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Mega Scale and Constant Powers



Hi, I have a question about Constant Powers that have an Area or Range that is Mega Scaled. Under the rules for Mega Scale, it states that when you use a Power that has the Mega Scale Advantage (Area or Range), the Power requires a Full Phase Action and the character is at 1/2 DCV.


Does this apply every phase the Power is active? For example, if I have a character with Clairsentience and the Range is Mega Scaled, do I need to use a Full Phase Action to maintain it every phase the Power is active and am I at 1/2 DCV every phase until I turn the power off?


Or, do I just use a Full Phase the phase I turn it on and then maintain it like any other Constant power (just pay Endurance but no further Actions) and only suffer the 1/2 DCV until my next phase? Thank you.

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Re: Mega Scale and Constant Powers


That's a good question -- I'm glad you asked it before I write APG2. ;)


Unless the GM rules otherwise, if a character has a Constant or Persistent power that’s MegaScaled in some way, using it requires a Full Phase Action to maintain every Phase that it’s in use, and the character remains at ½ DCV as long as the power’s in use.

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