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The Birthday Suit Boogaloo?


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Is there any mention in HERO 5th Edition or HERO 6th Edition as to whether or not fighting naked has any mental, or physical, detrimental or even beneficial game-mechanical effect to the being choosing to do so?


Note that this assumes they wear clothing on a regular basis and/or are in a society that does so.

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Re: The Birthday Suit Boogaloo?


In 5th edition there are rules, rolls, & penalties for "self-consciousness" that go w/ suddenly having a negative comeliness. IMHO, they ought to work for fighting naked too.


[edit]: Power Girl's magic cleavage window makes her immune to self-consciousness attacks.


[double-edit]: Dr. Manhattan (a min-max'er) doesn't start off with this immunity (as he couldn't initially rationalize it to his GM [a doctor of women's studies]), but later simply sells off all of his permanent COM deep into the negatives... to be *horrific* rather than *awesome*.

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Re: The Birthday Suit Boogaloo?


As I don't imagine this coming up much, I think it would be the GM's call, kind of like how many extra dice a player gets on a PRE attack for a "good" soliloquy. Penalties for embarrassment would probably depend on the psycholocial make-up of both the naked character and the viewers. I wouldn't think they would be terribly significant in any event unless the naked person is fighting a caustic slime monster or something.


I think this would also depend a lot on the tone of the game. I mostly I see it being played for laughs, but if this is something like a prison-breakout/torture scene the impact would be different.

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Re: The Birthday Suit Boogaloo?


Guess it depends on if you are shooting for realism or heroic realism. With realism the brunt of Americans have a nudity taboo that probably gives them a -1 Overall Level when nekkid or some such. Consider it an Everyman Complication. With heroic realism there's always something that interposes between the viewer's vantage and the protagonist's naughty bits so dignity is preserved, or they are a Combat Wombat and wombats don't care if they have no underpants.

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Re: The Birthday Suit Boogaloo?


Hmmm...who would be more affected by Wonder Woman attacking naked, WW or her opponent?


Anyone remember the old comic that questioned "How come female supervillains wear such skimpy and revealing costumes?" The answer was



'Cause guys can't shoot straight when they're having erections!


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Re: The Birthday Suit Boogaloo?


I seem to recall at one point a friend built a power based on an advantage in GURPS called Naked armor. Basically it was bonus OCV and DCV that was triggered once you took enough damage that the majority of your clothing was destroyed. Not necessarily NAKED but major chucks of your outfit have been destroyed.


Wolverine in the X-men would totally have such an advantage. His suit gets shredded and THEN it's like he realizes he has to take his opponent seriously, and doubles his efforts and kicks butt. Spiderman seems to have to be knocked up against the ropes in battle too before he turns it around.


That is the only thing that comes to mind though. Maybe like others have said you might get a surprise action or something if your character jumped out naked and attacked someone not expecting it.

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Re: The Birthday Suit Boogaloo?


In any way, Distinctive Style.

I actually was in a similar situation once (unexpectedly seeing a naked, atractive women) and it took me a while to realize what had hapened. And I am not an american so I don't have that much problems with other peoples nakedness.


As the other say, "most americans" have a taboo so they are more suceptible to being suprised/affected. Someone somewhere noticed there was some PRE-Bonus defined as Strunning Outfit and Opales "American Dream" has a +15 PRE for her outfit/body combination. Of course there will be non-gay man who have mastered ther sexuality(high EGO) so they can just rise an eyebrow and say "nice try" (like Mr. Spock would do. So maybe an EGO countered PRE attack?).


But overall I would say it gives you less than sexy clothing in the long run. Simply because erotic isn't about being completely naked, but rather pointing at being almost naked, thus starting the thought process of how you would undre...and you are hit in the face again.

Of course you man not need a long time to get what you aim for:



And honstely I think our problems with nakedness is a common, social based complication. While I do agree that you need clothes in winter, why do we need them in our own 4 walls in the summer? And children don't have that problem automatically, they learn it from their parents. Also a lot of tribal cultures have no prolem with naked breasts, the way we do.

I think at some point, some parents wanted their children to wear clothes to protect them from the weather and since you can't reason with a child, they just "invented" shyness towards being naked.

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Re: The Birthday Suit Boogaloo?


Could there be a psychological disadvantage to the threadbare warrior battling someone heavily armored?


Not really, unless you're going for very harsh realism. Typically, the unarmored warrior is faster than the armored one, and hard to hit, whereas the armored warrior is easily struck but doesn't feel it much. Classic Martial Artist vs Brick confrontation.


On an unrelated note, I would be kind of annoyed at a GM who made my character suffer a penalty just because body parts are being flopped around. :P

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Re: The Birthday Suit Boogaloo?


Not really' date=' unless you're going for very harsh realism. Typically, the unarmored warrior is faster than the armored one, and hard to hit, whereas the armored warrior is easily struck but doesn't feel it much. Classic Martial Artist vs Brick confrontation.[/quote']


Hum. What I had in mind was closer to a barbarian in the buff versus a heavily armored knight, or bereft commando against another special ops guy in full assault armor.


On an unrelated note' date=' I would be kind of annoyed at a GM who made my character suffer a penalty just because body parts are being flopped around. :P[/quote']


Well, if the species of your character has morphology substantially different than humans, I can see them potentially getting tripped up in combat.

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Re: The Birthday Suit Boogaloo?


Fairly simple to handle under 5th Edition rules (which I still use):


Bulletproof Nudity: Armor (12 PD/12 ED), Hardened (+¼), (45 Active Points); Only While Nude/Semi-Nude (-¼), Requires A Comeliness Roll (-¼*). Cost: 30 points.



* Assumes a COM score of 30 with a 15 or less roll.

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Re: The Birthday Suit Boogaloo?


While I don't have the 6E Champions genre book, the 5E version had an Example Power called "Distracting Costume" which is particularly flattering and revealing: +20 PRE, OIF, Only To Make Seductive/Friendly Presence Attacks Solely For Purposes Of Causing Target To Delay His Actions In Combat (-1), Only Versus Targets Of Appropriate Gender And Sexual Orientation (-1), Only Works Once Per Target Per Scene (-1/2). One could apply this as a default result of the condition under discussion, without actually having to buy it.

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Re: The Birthday Suit Boogaloo?


Bulletproof Nudity: Armor (12 PD/12 ED)' date=' Hardened (+¼), (45 Active Points); Only While Nude/Semi-Nude (-¼), Requires A Comeliness Roll (-¼*). Cost: 30 points.

One problem here: When a COM roll would not be allowed (wrong target interest), it doesn't help at all.


Distracting Costume, I know I have heard of it somewhere. That an interesting use of sexy PRE-Attack in Battle. But i don't know if it is that helpfull with the only once per scene

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Re: The Birthday Suit Boogaloo?


Hum. What I had in mind was closer to a barbarian in the buff versus a heavily armored knight' date=' or bereft commando against another special ops guy in full assault armor.[/quote']


Then I think you are thinking about the DCV/Skill Roll penalty that some Real Armors impose on characters. No book readily available, so someone help me out.

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Re: The Birthday Suit Boogaloo?


Could there be a psychological disadvantage to the threadbare warrior battling someone heavily armored?

You mean, he can't really hit him or the other is way better protected? (counting in availible attacks) The enemy gets bonus for a Presence attack for being at an advantage.

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Re: The Birthday Suit Boogaloo?


In the Tuala Morn setting book for HERO fantasy, the Spearman (based on the legendary heroes of Celtic, particularly Irish, legend) are the most skilled and respected fighting men in the setting. They never wear armor, but are the only character "class" in Tuala Morn allowed to purchase Combat Luck.

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Re: The Birthday Suit Boogaloo?


In the Tuala Morn setting book for HERO fantasy' date=' the Spearman (based on the legendary heroes of Celtic, particularly Irish, legend) are the most skilled and respected fighting men in the setting. They never wear armor, but are the only character "class" in Tuala Morn allowed to purchase Combat Luck.[/quote']


I seem to remember posting on a thread for Naked invulnrability a while back....I think I had levels of Combat luck based on how much skin is showing....so "Shirtless Kirk" Is tougher than fully dressed Kirk.....

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