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How would you build Mr. Fantastic's or Plastic Man's movement?

Doc Samson

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Re: How would you build Mr. Fantastic's or Plastic Man's movement?


Stretching, usable as Leaping


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary seems to have leaped to a conclusion......or just run off maybe


That's what I was going to say! Except what the palindromedary was going to say.

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Re: How would you build Mr. Fantastic's or Plastic Man's movement?


You mean the 'stilt-walking' kind of movement? I'd say that's just walking/running while you're using Stretching on your legs.


There's a problem with that....Running doesn't ordinarily let you cross "gaps." i.e. you're chasing the bad guy across the rooftops, and you have to go from one building to another across a broad street....that seems more like Leaping.


Of course we could just be overthinking it and the answer is "How many meters of stretching do you have? Okay, you can cross"


Lucius Alexander


Following palindromedary tracks

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Re: How would you build Mr. Fantastic's or Plastic Man's movement?


Over thinking it IMO.


Do you make a character with Growth use leaping to step over another characters head?


The stretching SFX for Running lets you step over bigger things as well.


Running, Usable as Leaping may still be appropriate for the concept though.

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Re: How would you build Mr. Fantastic's or Plastic Man's movement?


What does the USPDB say?


Or would that be the Ultimate Metamorph?


I was basing my response off the 'Super-Stilts' gadget from Gadgets and Gear, which is simply a lot of Stretching and a lot of Running (with lots of limitations in that instance, but most of them are less applicable here).

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Re: How would you build Mr. Fantastic's or Plastic Man's movement?


Hi all,

What is the best way to build a Stretching character's movement power?

Running (though this doesn't allow the character to stretch over large objects or open spaces)?


Stretching lets you stretch over large objects and open spaces. Running just lets you do it faster.

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Re: How would you build Mr. Fantastic's or Plastic Man's movement?


In a lot of the comics I see Mr Fantastic stretching his head and torso towards the goal.

In game terms I would say teleportation with the lim: must cross intervening space....

Do you need anything other than stretching to do this? after all, the head is considered a limb when being grabbed, so why not with stretching?
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Re: How would you build Mr. Fantastic's or Plastic Man's movement?


Yeah, thinking again maybe it's just normal use of the Stretching Power.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary says I'm the one that leaped to a conclusion

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Re: How would you build Mr. Fantastic's or Plastic Man's movement?


Here's how I did Plastic Man for 5th:

*Limited Power Affected by Adjustments as an EC (-1/4) is just the pre-6th edition form of Unified Power.


Plastic Powers Multipower

50 Multipower, 75-point reserve, (75 Active Points); all slots Conditional Power Powers do not work in extreme cold (-1/4), Limited Power Affected by Adjustments as an EC (-1/4)

5u 1) Elastic Reach: Stretching 9", x16 Noncombat, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (75 Active Points); Conditional Power Powers do not work in extreme cold (-1/4), Limited Power Affected by Adjustments as an EC (-1/4)

Notes: Stretching momentum can be used to add +1 DC per 3" of stretching to Stretch Fu attacks: 11d6 with Legsweep and 12d6 with Martial Strike. 3


4u 5) Form of.... Movement: Flight 19", Position Shift, Variable Advantage (+1/2 Advantages; Limited Group of Advantages; Combat Acceleration/Deceleration, Reduced END, Usable as (Gliding, Leaping, Running or Swimming); +3/4) (75 Active Points); Visible (-1/4), Conditional Power Powers do not work in extreme cold (-1/4), Limited Power Affected by Adjustments as an EC (-1/4) 7

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Re: How would you build Mr. Fantastic's or Plastic Man's movement?


Stretching lets you stretch over large objects and open spaces. Running just lets you do it faster.

Yep. Stretching allows you to stretch all your Body Parts to the total lenght. If you can stretch your legs 20 Meters, you can walk over a 20 m chasm (like you would allow it for a character with a lot of growth). As long as you only use your "combat stretching" it doesn't hinder you at all from doing whatever you want (i.e. hitting someone).

Quite often it is bought with limitations, to immitate just a long reach with HTH (i.e. a Greatsword) or similar things. But vanilla Streching affects your entire body.


And extra Running just means you can move more meters per phase. Streching doesn't allows that in itself (i.e. making a 20m Step with 12m Running means you still need two times your running distance to make it).

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Re: How would you build Mr. Fantastic's or Plastic Man's movement?


Ups, somethigns slipped me: When you buy 20m Stretching, you can simultaniously increase you Limbs lenght by 20m. You could put all of it into one limb, put 4 Meter into each limb (2 Arms, 2 Legs, 1 Head/neck) or any other comination as long as you don't overstep your maximum.

6E1 285 even has examples for Stretching powers, including "strechy legs" (plain +10 m Running).

On HSMA 78, there is the "Battle Shifting" martial Arts.

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Re: How would you build Mr. Fantastic's or Plastic Man's movement?


Stretching lets you stretch over large objects and open spaces. Running just lets you do it faster.


Yep. Stretching allows you to stretch all your Body Parts to the total lenght. If you can stretch your legs 20 Meters, you can walk over a 20 m chasm (like you would allow it for a character with a lot of growth). As long as you only use your "combat stretching" it doesn't hinder you at all from doing whatever you want (i.e. hitting someone).

Quite often it is bought with limitations, to immitate just a long reach with HTH (i.e. a Greatsword) or similar things. But vanilla Streching affects your entire body.


And extra Running just means you can move more meters per phase. Streching doesn't allows that in itself (i.e. making a 20m Step with 12m Running means you still need two times your running distance to make it).

I didn't pull out my 5e stuff to see if it was always this way but in 6e I don't think stretching allows any of those things.

"Stretching doesn’t improve a character’s movement capabilities — he cannot, for example, run faster."

"A character with Stretching can reach out, Grab a character or object that’s within the range of his Stretching, and pull it to him (assuming he has the STR to move it). (He cannot pull himself to the Grabbed character or object, he drags it to himself.)"

"This is only a substitute for Climbing, not for Running; characters can’t use Stretching like this to move along the ground."

If you can't use stretching to move over solid ground, I don't see how it would let you move across a chasm, for example.


I do believe this is a change from 5e. 5ER has rules for grabbing something and pulling yourself to it which is specifically prohibited in 6e. I am thinking now that Leaping (or some other power) is necessary to do those types of things.

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Re: How would you build Mr. Fantastic's or Plastic Man's movement?


I didn't pull out my 5e stuff to see if it was always this way but in 6e I don't think stretching allows any of those things.


If you can't use stretching to move over solid ground, I don't see how it would let you move across a chasm, for example.


I do believe this is a change from 5e. 5ER has rules for grabbing something and pulling yourself to it which is specifically prohibited in 6e. I am thinking now that Leaping (or some other power) is necessary to do those types of things.


5er did not implicitly state that you couldn't use stretching to pull yourself to a grabbed 'anchor'. It does give the same basic example on pulling yourself 'up' though. I searched the FAQ as well and could not find any reference to such a ruling in 5e or 5er rules, so it does appear to be 6e specific.


I think it's a wonky ruling and is an attempt at balance based primarily on the cost change from 5e's 5 points/1" of Stretching to 6e's 1 point/1m of Stretching.

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Re: How would you build Mr. Fantastic's or Plastic Man's movement?


If you can't use stretching to move over solid ground' date=' I don't see how it would let you move across a chasm, for example.[/quote']


IMO, that is referring to doing something like reaching out to a lamp post down the block and pulling yourself to it in an effort to use Stretching in place of an actual movement power. That is not allowed.


Using stretching to make your legs longer so you can step over larger objects should be fine and I cannot fathom any reason why it wouldn't be.


Can you Punch over a 4m high Barrier with your 60m of stretching? Can you kick? If so, why wouldn't you be able to step over the same barrier?


5er did not implicitly state that you couldn't use stretching to pull yourself to a grabbed 'anchor'. It does give the same basic example on pulling yourself 'up' though. I searched the FAQ as well and could not find any reference to such a ruling in 5e or 5er rules' date=' so it does appear to be 6e specific.[/quote']


Probably because a vertical ascent like this was rolled into an actual movement power (Swinging) in 6E.

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Re: How would you build Mr. Fantastic's or Plastic Man's movement?


I didn't pull out my 5e stuff to see if it was always this way but in 6e I don't think stretching allows any of those things.


If you can't use stretching to move over solid ground, I don't see how it would let you move across a chasm, for example.s.


What that means is you can't use stretching to move along the ground _faster_.

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Re: How would you build Mr. Fantastic's or Plastic Man's movement?


What that means is you can't use stretching to move along the ground _faster_.

Submitted respectfully, the part that says stretching can't be used to run faster is an example. The quote states that stretching doesn’t improve a character’s movement capabilities

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Re: How would you build Mr. Fantastic's or Plastic Man's movement?


... Probably because a vertical ascent like this was rolled into an actual movement power (Swinging) in 6E.


So why even allow it all?

If 6e is going allow stretching to have a pull-myself-to-x effect for vertical distance, then it makes no 'common sense' to then disallow a similar pull-myself-to-x for a horizontal distance.

It sounds like a bad precedence is being set forth for sfx and so called balance sake.

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Re: How would you build Mr. Fantastic's or Plastic Man's movement?


Submitted respectfully' date=' the part that says stretching can't be used to run faster is an example. The quote states that stretching doesn’t improve a character’s movement capabilities[/quote']


Yes he also can't use Stretching to jump farther off the ground, swing from buildings, turn himself into a hang glider, or swim better.

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Re: How would you build Mr. Fantastic's or Plastic Man's movement?


Yes he also can't use Stretching to jump farther off the ground' date=' swing from buildings, turn himself into a hang glider, or swim better.[/quote']

That's +x m Jumping, Swinging, Flying and +x m Swimming bought with the SFX Stretching Powers (or even linked to stretching/change shape).


Let's asume someone has stretching 20m (legs), 12m Running and want's to get over a chasm:

He streches his first leg to 20m and put's the feet on the other side (0-Phase). His body however, is still where he started. Now he want's to move across:

He decreases his left leg's streching and simultaniously increases his right legs streching. So his body "runs" across a line, simmilar to walking a tightrope (but moch more stable, see below). He only has running 12m, so his body stop about 8m from the other side.

When he is attack right now, he has full OCV and DCV. He didn't used NCM or NCS, so there is no reason he shouldn't. He might still be considered "in the Air" for KB purposes, however.

Next phase he starts still fully streched, 8m from the other side. He completes his Movement with 8m of running (full phase with 4 running left), then draws his other feet over too (0-Phase).


Of course the entire thing will "look" more organic (he has his left feet still in the air, when his body is already 1/3 across the chasm). But when somebody else has hit's him while he is stretched he is 8m from the other side.


When he has 20 m running (or uses NC-Running), he could stretch his feet across "run" across in one phase. But he still had his left feet on the other side at 20m lenght. He can move it over but can't pull it in this phase.

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