a court chronicler or historian the PCs might find a source of information? Perhaps one is an ambassador she sends to discuss matters at meeetings which she cannot or does not wish to attend herself?

C) As mentioned above, 'alternate reality' versions of CU characters, maybe with a few hints on how to twist PC characters to make it personal for the players when they encounter them.

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


The mirror universe Champions. Perhaps they work for the Empress.


I'm also hoping that the Imperial Battalion contains some good homages (rip-offs) of known comics characters, just to get that whole Marvel Imperial Guard vibe just right. I'm thinking some like Marvel's Guardian (Superman) or even the Four from Planetary. You know who you're talking about, but no one can get sued.

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


I haven't spent much time on the whole "what this villain would be like in other genres" to this point. But does anyone else remember this


or this


or this


or the other "Keys to the Dimensions" books by the late Kenneth Bulmer? Istvatha V'Han is a note-perfect Diamond Contessa tribute, and I would love to see a Pulp Hero/Dark Champions take on her.

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


I am really looking forward to this Book.


Steve, I have a 400 point 6E character, Psidestep based on the Empress. During her first failed attempt to take the CU, she kidnapped a number of humans for use as spies later on. He is a dimension hopping hero who made his way back home, and as a result he is Hunted by the realm's secret service (one hero in this case is small potatoes to bother the Empress of a billion dimensions over).


So I would like to see heroes/villains with dimension hopping, origins related to the Empress, or actively resisting/aiding her rule.

This is one where you can really go wild with the characters and create very non-human supers, like intelligent floating Jelly-fish and such.


Psidestep has a link in my sig below. If you like him, feel free to use him, alter him anything you like. I has serious fun tossing all sorts of dimensional powers into him.

This is where I am totally envious of your job. You will have nothing but fun putting this project together. Lierally you can tie all the other Hero Products into this one. Players can visit Pulp Hero adventures to fight Nazis allied with the Empress, Fantasy and Scifi Hero....everything fits into this book.


I would like to see, an abbreviated list of locations. I had a spy academy (built just for CU's human spies) located on an isolated desert planet, with Dog Soldiers. loyalty nanites, and cerebral bombs.

--any number of quick locations where a dimension hopping hero can stumble into an adventure.

like Dimensional relay stations for travelers, and loyalists.


Even in the CU universe, there are those who would join and support the Empress. A fifth column sort of group. This would be a great way for the heroes to gain access to a dimensional travel device...and a faulty navigation program. They would have contact with a number of powerful villains assigned by the Empress to study Earth's Hero problem.


Have a ton of fun with this, Steve! You have the best Job in the world. Going to a Con is a business expense!

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


The mirror universe Champions. Perhaps they work for the Empress.


I'm also hoping that the Imperial Battalion contains some good homages (rip-offs) of known comics characters, just to get that whole Marvel Imperial Guard vibe just right. I'm thinking some like Marvel's Guardian (Superman) or even the Four from Planetary. You know who you're talking about, but no one can get sued.

I vote that a alternate Foxbat plays a major role in her empire. Perhaps General or Boyguard.


Steve' date=' I have a 400 point 6E character, Psidestep based on the Empress. During her first failed attempt to take the CU, she kidnapped a number of humans for use as spies later on. He is a dimension hopping hero who made his way back home, and as a result he is Hunted by the realm's secret service (one hero in this case is small potatoes to bother the Empress of a billion dimensions over).[/quote']

Landslides origin originally also had a relation to the Empress (but I generalised it, so it fit's those szenraios where she does not exists). In short a certain critter "hitch-hiked" a dimensional teleport during one of her invasion atemps and lands on the campaing earth.

That critter transforms Sabrina Meier to a Landslide, the Brick (unwilling for both, and deadly for it).

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


I will recall a major piece of fiction for my question. Dr Who: Genesis of the Daleks.


At one point the Doctor is held captive by Davros creator of the Daleks and forced to explain how the Daleks had been defeated. Something similar to that for V'han and not along the lines of Skarn or Tyrannon turned up to stop her.

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Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See?


Thanx for the responses so far folx! I've seen lots of great suggestions; please keep 'em comin'!


A few general responses to some points that have been made:


1. I definitely appreciate the suggestions, many of which are at least making me think about certain aspects of the book. ;) However, please keep in mind that I only have so much time and so much page space to devote to this book. F'rex, I can't detail a whole Green Lantern-like interdimensional organization devoted to fighting her. That's a cool idea, but I don't have the time. At most I might mention an organization like that by name (probably in a section I already have outlined, titled "Rebels Of The Realities," a title I really like ;) ). Beyond that and maybe a paragraph of detail, I have to leave it up to the GM to flesh that idea out.


Now of course, if the book were to sell really well, we could consider publishing a supplement where I could delve into subjects such as these in detail. :eg:


2. By and large I have no intention of borrowing directly from Champions In 3-D. The specific, detailed settings (e.g., Horror World) don't really interest me, and in any event aren't really appropriate for BotE. The generic mini-settings (Aztec World, Dinosaur World, etc.) aren't something you really need my input on -- I think just about any GM can whip up a "destination" like that in just a few minutes. To the extent I describe new dimensions -- and I do intend to describe plenty of 'em -- I hope to make them more imaginative and detailed than that. I've mentioned a few in CU (like Britworld or Popeworld), and there are plenty of other, far weirder, ones that can be concocted. ;) Nor are all of them alternate Earths; some may be nothing like Earth's dimension.


Of course, to some extent the two books have significant overlap, specifically in the GMing chapter. That chapter will discuss issues pertaining to dimensional campaigning, much like the early sections of C3D did, but I don't really intend to "copy" it. Similarly, while BotE will probably have a Random Dimension Generator, it's not going to be the same as the one in C3D. Among other things, it'll be more directly tied into the Champions Universe and its multiversal arrangement, since this is, after all, a setting book.

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