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Does Range play a big part in your games?


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I guess my gaming group has always taken a relaxed view about maps. Players have just described their actions to the ref and left it for him to decide exactly where we all are, and how far away everything is. This has meant that range modifiers have rarely come into play and villains are usually a half-move-and-punch away :D


Recently though, we have been playing online using the flippin' brilliant MapTool to provide our 5E environment. Suddenly everything is in squares or hexes and range is easily determined. Now we find that sometimes a Move-Through is the only way to reach your target. Movement, range and choice of combat manoeuvre have suddenly become much more important and I am finding the change quite refreshing!


So I was wondering whether other groups are strict enforcers of range or not? If I was playing face-to-face would the extra effort involved in tracking everything take the fun away?

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Guest steamteck

Re: Does Range play a big part in your games?


We've used maps for 20+ years and range does play a part. IMO more fun is gained by the incredible increase in variety and use of opportunity weapons and terrain features creatively and the lack of confusion about the surroundings than any drag from a few more calculations. I actually find mapless combat rather unsatisfying and limiting now.

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Re: Does Range play a big part in your games?


We've used maps for 20+ years and range does play a part. IMO more fun is gained by the incredible increase in variety and use of opportunity weapons and terrain features creatively and the lack of confusion about the surroundings than any drag from a few more calculations. I actually find mapless combat rather unsatisfying and limiting now.


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Re: Does Range play a big part in your games?


We've used maps for 20+ years and range does play a part. IMO more fun is gained by the incredible increase in variety and use of opportunity weapons and terrain features creatively and the lack of confusion about the surroundings than any drag from a few more calculations. I actually find mapless combat rather unsatisfying and limiting now.


Seconded. Most fights tend to close to close range just because of range modifiers, of course, but there's always throwing things, smashing people into cars, smashing cars into people ... :)

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Re: Does Range play a big part in your games?


We've used maps for 20+ years and range does play a part. IMO more fun is gained by the incredible increase in variety and use of opportunity weapons and terrain features creatively and the lack of confusion about the surroundings than any drag from a few more calculations. I actually find mapless combat rather unsatisfying and limiting now.

It also makes high/unusual movement powers at lot more usefull. Otherwise you could just buy up the NCM Multiplier so it is a travel power, with limited to no combat value. This way having it inside a the Attack/Defense Multipower makes for some very interesting tactical choices ("So, I could hit him in that phase but only with weaker attack or somwhat lowered defenses, or make a 'Move Through' Charge" with full attack and Full defenses, but taking a part of the damage myself")...

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Re: Does Range play a big part in your games?


We use maps extensively and for the most part it's a vastly superior experience.


It can be a bit of a pain to come up with something quickly when combat comes up in an unexpected scenario. "Ok guys, give me a minute to draw the map. I wasn't expecting you to start a brawl at McDonalds..."


I discourage people from using the hex grid to give all their characters absolute range sense for free... especially with AoE's... that one tends to annoy me... (but for the sake of expedient game play, it's often beneficial...)

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Re: Does Range play a big part in your games?


We have an old toy chest filled with odds and ends(legos, popcicle sticks and what not) to use for surroundings and we no longer use hexes but use a tape measure(the kind used for making clothes) and game play moves along with out too many delays.

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Re: Does Range play a big part in your games?


It can be a bit of a pain to come up with something quickly when combat comes up in an unexpected scenario. "Ok guys' date=' give me a minute to draw the map. I wasn't expecting you to start a brawl at McDonalds..."[/quote']


I bought Critical Locations, for d20 Modern, just for this purpose. It has color maps of the following:


Arctic Research Station

Bomb Shelter

Bowling Alley



City Hall

City Morgue & Forensics Lab

Convention Center

Corporate High Rise Office Building

Fast Food Restaurant


Gothic Church

Grocery Store

Hotel Lobby with Fancy Restaurant

Lakeside Cottage

Large Family Residence

Large Metropolitan Bank

Luxury Yacht


Municipal Library


Occult Shop


Police Station

Public High School

Roadside Motel

Sleazy Bar

Small Apartment Building

TV and Radio News Broadcasting Studio

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Re: Does Range play a big part in your games?


Hmmm' date=' very useful![/quote']


I might have to find that one. Maps of different and interesting places are always useful.


My groups have done mapped and mapless, and mapped is easier to manage for me than doing it "theater of the mind" style.


Range is usually not a big issue because everyone I've ever played wth prefers to stay closer and do a lot of melee or short-range blasting.

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Re: Does Range play a big part in your games?


I might have to find that one. Maps of different and interesting places are always useful.


My groups have done mapped and mapless, and mapped is easier to manage for me than doing it "theater of the mind" style.


Range is usually not a big issue because everyone I've ever played wth prefers to stay closer and do a lot of melee or short-range blasting.


I had a sharpshooter character who had sufficient Skill Levels vs Range that she suffered no penalties on the entire map we use. I have to admit, that was a lot of fun ... but of course, I skimped on defenses so if someone did get to her, she got pasted pretty easily, so it panned out.

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Re: Does Range play a big part in your games?


I bought Critical Locations' date=' for d20 Modern, just for this purpose. [/quote']


As a follow up to Critical Locations I saw a number of places that where offering this as a free PDF download. I won't link to them as I wasn't sure whether they are legitimate or not, although they looked fairly legit. But for me (as a Maptool user) that is great as its a relatively simple task to drop the images into a map. So thanks again :)

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Re: Does Range play a big part in your games?


I try and make range an issue when possible and appropriate; I try to make sure encounters - whether combat or just random 'challenges' the players face - are as varied and interesting as I can make them. Granted, my players generally outsmart every contrived scenario I can come up with to throw at them, but I do try.

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