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Adding/Gaining Equipment

Dr Divago

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Hi all

even if this question is strictly linked to my "PC becoming special agents" question, i think is better idea to put on a new topic

(even 'cause one of the player was reading the previous topic :) )


now, the problem/question is:

PC will now become special operative agent, and obviously gain access to special equipment. something simple like a simple kevlar vest, radio link or some little weapon (knife, pistols, etc)


they need to pay for it?


it's a superheroic campaign so they need to pay points for equipment

but they did not pay for motorcicle or cars (and neither for a beretta one of them got by his previous work...)


now, my idea is they don't need to pay for special equipment, fringe benefit and like they get from their job (same way they don't get extra points for disadvantages gained so far)


it's true they will get advantage of this; ie they could skip the idea to get mind link 'cause they get very fancy radio link at no cost, or just not spend points in resistent defense 'cause they get kevlar vest

plus, special operation soldiers (npc) they get as companion for special mission had to pay points for this equipment. But they are npc...

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Re: Adding/Gaining Equipment


Each of that should have real weapons. So it could be as usefull/useless as wealth bought equipment.


Since you already give out special rewards on a regular basis (instead of normal XP progression), that one would be similar. Just put it on the "Gain" side of the Special Agent template.



About Foci/Charges when you don't give that stuff free of charge: It is generally asumed that get's replenished once the adventure ends. If they are even easier to obtain (i.e. the can always drop in and stock up again) you might change that in not so easy to destroy foci (Inaccessible for Limitation purposes) or recoverable charges.

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