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Vandaleur Twins


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Re: Vandaleur Twins


The question of whether including gay characters in the Champions Universe would be controversial or not is moot. There are plenty of them already' date=' including Canada's most currently prominent flag suit, Justiciar.[/quote']


I haven't heard of him. Where does he appear and what are some of the others?

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Re: Vandaleur Twins


Hmm... I reread Justiciar's entry in Champions Of The North' date=' and there's no explicit statement of his being gay (although his having broken his back on a mountain does sound like a hint). ;) Where did you get that info?[/quote']


The entry for Prism Girl specifically states it, LL. I had forgotten about that, but...it's there. Also mentioned in the speedster's entry from that same book whose name escapes me(jersey devil?).

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Re: Vandaleur Twins


I had a dream last night where I was watching a movie about Gayman and Flaming Boy. They were played by the guys from "Will & Grace", but Will was the sidekick, and the short black-haired guy was Gayman. Anyway, they were also in a movie theatre, and they were... /*shudder*/ talking about their relationship.

That's when I woke up in terror. I blame you guys.

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Re: Vandaleur Twins


I had a dream last night where I was watching a movie about Gayman and Flaming Boy. They were played by the guys from "Will & Grace", but Will was the sidekick, and the short black-haired guy was Gayman. Anyway, they were also in a movie theatre, and they were... /*shudder*/ talking about their relationship.

That's when I woke up in terror. I blame you guys.


You're welcome.

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Re: Vandaleur Twins


I had a dream last night where I was watching a movie about Gayman and Flaming Boy. They were played by the guys from "Will & Grace", but Will was the sidekick, and the short black-haired guy was Gayman. Anyway, they were also in a movie theatre, and they were... /*shudder*/ talking about their relationship.

That's when I woke up in terror. I blame you guys.


So...where's the problem? :)

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Re: Vandaleur Twins


Having followed up on the reference to Hydro, I like that nothing big is made of his sexual orientation, aside from mentioning that he's in a committed relationship with a man. OTOH Justiciar may not be open about his sexual orientation, as his female team mate Prism Girl is interested in him but unaware he's gay (a fact which isn't mentioned anywhere else). Mind you, in the era Justiciar grew up in society was less forgiving of homosexuality than today.

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Re: Vandaleur Twins


Since the sexual orientation' date=' spouse and/or significant other isn't mentioned for most NPCs, what makes you think some of them aren't?[/quote']

Well people make assumptions. Not just about orientation, but religion, political affiliation, etc. So if a character deviates from the assumption, it's usually mentioned if deemed important. For example I believe a few non-christian characters working in the US do have their religions mentioned. A hero with healing powers in 4th Ed was mentioned as being Atheist, but that was due to his origin (an experiment between a faith healer and an Atheist on who was more effective in healing the sick).


Unfortunately due to how society views some groups, if a character is part of that group then it should be mentioned. At the least, it could be used as a plot device. For example how would the public react if they new a hero was gay? Would people refuse to be saved by him? Would people he saved later claim to be molested (or would anti-gay pundits make that charge)? Would he loose endorsement deals? Get hate mail? Would his motivations for being a hero be questioned?

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Re: Vandaleur Twins


For my own 2 cents, I think making them identical twins makes the characters more interesting. Since they have the same DNA and largely the same experiences encoded the same way in their brain it raises the question of how the magic of the Veil would influence them. Would it be in different ways or would the warping of their minds bounce back and forth between them until they came out the same? One of the Dark Champions books has a villain(ess) called 3 of a Kind that does something like this but with triplets (two male, one female).


As for noting a character's sexual orientation, I would say it does have some importance since it's a part of their identity. But it would have to be done in a way that doesn't imply that they are a hero/villain because they're a member of a group; unless, of course, that's why they are a hero villain. I guess what I mean is that unless it's a key part of their motivation, then it should be treated matter of factly like you'd mention their favorite flavor of ice cream.

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Re: Vandaleur Twins


My preference is that canon doesn't mention family and romantic interests, and leaves all that to the GM. If it must be mentioned (DNPC or some such), just mention that a character has a spouse/partner, and let the GM decide if that person is of the same sex or not. Even if a male is specifically said to have a wife, to me that doesn't necessarily mean the wife is a female, as I've met more than one gay male that strongly fit the wife stereotype. Only give details that are critical to the character. For most, the sexual orientation is no more critical than their favorite movie genre, type of car, or preference for dogs vs. cats.

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