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What would you do for a Klondike bar?


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Re: What would you do for a Klondike bar?


All except Olorin - go out and buy one. Although Black Tiger probably would not want one.


Olorin - Magically summon one from a cold dimension - assuming he bought one previously and put it there. He does that with lemonade - at least partially to freak people out.

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Re: What would you do for a Klondike bar?


Ronin-Not part of his usual diet.

Ego-If he'd wanted one...he'd have someone go get it for him.

Paragon-Doesn't need to eat, but he does like to have meals just for the sensations...so he'd probably go buy one if the mood hit him.

Bastille-Absolutely. He loves them. Eats them six at a time. He'd never do anything illegal to get them though.

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Re: What would you do for a Klondike bar?


Red Dragon would do a handstand, or perform simple tricks for one.

Black Falcon would hold a stone in her open palm and let you watch it crumble to sand before your very eyes!

Shade would take you for a short flight.

Psidestep would summon a gold coin from another dimension and ask, "What would you do for one of these?"

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Re: What would you do for a Klondike bar?


Blackout would shut down the surveillance system at 7-11.

Cosmic Ray would "persuade" a passer-by to loan him some pocket change.

Sleepwalker would tap into the universal subconscious to locate someone who needs to give him a Klondike Bar right now.

Redshift would go out and buy one, then get brain freeze from eating it too fast!

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Re: What would you do for a Klondike bar?


"Hey Can Opener! What would you do for this Klondike Bar?"


The little R2D2-like robot extends an optical sensor at the end of a long stalk and scrutinizes the proferred treat. Before it can be snatched away a long "goose neck" type metal tentacle tipped with a big needle extends to the bar, penetrates the package, and SCHLUUURRRP! sucks the Klondike Bar out.




DE-SCHLURRRRP! The package fills out again as the Klondike Bar is restored.


"Estimated calories: between 400 and 500. Approximately 20% of calories from fats, remainder from sugars especially sucrose and fructose. Detectable amounts of protein, calcium, iron, and vitamin C. Dangerous to diabetics. Suitable in moderation for a healthy physically active adult, but with access to a stocked laboratory kitchen I can synthesize a similar treat food with fewer calories and better nutritional balance. I predict the average human would find this food to be: Cold, Sweet, Yummy."


Lucius Alexander


Feed it to the palindromedary!

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Re: What would you do for a Klondike bar?


Titanium Chef* has superhuman cooking ability, and a folded-space pantry in its torso, so it would just make one from scratch.

Catalyst would - just buy one, I guess. If they won't sell him one, he knows where a vending machine that has them is.

Mr. Silver would send his figments to pilfer one.

Slick doesn't eat, but if convinced to get one (fairly gullible) would do tricks like turning into a giant klondike bar, or bouncing off the walls (literally).



*I know someone else on here has a character by this name. I guess great minds think alike? ;)

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