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1. I am trying to build a camera that transmits its picture to a receiver. This seems like 5pt sense normal vision, 5pt transmit. But how is it received? Is the above more like a peephole?


2. Same idea, but with audio. How would it be received?


Transmit does not imply how something is transmitted. It just says it does. Is transmit just an amplifier? So for radio, it takes in a signal, and then outputs a stronger signal? Or does it package a signal, carry over another medium, then unpackage and make available to the destination sense?

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Re: Camera


Transmit is only a personal, speech like Transmission. It's also a Broadcast, not a direct link (that would be mental link, I think).


A camera allows one or two guys to see a distant place. This is from 6E1 181:

Closed-Circuit TV Security System:

clairsentience (sight and hearing groups), Multiple perception points (up to eight at once) (45 active points);

oaF (-1), Fixed perception points (-1). total cost: 15 points.

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Re: Camera



1. I am trying to build a camera that transmits its picture to a receiver. This seems like 5pt sense normal vision, 5pt transmit. But how is it received? Is the above more like a peephole?


2. Same idea, but with audio. How would it be received?


Transmit does not imply how something is transmitted. It just says it does. Is transmit just an amplifier? So for radio, it takes in a signal, and then outputs a stronger signal? Or does it package a signal, carry over another medium, then unpackage and make available to the destination sense?


Its kinda up to you, you can define sfx....I'd build a Camera as Eidetic memory, and add transmit so I can send files over the internet....

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Re: Camera


Its kinda up to you' date=' you can define sfx....I'd build a Camera as Eidetic memory, and add transmit so I can send files over the internet....[/quote']


I would build it as Clairsentience + Eidetic Memory w/ Transmit and Extra Time linked to Clairsentience. Eidetic Memory lets one recall anything any sense perceives; in this case, we are only going to "remember" what the camera sees or hears, not our own senses, hence Clairsentience seems the natural solution. YMMV.

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Re: Camera


And you might want to add extra time to the Eidetic Memory to simulate the need to rewind and review the recording.

OAF(-1) + Time Limit, 6 hours (-1/2, since Eidetic is Persistent). 1 Real Cost


That way the focus can be moved around, so playback works anywhere. But the overall time of memory is limited to 6 hours (roughly 50% more than a VHS-Casett).

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Re: Camera


Or' date=' you can not "build" it, and just say "OK, you have a camera". Remember, you don't need to stat out everything. :)[/quote']


Did you remember to buy breathing as a power? DUDE! HOW CAN YOU FORGET TO BREATHE??? ;)


Good point, but building this kind of stuff is a good exercise. Much like the Flashlight.

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Re: Camera


I would build it as Clairsentience + Eidetic Memory w/ Transmit and Extra Time linked to Clairsentience. Eidetic Memory lets one recall anything any sense perceives; in this case' date=' we are only going to "remember" what the camera sees or hears, not our own senses, hence Clairsentience seems the natural solution. YMMV.[/quote']


Souds fine, though it presuposes that you'l leave it somewhere and remotely moniter....I usually have a "camera/video recorder in my Utility belt to take pics of evidence, so I can put it back in the safe, or take a recording of all the lisence plates in a parking lot etc....so Eidetic alone does the "job" for me....

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Re: Camera


Souds fine' date=' though it presuposes that you'l leave it somewhere and remotely moniter....I usually have a "camera/video recorder in my Utility belt to take pics of evidence, so I can put it back in the safe, or take a recording of all the lisence plates in a parking lot etc....so Eidetic alone does the "job" for me....[/quote']


Similarly, if you just want to transmit what you see and hear to anyone with an appropriate receiver, HRRP alone does the job.

Unless TV stations are bought with Clairsentience (Sight And Hearing Groups), Usable Simultaneously (up to 8,000,000 people at once).

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Re: Camera


Similarly, if you just want to transmit what you see and hear to anyone with an appropriate receiver, HRRP alone does the job.

Unless TV stations are bought with Clairsentience (Sight And Hearing Groups), Usable Simultaneously (up to 8,000,000 people at once).

No, of course not.


Images (Hearing and Sight), 15 AP, Bulky OAF (-1.5), Only what comes from the HRRP (no conciuos controll over result of power; -1), 4 Real Cost


Radio Perception (only Television Signals; no Transmit), 6 AP, Bulky OAF (-1.5), 2 Real Cost


The difference between them and the Closed Circuit System:

- TV's usually have less imminently usefull information

- you have no controll over what they show (the Surveilance System has mobile cameras)

- it succeptible to Radio Flash/Radio Darkness


When a TV is used as Part of the surveilance system (that usually includes disabling the Radio Perception), then it is part of that system and it's cost (yes, installing a camera and linking it to the TV means you are building a clairsentience).

Also note that the Foci-Value may vary. For Superman a TV may not even be Bulky and he could perhaps move the house the cameras are installed into (so it's only a Bulky Focus).

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Re: Camera


Just to be extra simple about it;


Type1 - Heroic Game

Camera - Clairsentience; Sight, Hearing, HRRP; "HRRP is for transmit Only" -1/4

It can see and hear and send over radio those two groups back to the "powers owner", as this is most likely anyone with a Television:


Television - HRRP; Television Frequencies Only -1/4, Affected as Sight & Hearing Groups as well as Radio Group -1/2


Type2 - Superheroic Game

Camera - Clairsentience; Sight, Hearing Groups; Affected as HRRP Also -1/4

If you bought it there's nothing more needed to use it and see, if you want to share I might add Transmit with a Focus "tv", or if it's part of a Base even Transmit is unneeded, anyone in the Base can see through the camera at a reception point (a focus).


Or, most likely scenario:

"You have a camera, what are you going to do with it?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Camera


Camera - Clairsentience; Sight, Hearing, HRRP; "HRRP is for transmit Only" -1/4

It can see and hear and send over radio those two groups back to the "powers owner", as this is most likely anyone with a Television:


Television - HRRP; Television Frequencies Only -1/4, Affected as Sight & Hearing Groups as well as Radio Group -1/2

If you're already buying Transmit on the camera, and a TV to receive it, then you don't need to buy Clairsentience, IMO. And vice-versa, if you have Clairsentience, you don't need the other parts.



I guess, if you were getting extremely technical, the "Transmit based" version would be to build the camera as a very weak Automaton. No movement, no abilities besides HRRP w/ Transmit, maybe Absolute Time Sense (if you can set a timer) and/or Eidetic Memory (if it also stores what it sends). Potentially a single "Language" known - ie. whatever transmission protocol it uses. Probably costs about 1 point, bought via ... Vehicles and Bases, I guess? Note that the transmission could be tapped into by anybody with a receiver.

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Re: Camera


If you're already buying Transmit on the camera' date=' and a TV to receive it, then you don't need to buy Clairsentience, IMO. And vice-versa, if you have Clairsentience, you don't need the other parts.[/quote']


The idea was in a Heroic Campaign you may not be buying it at all, the points may not even be relevant unless you're using Equipment Pools.


I was building both sides in case someone bought a separate television, but not the cameras. Or added them to their Equipment Pool.

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