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I'm playing a 5th E game, but I feel this question applies to either version.


A mage PC wishes to have a 'spell of translation' to be able to read ancient tomes and arcane books. How might I build this out? Universal translator seems like an option, but the verbiage specifcally says it must be 'communication'



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Re: Translation


I'm playing a 5th E game, but I feel this question applies to either version.


A mage PC wishes to have a 'spell of translation' to be able to read ancient tomes and arcane books. How might I build this out? Universal translator seems like an option, but the verbiage specifcally says it must be 'communication'




Yep. communication. In this case, written communication.


You might want to include Cryptography too if such scrolls and incunabula and codices are sometimes in code.


Lucius Alexander


Palindromedary Enterprises

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Re: Translation


Would including this half-powered UT be appropriate in a VPP (for an arcane superhero)?


Also, how appropriate is The HERO System Grimoire for a superheroic campaign (with an arcane slant?)


Finally - thanks very much to all who were kind enough to reply!

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Re: Translation


1. Depends if Frameworks are even used for Magicians in the first palce.

Generally this is a power that is both "Fire and Forget" (you don't need to have the slot availibe) and "No problem to not have it selected"(you will hardly read a tome in the middle of a combat). So aside from being a Special Power, is is definetly not a real limitation for the power (wich is the main purpose of Frameworks - saving points for having to choose).

Of course the specific GM has final say, and especially the "Only Text" might help here.


2. Don't have it. But generally from what I know so far about hero: When it is for heroic games, you might be able to take off limitations. Otherwise there should be no problem.

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Re: Translation


Again, thanks to all. I went ahead and bought the Grimoire. There is an entire chapter on superheroic magic. Addtionally on page 266:


"To create Superheroic-level versions of spells described in the other sections of this book, just

strip away Limitations and adjust the Active Points to the level of the campaign. You can also place

spells in Power Frameworks — super-sorcerers routinely know lots of different spells. Multip-

owers with many slots and Variable Power Pools are particularly common for such characters."



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