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Star Wars: i was wondering...

Dr Divago

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in the past few days i saw SW ep IV-V-VI with my flatmate.

and the other one flatmate are talking me about "clone wars" cartoon he's seeing


we played for a long time with West End Star Wars RPG, and campaign stopped few years ago.

so, in the morning we where talking about SWd6 rpg and limit and adaptation with clone wars/ep I-II-III and obviously we ended up talking about Hero System and how would you do it with Hero System


so i'm wondering... does anyone did the star wars to hero conversion? i mean: the setting are easily and clearly defined

it's all matter of ruling them, so, big question:

Does Anyone Did Star Wars setting/adaptation for Hero System? 5 or 6?


it would be not really difficult:

- equipment, you can easily steal from other star hero settings

- as far for ship, also you can steal from other star her and/or ultimate veichles (as a starting point) then adapting them


- Jedi and Jedi Power.

this is the hard thing

my idea could be giving a talent/perk "force connection": if you got it, you could use the force. if you haven't you can't use the force.

1) problem: a level-able talent, which limit the maximum active points in jedi powers or just a flat "force use"?

2) if a levelable talent, you did limit it in characthers creation so we could have someone who could be very powerful ("the Force is Great in Him") and someone who's limited and could never been as powerful as Darthy?


- force powers are, well, powers :)

a) all with RSR; it would be necessary decide if one single power skill or more ("control, sense and alter" as in SWd6? or more broader one like the arcana in Turakian Age?)

B) full point cost, no cost (like in SWd6 where powers just need to be teached) or half/third cost like turakian age magic system?


- lightsaber combat

obviously a martial art (maybe even more than one... just name it... seven different styles? :) )

but did you would permit to overcome the standard "no more than twice DC from martial maneuver and CSL"? or would you permit to more than dubling?

i'm in the latter, so jedi master are very powerful 'cause thei got a lot of csl and martial maneuver...


ok, just few questions.

i did not plan on starting a sw game soon (and maybe i'll never start one again ;_; ) and probably i would use SWd6 system 'cause i played it for a very long timeand i know it very well (plus: i got a lot of manuals :D )

but wondering... if someone already did conversion, in the miracle event it happens to start a SW campaign again, i could also decide if using SWd6 or Hero :)


and remember...

May the Force be with you!

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Re: Star Wars: i was wondering...


They question is how detailed you want it to be?

Does Anyone Did Star Wars setting/adaptation for Hero System? 5 or 6?

Yes, one or two already posted from Star Wars hero material, I think they will noticed this threath in a day or two.


it would be not really difficult:

- equipment, you can easily steal from other star hero settings

- as far for ship, also you can steal from other star her and/or ultimate veichles (as a starting point) then adapting them

Actually there are one or two examples in the Rulebook, including a Lightsaber (I think HKA, does not add STR to damage).


- Jedi and Jedi Power.

this is the hard thing

my idea could be giving a talent/perk "force connection": if you got it, you could use the force. if you haven't you can't use the force.

1) problem: a level-able talent, which limit the maximum active points in jedi powers or just a flat "force use"?

2) if a levelable talent, you did limit it in characthers creation so we could have someone who could be very powerful ("the Force is Great in Him") and someone who's limited and could never been as powerful as Darthy?


- force powers are, well, powers :)

a) all with RSR; it would be necessary decide if one single power skill or more ("control, sense and alter" as in SWd6? or more broader one like the arcana in Turakian Age?)

B) full point cost, no cost (like in SWd6 where powers just need to be teached) or half/third cost like turakian age magic system?

Force power are just powers in the Hero system. Basically you are making your own magic system, so perhaps guidelines from there are more usefull? Perhaps ask for that in the Fantasy hero Froum?

There should be no innert Power Limit (except AP/DC Caps). Star Wars D6 didn't had them, and it does not fit for hero. It's just a matter how many points the players want to invest in what area of the force.


- lightsaber combat

obviously a martial art (maybe even more than one... just name it... seven different styles? :) )

but did you would permit to overcome the standard "no more than twice DC from martial maneuver and CSL"? or would you permit to more than dubling?

i'm in the latter, so jedi master are very powerful 'cause thei got a lot of csl and martial maneuver...

I think Hyper-man has a written version of every seven styles, so I am certain this is part of the conversion material.


i did not plan on starting a sw game soon (and maybe i'll never start one again ;_; ) and probably i would use SWd6 system 'cause i played it for a very long timeand i know it very well (plus: i got a lot of manuals :D )

Yes, I too am a fan of the SW d6 System, and would play asuming this is Forum/Chat based Play like on herocentral.

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Re: Star Wars: i was wondering...


It also depends on how you want to do the conversion. Are you going to include the "Expanded Universe" stuff ie stuff from the RPGs, Video games, and books?


I would have Force Abilities "Requires a Roll" based on Power(Force) Skill. Then you can pick and choose what abilities your PCs have. A full on Jedi Master can be quite expensive to be in Hero as they have a ton of abilities. Also it can be challenging to balance Jedi against other character types. Esp if you make Light Sabers the Ultimate cutting weapon that many people stat them out as being.

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Re: Star Wars: i was wondering...


Of course, one of the first steps is to determine where on Hero Power Scale the player characters will be, where the average Jedi or Jedi Master is, where average Droids or Clonetroopers are, etc...


SWd6 RPG places the Player Characters around "Powerfull Heroic", but when you want action like in the Clone Wars Series cartoon Weak Superheroic might be better to start of. Joda will then easiliy be "Cosmically Powerfull".

A good example is the Force Shove:

In the movies, they use it on a few battle droids at top, never on droidicas or the heavier super battle droids.

In the Cartoon Obi Wan shoves a droidica so that it rolls backwards through a line of battle droids. And that was not a haymaker, but a "gun in the face" situation and he did it three times before the enemy could react.

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Re: Star Wars: i was wondering...


Okay, why "Requires a Skill Roll?" Granted I've only seen half the movies, but I don't recall many times when a Jedi tries to do something and goes oops, fizzle.


Lucius Alexander


Palindromedary Riding Skill

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Re: Star Wars: i was wondering...


Okay' date=' why "Requires a Skill Roll?" Granted I've only seen half the movies, but I don't recall many times when a Jedi tries to do something and goes oops, fizzle.[/quote']

Well, depending on the power level you apply, "The Force" is just a Heroic Level Magic System, with "Force" instead of "Magic" special effect. And heroic magic systems tend to give the magic a "Requires a Roll" limitation.

In the end it his his decission, and many arguments could be made for either side.

For example, I have not seen many Magicians botch up their battle Spells in Movies, but does that mean they should not have a "Requires a roll" Limitation?

Or could this just be that the plot does not needed them to fail a roll, the same way the Star Wars plot does not needs them to fail a roll?

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Re: Star Wars: i was wondering...


Okay' date=' why "Requires a Skill Roll?" Granted I've only seen half the movies, but I don't recall many times when a Jedi tries to do something and goes oops, fizzle.[/quote']


I'm thinking it would be to replicate the early learning. Luke could move the X-Wing, but doesn't believe he can do so, and therefore fails. Don't see much use for it later on once they know what they are doing. But then, I see Jedi as having powers, not skills.

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Re: Star Wars: i was wondering...



i found this post from question man:


with a lot of realted links x,x


Here is the more current thread with compilation of Star Wars related links (also by TheQuestionMan)


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Re: Star Wars: i was wondering...


Okay, why "Requires a Skill Roll?" Granted I've only seen half the movies, but I don't recall many times when a Jedi tries to do something and goes oops, fizzle.


Lucius Alexander


Palindromedary Riding Skill


Luke attempts lifting the X-Wing and fails...


[Edit: Beaten like I was caught breaking into the Palindromedary's apartment.]


I think a fully trained Jedi should probably be at 18- or better on the Power Skill for any RSR limitation, but it still can happen. Jedi also seem extremely adept at knowing when to stand down and wait for better opportunities, another reason we might not see so many "failed skill rolls."

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Re: Star Wars: i was wondering...


Still in 5e:


Having a 20- at the skill (or all three skills -- if you played WEG, you know your Control/Sense/Alter) doesn't mean you won't mess up, since there's that -1 penalty per 10 AP.


My lightsaber writeup was an RKA AVLD, plus some other nastiness; very expensive pointwise. The Force is a limited VPP; likewise expensive. Jedi Knight-level characters are 400-point Super equivalents.


My stuff is, I believe, in the above link to the thread with all the links. ;)

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Re: Star Wars: i was wondering...


I think a fully trained Jedi should probably be at 18- or better on the Power Skill for any RSR limitation' date=' but it still can happen. Jedi also seem extremely adept at knowing when to stand down and wait for better opportunities, another reason we might not see so many "failed skill rolls."[/quote']

I think he just buys it off, since he obviously has more point than a Jedi Aprentice. Of course, you can still fail with the roll for Reflection. Or eventually run out of END so in the End you are not more durable in such a situation than any other Hero Char of the same Power level, with similar powers.

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Re: Star Wars: i was wondering...


Luke attempts lifting the X-Wing and fails...


[Edit: Beaten like I was caught breaking into the Palindromedary's apartment.]


I think a fully trained Jedi should probably be at 18- or better on the Power Skill for any RSR limitation, but it still can happen. Jedi also seem extremely adept at knowing when to stand down and wait for better opportunities, another reason we might not see so many "failed skill rolls."


I always considered that more than Luke just didn't have enough TK to move it. He made his skill roll, because the thing did move, but he didn't have enough Experience points spent to overcome its mass.


I would do Force Powers kind of like the way I think of FH spells; typically, you start with a lot of limitations like Gestures, Concentration, Extra Endurance, Skill Roll and the like, but you can buy them off as you acquire XP.


Depending on the character and how the player wanted to set it up (and his expertise with HERO), I'd have no problem with putting Force powers in an Elemental Control, Multipower, or Variable Power Pool.

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