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Duplication, Multiform and Time Limit



If a character has Duplication or Multiform built with Time Limit, what happens when their time limit expires? For Multiform, I imagine they simply revert to their base form. With Duplication, does the duplicate simply vanish or does it recombine?

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Re: Duplication, Multiform and Time Limit


If a character has Time Limit on Duplication, Multiform, or Shape Shift, when the defined time period ends the power stops working. Typically this means that all Duplicates instantly recombine with the character, or that he reverts to his true shape, but there are two caveats to keep in mind. The first is special effects; for some types of Duplication it might make more sense for the Duplicates to simply “drop dead,” for example. Second, this effect cannot be used to benefit the character in any significant way, such as providing him with the Ranged Recombination (+½) Advantage for free; it’s up to the GM to adjudicate the situation as seems best for his campaign.

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