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Telekynesis Grab and Moving Targets

Dr Divago



this things about TK and Grab is driving me crazy x.x so i hope you could help me.


in 6E1 294 it says TK Grab use all Grab rules (the one in 6E2 62 and following) save for some differencies

one of that are the grabber (the one who used TK to grab other) does'nt need to move close to the grabbed (the target), got no DCV/OCV penalities and can freely move while keeping his hold


now i'm wondering: what happen to the grabbed and his movement?

a) he too can freely move?

B) he can use only movement modes that are not hindered by the grab? (ie can use a rocket pack (flight) but he can't flap his wings (still flight but with restrainable limitation)), or

c) he's blocked and could use his movements to add STR (like for normal grabbed moving target, 6E2 63 and 64)?


"c" option looks to me way too powerful; it's like an entangle (more, at the moment, 'cause he need a STR vs STR action to free while entangled char could break free with an attack, or be freed by a mate) while the "a" and "b" option looks to me rendering TK grab too less useable


house rule i used so far was reducing "move" by tk from movement mode, as if grabbed whould keep moving and grabber just move it back


but what's the "official" rule?

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Re: Telekynesis Grab and Moving Targets


Someone who's Grabbed with Telekinesis suffers all the standard effects of being Grabbed. That includes not being able to move, generally speaking. Depending on the circumstances a Grabbed character might be able to use his movement to add to his STR to try to break free, as described in 6E2, but once someone's Grabbed he's typically unable to move until he breaks free.

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