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How to explain healing effect?

Dr Divago

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hi all

i got a player who's asking me about an healing power

and it's totally ok for me


problem is we both fail at explaining healing effect with her powers' special effects:


she's mainly a teleporter; she molecularly deassemble things (objects and people) and reassemble in different locations

she's got also a secondary power: a cybernetic eye with X-ray, telescopic and microscopic vision, as well as a light cone from the eye (always liked it :) )


i got literally no idea how to explain/justify healing effects with those special effects... i checked also in UNTIL Superpowers Database but found no real suggestion :\


anyone got an idea?

ty for help :)

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Re: How to explain healing effect?


The healing is basically a teleport that doesn't move. When she does the teleport, she is reassembling them the way they are supposed to be, not the way they are currently. But, this also open the ability to do damage with a teleport - she can put them together the wrong way if she wishes. Could also do various modifications, either to health or appearance in this manner. Trying to figure out how do all of these could be an interesting way for the character's power to grow through time.

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Re: How to explain healing effect?


How about teleportation on cell niveau? Basically re-organising the wound area from "open wound" to "closed wound". Overall, that is very difficulty with that special effect. Coulnd't you use something different?

Perhaps injectible short time healing nanites that repair the damage? Or a healing serum? Super-patch 3000 Fast healing Patch? After all, this character is already using cyberntics, so a little bit more super science/super tech wouldn't hurt.

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Re: How to explain healing effect?


The healing is basically a teleport that doesn't move. When she does the teleport' date=' she is reassembling them the way they are supposed to be, not the way they are currently. But, this also open the ability to do damage with a teleport - she can put them together the wrong way if she wishes. Could also do various modifications, either to health or appearance in this manner.[/quote']

This would propably end somewhere at Transform, as the ultimate form of "controlled reorganisation of matter".

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Re: How to explain healing effect?


I can think of two ideas:

1. Like the Star Trek transporter buffer, she can reassemble people in a previous, intact 'pattern'.

2. She teleports a miniscule amount of things like blood, bone, and flesh from people around her and places it in the victim in such a way that it replaces whatever's injured; transfusion of blood, filling in a bone fracture, that sort of thing. Since so little is taken from any one source, the unwitting donors don't take any damage.

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Re: How to explain healing effect?


I can think of two ideas:

1. Like the Star Trek transporter buffer, she can reassemble people in a previous, intact 'pattern'.

2. She teleports a miniscule amount of things like blood, bone, and flesh from people around her and places it in the victim in such a way that it replaces whatever's injured; transfusion of blood, filling in a bone fracture, that sort of thing. Since so little is taken from any one source, the unwitting donors don't take any damage.

Since you brought up Star Trek: Replicators work by transforming raw Carbon into other Matter. Waste recycling works the other way (in space, absolute recycling is a nessesarity).

3. Taking raw materials form the surrounding (sand, a few atoms from rock, a few from people) transforming them into your target atom and then "implating" them as above.


In any chase, the minscule work of such a feat should only done subconciously or with technical support (like an chip in the brain, that does the calculations). With full, direct controll on that level your specific player might get more wierd ideas.

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Re: How to explain healing effect?


For me, I think that this is the ultimate chirurgery ability. The eye provides the ability to look at the inside of the person at a very detailed level. The teleportation should allow for some manipulation of the matter down to molecular level and move things close enough that natural processes can take care of the rest. I would have the healing take time and concentration and possibly a medical knowledge! :)




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Re: How to explain healing effect?


Go with the solution/SFX that was offered in Coils of the Serpent for the powers of Marcus Churchward- the teleportation works as a breaking down and rebuilding of the body at the molecular level, most likely to a "set" healthy template, so each teleportation therefore causes regeneration of the damaged body to this default template.

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Re: How to explain healing effect?


wow a lot of replies :)

i was thinking "nah, teleport and healing is a bad mixture, i'll tell her she can't" but then i read all this intersting ideas so i think i'd suggest her

if we both agree on something interesting, i'll let her do it :)

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Re: How to explain healing effect?


The special effects of her teleportation might matter' date=' too ... something like a matter-to-energy-then-lightspeed-transmit-yourself might not work for the suggestions I offered.[/quote']

Actually that is the exact way Star Trek Teleporters work:

Unbind the entire energy bound in the body, while saving the patern, then use the energy that was in the body to create a copy of the body on the target place.

And just as a note: We are talking about LOT'S of energy here. 1 KG Matter, if complete transformed into energy or when it has to be completely created out of energy, equals the energy output about 1.600 Hiroshima Bombs.

Luckily, having Matter/Antimatter Fusion drives gives them enough power to compensate for efficiency losses and store that energy.

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