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Question about IR & UV perception


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I'm having a discussion with the GM of my group concerning my character's Darkness power. He is saying since IR & UV perception are in the unusual senses group, they are not effected by my character's darkness because it only blocks the sight group. My argument is that if IR & UV perception are defined as sight based perception (ex. IR vision), then it becomes part of the sight group and would be blocked by my character's darkness power. This same question also applies to invisibility since it too is defined to work against sense groups. What does everyone think?

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Re: Question about IR & UV perception


Yes, you are right.

When the are defined as being sight group (under the "simulated sense group" rule), then they are effected by any sense affectign power that affects sight to the full extend.

When they are defined as belonging to some other sence group they belong to that group (you can smell UV, and "feel" IR on distance - just don't worry about the details).

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Re: Question about IR & UV perception


I'm having a discussion with the GM of my group concerning my character's Darkness power. He is saying since IR & UV perception are in the unusual senses group, they are not effected by my character's darkness because it only blocks the sight group. My argument is that if IR & UV perception are defined as sight based perception (ex. IR vision), then it becomes part of the sight group and would be blocked by my character's darkness power. This same question also applies to invisibility since it too is defined to work against sense groups. What does everyone think?


There are two things to keep in mind here:


1. By the words of the rulebook, you are absolutely, positively correct and your GM is completely wrong. All Unusual Group Senses have to be defined as belonging to a Sense Group (or to no Sense Group, though that tends to inhibit their usefulness or make them more expensive). IR Perception and UV Perception are almost always defined as belonging to the Sight Group. When so defined, they're blocked by Darkness to the Sight Group, just like every other Sight Group Sense.


2. It's the GM's right and responsibility to set ground rules for his campaign, which may include changing the rules as written. If your GM wants to change the rules discussed in #1 above, that's his prerogative.

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