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Nazi Ritual from 1938 spawning superpowers?


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Can someone remind me which book(s) offer details regarding the official CU timeline of events surrounding the Nazi ritual performed in 1938(?) that reintroduces large amounts of magic back into the world, thus making super-humans/-technology and magic all possible?


If the books are for a specific edition of the Hero System, please indicate which version (5th, 6th, etc.).




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Re: Nazi Ritual from 1938 spwning superpowers?


Can someone remind me which book(s) offer details regarding the official CU timeline of events surrounding the Nazi ritual performed in 1938(?) that reintroduces large amounts of magic back into the world, thus making super-humans/-technology and magic all possible?


If the books are for a specific edition of the Hero System, please indicate which version (5th, 6th, etc.).





Champions Universe, of which 6th edition is the most current. I expect Darren will be covering this in more detail in Golden Age of Chanpions.

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Re: Nazi Ritual from 1938 spwning superpowers?


Champions Universe 6E has all the relevant info published to date, mostly in Chapter One; but you should also check out the history of the Circle of the Scarlet Moon, particularly CU p. 158.


The 5E version has the same information.

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