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The Birthday Suit Boogaloo?


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Re: The Birthday Suit Boogaloo?


If it goes without saying then why use a fictional character who's culture is so drastically different than a "modern-era human" as an example?
I didn't "use" anything; you did. You raised the example of cultures who fight naked.


I think it goes without saying that this discussion does not apply to them, (any more than, say, a discussion of PRE attacks based on neg COM makes sense in a race where everyone has a neg COM). The current discussion only makes sense in the context of nudity normally being rare; the question being limited to: is it strange enough (to have an effect on combat).

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Re: The Birthday Suit Boogaloo?


I didn't "use" anything; you did. You raised the example of cultures who fight naked.


I think it goes without saying that this discussion does not apply to them, (any more than, say, a discussion of PRE attacks based on neg COM makes sense in a race where everyone has a neg COM). The current discussion only makes sense in the context of nudity normally being rare; the question being limited to: is it strange enough (to have an effect on combat).


The person I was responding to used a fictional character as an example. That's what my post was about. I never said you did. Note that I said "why use a fictional character?". Did you use a fictional character as an example? No?


The comment on cultures that fight naked was a side note to reference that "modern-era humans", as he put it, dont' share a common culture/set of taboos/et cetera.

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Re: The Birthday Suit Boogaloo?


The person I was responding to used a fictional character as an example. That's what my post was about. I never said you did.

That's even weirder then because you pseudo-quoted my post ... "If it goes without saying", which I find ironic, considering this post. :D

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Re: The Birthday Suit Boogaloo?


There's a scene from the second Gunslinger book by King where the gunslinger is impressed by the junky for fighting naked. If it impresses the Gunslinger' date=' it must be exceptional. [/quote']


I asked if you thought it was out of character for a modern person, not a fairy tale cowboy from a post-apocalyptic fantasy land.


EDIT: Also, if a Stephen King character defines your standard of a "modern-era human" (for whatever that means considering the fact that there are still several cultures that fight naked or near nude) then I'm not sure our discussion will get anywhere.


For reals? Really? For really real?


...well... the short answer is why not talk about the Gunslinger? but rather than loose initiative...


How about this:[proof of sanity]


1) Steven King himself was a modern person who wrote for a modern audience.


2) Yes, his subject matter was fantastic. However, all fiction is technically a work of fantasy, so that alone is not enough to discount it (I hope!).


3) Furthermore, King was forced by necessity to produce his works in a medium that was both intelligible and meaningful for this readers. As it is inconceivable that King was somehow thinking & creating books in a realm beyond what is humanly relevant, so it is that his works are (at least superficially) themselves conceivable works relevant to humans.


4) Last, though King's books cover magical territory, still they are largely grounded in realism.


But the above points are all common knowledge. There is not much to stop you from skeptically tossing off anything he wrote as mad alien gibberish... and not merely having the right to do so... but being right to do so.


To the point: [proof of relevance]


5) Not only does the Gunslinger wear clothes...


6) not only are these clothes modern (jacket, hat, boots, pants...) if old fashioned (so are the 1980's)...


7) not only is the Gunslinger familiar with prudery & social mores that are, as far as I can tell, exactly like that found in the streets where I live...


8) but the Gunslinger's mind is represented as being a fundamentally human mind by Steven King. His is a mind prone to the tropes of human nature. His human nature is an aspect that characterizes most of the series. It is largely his human nature that drives the main story.


I myself do not believe in the existence of an essentialistic human nature, still it serves me well heuristically when describing the humorous & tragic tendencies of both existent people & fictional so called human beings.


In closing: [proof of logic]


9) I thought the topic of discussion was (for the most part) the psychology of naked fighting.


10) I provided a valid example.


If you doubt its validity or think it is unsound on some level, you should argue against it on points which actually address it (or undress it :P), the example given:


not Steven King himself;


not the genre of horror-western-SF itself;


and certainly not me.


I think it could have gone without saying that this must be considered to be culturally-contextually dependent. If everyone's naked then obviously there's nothing to write home about.


If it goes without saying then why use a fictional character who's culture is so drastically different than a "modern-era human" as an example?


Why not? What exactly "is out of context" for you. Being in context is important to me. For that matter... I think you are out of context when you said "...then I'm not sure our discussion will get anywhere."


Still... and I mean this... yo ho, bro! I totally see what you are talking about. The Gunslinger is walking death. His hands burn when he fires his gun. I don't think I've ever seen a movie where someone reloaded a gun as fast, and for as long, as he does. Not even in a cartoon.


I wonder what he would think of The Punisher. =D


At the same time, IMHO, Conan would mess him up. It would be the end of the story for The Gunslinger.



~ Mister E ("... thinks Conan, naked, would put down Dr. Manhattan...")

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Re: The Birthday Suit Boogaloo?


Depends on the particular grapples. It would help against the aforementioned judo throws that depend on grabbing clothing' date=' but on the flip side, getting grabbed by the danglies might be a lot tougher to shrug out of.[/quote']


In most cases, there would be a penalty to target them, as they are typically smaller than an arm or leg.

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Re: The Birthday Suit Boogaloo?


Try the rules for "called shots". Might be in the Hit Location section. Called shots can be made (with GM permission) even in games not using Hit Locations for general damage. A grab is generally considered to disable 2 limbs with legs arms and head being considered "limbs".

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Re: The Birthday Suit Boogaloo?


Try the rules for "called shots". Might be in the Hit Location section. Called shots can be made (with GM permission) even in games not using Hit Locations for general damage. A grab is generally considered to disable 2 limbs with legs arms and head being considered "limbs".


If you can buy off the penalties to hit, you'll then have quite the unique grappler...

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Re: The Birthday Suit Boogaloo?


OK. So, to sum up the effects of being au naturel:


Possible temporary PRE bonus to surprise.

Potential psychological hesitation that may manifest as attack/defense penalties in combat.

Makes being grappled a little more difficult.

Penalizes attacks by beings with ideas of modesty in regards to clothing.

Makes catching illness easier.


Is that about it?

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Re: The Birthday Suit Boogaloo?


I'm not disagreeing. There is a certain amount of common ignorance about this.


To my recollection... it is true that cold viruses (outside the body) survive longer on cold/cool surfaces.


Also... (and maybe this is where I am wrong, or over-stating the risks, but...) just like being sleep-deprived or malnourished... it seems reasonable to me to assume that being cold can be taxing on the immune system.


More to the point... as nudity exposes the body... so to does it expose the immune system.


So I would say there are risk factors associated with the cold itself, and with exposure to the cold, that contribute to actually getting colds.

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