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Only while asleep


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Re: Only while asleep


If a power only works while the character is asleep or unconscious' date=' how much of a Limitation would that be?[/quote']


Do you think the answer would be the same for telekinesis as it is for precognition?

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Re: Only while asleep


Sleeping is basically 'Concentration' date=' must concentrate throughout, 0 DCV, Unaware of Surroundings', plus some extra hindrances on your mental defenses right? I'd look there for pricing guidelines.[/quote']

That's how I've done it.

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Re: Only while asleep


Does this include unconsciousness as a result of getting Knocked Out in battle?

I would think only when bought as Persistant. Otherwise you'd have to turn it on when going to sleep (or when I used it, going into her healing trance).

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Re: Only while asleep


Snore: 3d6 RKA' date=' Cone.[/quote']

Then you would slowly but steadily tunnel into the earth....


Sleeping is basically 'Concentration' date=' must concentrate throughout, 0 DCV, Unaware of Surroundings', plus some extra hindrances on your mental defenses right? I'd look there for pricing guidelines.[/quote']

Plus extra time since you can't just switch to off?


Of course it depends a lot on the power, how usefull it is while sleeping and how usefull it would be in combat. Does it work while K.O. or can he start sleep with a Attack Action "Induce sleep to self" (so he has some controll over it). Does the sleep still counts for regeneration? What if the power cost's end per phase? What SPD will the power be used at, if it has a relevance? Can he still use/controll this power while awake and it juts becomes always on while sleeping?

I wouldn't worry to much about duration, he is "using" this power while sleeping so the normal K.O. rules are directly inverted. But END costs may be a factor.

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Re: Only while asleep


I'd consider "only when asleep" to be somewhat more limited than "no conscious control" which is normally a (-2) limitation. It's not likely a character can control a power that only works when they're asleep, and unlike the usual "no conscious control" limitation, there's no chance of the power activating when he's awake, which is about 2/3rds of the time in most cases.


Maybe -2 1/2 or -3.

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Re: Only while asleep


I'd consider "only when asleep" to be somewhat more limited than "no conscious control" which is normally a (-2) limitation. It's not likely a character can control a power that only works when they're asleep, and unlike the usual "no conscious control" limitation, there's no chance of the power activating when he's awake, which is about 2/3rds of the time in most cases.


Maybe -2 1/2 or -3.

I still think that

Healthy Sleep: Regeneration (10 Body/Hour), always while asleep


Unebliveable Snoring: (AOE RKA 2d6), always while asleep

should get totally different modifiers.


Also, this was called "only while asleep or unconcious" in the OP, sugesting that there is some controll (as oposed to "always while asleep"), since you can dicide not to use it or have to dicide to use it before getting K.O.

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Re: Only while asleep


Just a reminder; when you are asleep or unconscious' date=' you cannot use personal END expending powers.[/quote']

Depending on the exact way the power works, the GM may make an exception. But that is something we can't decide unless we know what exaclty it is, we are talking about.

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Re: Only while asleep


Like... an astral projection duplicant? Or a real one?


Anyways, as a Triggered power I'd put it at the 'character doesn't control trigger' limitation on (to reduce the cost of the advantage) and the concentration stuff. Already persistent and whatnot anyways, so no need to worry about it.

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Re: Only while asleep


The power in question that prompted my OP is Duplication with a Trigger that goes off when the character is asleep. It is No Conscious Control and only works when the character is asleep.

Interesting Idea. But also gives so many more questions:

The most important: Does the character controll the Duplicate?

Is the duplicate awake?

How powerfull is the duplicate, in relation to the character?

What happens to the duplicate if he wakes up?

What if the duplicate is miles away?

What happens with the duplicate if the main form dies?

What happens if the character is knocked out/stunned in combat, does it activate?

How long does he need to start sleeping?


For the Limitation I would go for anything that fit's from Astral Form(6E1 204). For duplication this entire "only when asleep" and "involuntary" is a lot less worth than for most other powers (asuming he has controll over the duplicate).

The Reason: While asleep, you don't get actions. But with duplication you do get actions. So it's more like a Multiform with Limitations like "True Form lies around" and "Feedback with True Form" and Extra Time.

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Re: Only while asleep


It's not an astral projection of the character, but a separate entity (an NPC in this case) that his body acts as a sort of life support and vessel for. What happens is that the character goes to sleep and the entity is released to act on its own (which is why No Conscious Control as an additional Limitation as well as the Trigger not being in the character's control). The plan is that with experience the other entity would be able to be released more often and not require the character to sleep.


I think Marvel had something sort of similar, an entity from the world of dreams that came into the real world when the host was asleep.

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Re: Only while asleep


I still think that

Healthy Sleep: Regeneration (10 Body/Hour), always while asleep


Unebliveable Snoring: (AOE RKA 2d6), always while asleep

should get totally different modifiers.


Also, this was called "only while asleep or unconcious" in the OP, sugesting that there is some controll (as oposed to "always while asleep"), since you can dicide not to use it or have to dicide to use it before getting K.O.


The OP didn't specify "always" he said "only" which doesn't mean it always works. And where's the implication in his post that there is any control over the power? He didn't say anything of the kind. Nor did he say whether the power was persistent (like regen) or not. Not enough information.

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Re: Only while asleep



Better read what was written between my post you cited and your post. 99% of what I said was already relativated by the time you reacted and we did get the informations we needed.


It's not an astral projection of the character, but a separate entity (an NPC in this case) that his body acts as a sort of life support and vessel for. What happens is that the character goes to sleep and the entity is released to act on its own (which is why No Conscious Control as an additional Limitation as well as the Trigger not being in the character's control). The plan is that with experience the other entity would be able to be released more often and not require the character to sleep.


I think Marvel had something sort of similar, an entity from the world of dreams that came into the real world when the host was asleep.

Yes, when he is an NPC it sound like No Concious Controll.

But what about the controlled release that may come later? Is he under the controll of the player then, or does he act alone but can be persuaded to work with him? What about the damage the Duplicate takes, should it be taking over to the host on merging?


I ask because a certain set of answers might make a uncontrolled summoning more fitting for the effect.


Also, Astral Projection has nothing in it that says it can only be adopted for Astral Voyages. It's just one chase where the get's unconcious and the duplicate exists on a different realm of reality (hence the 100% difference duplicate).

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Re: Only while asleep


A bit more background. The character is part of a martial arts duo, but one of the pair died before the campaign began. The pair also has additional abilities related to having a psychic bond (like Mind Link). The Duplication has a 24 hour Time Limit and only occurs when the character is asleep. Other modifiers would be things like Ranged Recombination and that the duplicate does not average characteristics with the player character. It is a separate entity returned to life but remains tied to the player character.

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Re: Only while asleep


A bit more background. The character is part of a martial arts duo' date=' but one of the pair died before the campaign began. The pair also has additional abilities related to having a psychic bond (like Mind Link). The Duplication has a 24 hour Time Limit and only occurs when the character is asleep. Other modifiers would be things like Ranged Recombination and that the duplicate does not average characteristics with the player character. It is a separate entity returned to life but remains tied to the player character.[/quote']

The question I just have: What does the player, when his character is asleep and his friend(brothers?) ghost/shadow is walking around uncontrolled? Are they really that diffferent in their outlooks, that they would do things totally differently? Or just a little bit and in the end the player controlls both?

Then it wouldn't be uncontrolled at all, since the player get's to play two different characters (just that one of them is use- and defenseless while the other is around).


Summoning a specific being can be very helpfull here. It basically gives you an NPC that you could controll. In this chase the player doesn't get's a throw to controll and is relegated to the sidelines (not a good idea with most players, including me).

Alternatively he may get a throw and depending on the results he can sometimes influence his friend(subconciously) to act in a certain way (using the services).


So this is also a question about what the player does during the sleeping phases. And if the shadow brother even has relevance in the adventures.

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Re: Only while asleep


It's not an astral projection of the character, but a separate entity (an NPC in this case) that his body acts as a sort of life support and vessel for. What happens is that the character goes to sleep and the entity is released to act on its own (which is why No Conscious Control as an additional Limitation as well as the Trigger not being in the character's control). The plan is that with experience the other entity would be able to be released more often and not require the character to sleep.


I think Marvel had something sort of similar, an entity from the world of dreams that came into the real world when the host was asleep.


Yeah, he was called Sleepwalker. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleepwalker_%28comics%29

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Re: Only while asleep


Part of the reason I used Duplication is because of the SFX of the background. Character A (male) is the PC, and Character B (female) is an NPC. Character B dies pre-campaign but is the "soul mate" to Character A. The martial arts theme is that he is a Dragon and she is a Phoenix. The Phoenix rises each night renewed, wearing her superhero costume, having conquered death for another 24 hours. She has her own life and secret identity, having been a real person pre-campaign. She doesn't remember how she died due to partial amnesia, and she doesn't understand why she keeps appearing around this strange man she doesn't know.

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Re: Only while asleep


The question I have: what does the player, when his character sleeps? Has he some controll over her, or is he relegated to the sidelines? Can he somehow comunicate with her (writing notes) and is he aware of her. Or will she only pop up when the player isn't playing this character?


If they never interact and their lives don't influence each others directly: is that even a power right now? Or even a disadvantage?

As you describe it they won't have any influence/collision with the others life or deeds for now, so this is just a special effect of the womens life. Even if she undoes some of his work while active, this is just a very wierd form of hunted.

Once he get's the ability to call her: buy it as an summon or follower with limitations.

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