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Eyes up here, soldier!


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The HeroClix figurine for Power Girl has the ability to exploit her appearance in combat when in melee, but it won't work against robots or other opponents who aren't distracted by such. How would you build such an ability?


I'm thinking it might be similar to the Feint ability from the HSMA book.

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Re: Eyes up here, soldier!


The HeroClix figurine for Power Girl has the ability to exploit her appearance in combat when in melee, but it won't work against robots or other opponents who aren't distracted by such. How would you build such an ability?


I'm thinking it might be similar to the Feint ability from the HSMA book.


Lotsa ways Pres vs correct targets, +2 DCV only vs those who dig those.....etc....heck CE: -2DCV radius "Jaw dropping chest"....

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Re: Eyes up here, soldier!


The HeroClix figurine for Power Girl has the ability to exploit her appearance in combat when in melee, but it won't work against robots or other opponents who aren't distracted by such. How would you build such an ability?


I'm thinking it might be similar to the Feint ability from the HSMA book.


Striking Appearance, Only vs. Opposite Sex as a bonus to a PRE attack.

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Re: Eyes up here, soldier!


From what I have seen of Power Girl in the comics I would just probably buy it as Striking appearance +2/2d6 (Curvacious Figure). There are even some hetero Women that are distracted by Power Girl's figure.

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Re: Eyes up here, soldier!


I considered using a PRE-attack or Striking Appearance build effect, but it's not really something she consciously calls attention to herself to get.


The visual I have of how the effect would work is she moves into melee range, her male foe focuses on her chest at a critical moment and does the "male gaze" by reflex, and then she lets loose a mega-punch while he's distracted.


I'm thinking it's a DCV Drain, enough to get maybe 1 or 2 points of DCV. Could it be a Triggered effect?


Hmmm, can you put Trigger on Presence and do a Presence attack that way?

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Re: Eyes up here, soldier!


I considered using a PRE-attack or Striking Appearance build effect, but it's not really something she consciously calls attention to herself to get.


The visual I have of how the effect would work is she moves into melee range, her male foe focuses on her chest at a critical moment and does the "male gaze" by reflex, and then she lets loose a mega-punch while he's distracted.


I'm thinking it's a DCV Drain, enough to get maybe 1 or 2 points of DCV. Could it be a Triggered effect?


Hmmm, can you put Trigger on Presence and do a Presence attack that way?


How about using Casual PRE I believe the rules are the APG.

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Re: Eyes up here, soldier!


How about using Casual PRE I believe the rules are the APG.

Jep. APG 53.


But overall: Why bother with a Trigger, when it takes no time in the first place? Even if it would be alway on (can affect allies), this can be done with a Complication.


However there are rules for Advantages on PRE-Attacks, APG 12.

every advantage has to be bought as Naked advantage and they are an Attack Action in itself. But with trigger you could re-buy it to no time.

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Re: Eyes up here, soldier!


I considered using a PRE-attack or Striking Appearance build effect, but it's not really something she consciously calls attention to herself to get.


The visual I have of how the effect would work is she moves into melee range, her male foe focuses on her chest at a critical moment and does the "male gaze" by reflex, and then she lets loose a mega-punch while he's distracted.


I'm thinking it's a DCV Drain, enough to get maybe 1 or 2 points of DCV. Could it be a Triggered effect?



Hmmm, can you put Trigger on Presence and do a Presence attack that way?


Heck, you can put Does KB on PRE if you want. Just depends on how silly you want this to get. :D

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Re: Eyes up here, soldier!


Additional things:

APG 96 has rules for Mental Powers based on PRE.

APG 107 has rules for mental illusion making Presence Attacks (a +10 to the effect).

APG 152 list the Value for Vulnerability "Presence attacks, made by desireable opponent"


But that is it from the APG.

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Re: Eyes up here, soldier!


I know this is meant to be an intellectual conversation, but I just want to pause for a second to appreciate all that is right with the world.




Yep, Striking Appearance seems to the apt descriptor.



If those struck you they'd knock you out. O.O


And it would be totally worth it. :-D

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Re: Eyes up here, soldier!


I considered using a PRE-attack or Striking Appearance build effect, but it's not really something she consciously calls attention to herself to get.


The visual I have of how the effect would work is she moves into melee range, her male foe focuses on her chest at a critical moment and does the "male gaze" by reflex, and then she lets loose a mega-punch while he's distracted.


I'm thinking it's a DCV Drain, enough to get maybe 1 or 2 points of DCV. Could it be a Triggered effect?


Hmmm, can you put Trigger on Presence and do a Presence attack that way?


How about OCV levels and/or extra HA, with limitations for appropriate target? Seems simpler and wouldn't require a Trigger or the like.

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Re: Eyes up here, soldier!


The problem with doing this as a PRE attack is that you can make a target hesitate at +10 and go to half DCV at +20, and that takes a pretty large number of dice advantage over an opponent since PRE is usually in the 20-30 range that I've seen. If you start bringing in casual PRE, it boosts the need for a high PRE even further.


I suppose extra "casual PRE" could be bought at a Limitation (-1 maybe?) to boost the effectiveness.


I'm not convinced that PRE is the way to go. It seems clunky.

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Re: Eyes up here, soldier!


I'm not convinced that PRE is the way to go. It seems clunky.

Yes, PRE attacks have a little to much Gamaster Interpretion to be a reliable way to do this. I even think it is decidedly less reliable than say, a Mental Effect (like skills are too).


How to build it depends a lot on what you really want it to archive (game effect wise) and then go from there.

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Re: Eyes up here, soldier!


The problem with doing this as a PRE attack is that you can make a target hesitate at +10 and go to half DCV at +20' date=' and that [b']takes a pretty large number of dice[/b] advantage over an opponent since PRE is usually in the 20-30 range that I've seen. If you start bringing in casual PRE, it boosts the need for a high PRE even further.


I suppose extra "casual PRE" could be bought at a Limitation (-1 maybe?) to boost the effectiveness.


I'm not convinced that PRE is the way to go. It seems clunky.


Look at the picture those are a couple of very large dice.

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Re: Eyes up here, soldier!


PRE does seem like an appropriate way to model this, but if you think that is too clunky, how about 2d6 Luck Only to influence combat with potentially distractable people? That is simple and flexible, especially if you want the comedic effect of opponents tripping over stuff because they aren't paying attention.


Or maybe +1 Level All Combat, only vs. leering opponents, only once per opponent per combat, if you want something a bit more concrete.

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Re: Eyes up here, soldier!


Just another idea:

While stumbling around in Requires a roll, I noticed that it can be based on any interaction Roll.

So how about the bonus, requires a "sexy charm roll"? Would allow the other the negate it with a succesfully EGO vs Skill contest (at least after he's hit the first time that way).

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Re: Eyes up here, soldier!


In looking over the Presence Attack options, building such an ability using PRE or Striking Appearance would IMHO cause the target to hesitate and allow Sexy Girl the chance to go first, or cut his DCV in half in the case of a better roll. I don't think such an ability would be able to drop DCV to zero, half seems a reasonable maximum reduction.


My original thinking was to have only a point or two change in relative CVs between Sexy Girl and her opponent, so that was why I was thinking a Drain to DCV might be a way to go, or a limited five-point level in HTH.


I might have to do a write-up of Sexy Girl. :)

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