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Time Limit and Linked



If a power is Linked to a power with Time Limit, can the Linked power also take Time Limit on itself? If it can, then is the Linked power able to take a Time Limit of shorter duration than the main power or must it take a Time Limit of the same duration?

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Re: Time Limit and Linked


Characters may take Time Limit on either the greater or lesser power in a Linked power, subject to the following rules:


1. Standard rules pertaining to the duration of the powers in a Linked power, discussed at various points on 6E1 383-85, still apply. Time Limit cannot be used to avoid or bypass those rules (unless, of course, the GM chooses to permit this anyway).


2. Ideally both the greater and lesser powers should have Time Limit, and it should be for the same period of time, but this is not required. A character could, for example, have a greater power with a long Time Limit and a lesser power with a short one, or a greater power that functions normally and a lesser power with Time Limit.


If the greater power is subject to a Time Limit and the lesser power is not, the lesser power automatically stops functioning (or becomes unable to be used) when the specified time period ends. If the greater power is not subject to Time Limit and the lesser power is, the lesser power automatically stops functioning (or becomes unable to be used) when the character stops using the greater power.

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