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Falling: magical armors and normal armors

Dr Divago



yesterday some PC felt down from a tower.

one of them got a magical armor (like the one in FHG 231) made defined like a force field


question is: this magical armors protects from falling damage?

i'm pretty sure it says normal armor does'nt (but not really sure :) ) and i wonder why magical armor would protect it (it's a normal armor just with 0 weight, 0 encumbrance and cost END :) )

btw yesterday i said "ok today magical armor protect (just to keep the game running), and tomorrow i'll search the rulebook and let you know the rule"


i read thorough 6ed and 5er rulebook about falling damage (rules are the same, just 6ed got "20m" and 5er got "10 inches'' :) )


so... does armor protect from falling damage? and magical armor?


ty for answer

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1 answer to this question

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Re: Falling: magical armors and normal armors


That’s up to the GM. Some GMs prefer to stress “realism” to some extent in their campaigns, and those GMs often rule that armor provides little or no protection against falling damage. In fact, the Real Armor (-¼) rules on 6E2 210 notes that this may be the case for armors built with that Limitation. Other GMs find it easier just to let armor protect against every type of Physical or Energy damage.


The situation becomes more complicated in campaigns featuring magical armor, which often isn’t built with Real Armor (-¼) and may have other protective abilities (like Damage Negation or Damage Reduction). Here the GM’s judgment is even more important, since the GM defines how magic (and thus enchanted items) function in his campaign.

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